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The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings
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The current rasearch which is entitled " The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings – A Comparative Analytic study-" deals with the nature of change concept, its mechanisms and its constructive disciplines. The research has four chapters: The first chapter deals with the methodological Framework represented by the problem of the research which is concerned with the stylistic change and its role in activating formative disciplines.                                   The research aims at, finding out the stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian Paintings.                                                                                                            

 The limits of the research is restricted by analyzing pictorial models for both of painters between ( 1906- 1943). The second chapter which is represented by Theoretical Framework, has involved Three sections: The first section deals with the meaning of style, While the second section deals with the Abstract Expressionism trend and its Philosophy . The third section concerns with the study of Geometrical Abstract. The Third chapter deals with the research's procedures . It includes The research PoPulation and its sample which has(4) models. It also contains the tool of the research and the sample's analysis.           The Fourth chapter includes the research's conclusion. The researcher has drawn several conclusion as an answer to the aim of the current research as:-                                                       

 1-The repetition which gives a feeling of existence which is expressed by time movement, has an intertextuality with coloured and formative abstinence that effected on roles' exchange and the osmosis of sectors in location and time, towards the noblest aim represented by "Potential Beauty" not only in subjects, but also in essence as in figures (2, 4).                                                                           

2- Calligraphy is considered as a type of music in Kandinsky& Mondrian Painting s . It is  a semiotic Language out of visual language that can be understood in a comprehensive conceptual shape. in figures (2, 4).

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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The Stylistic Development in the Crafts of the Sculptor Mohammed Ghani Hikmat
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The present study aims at examining the stylistic development in the crafts of the sculptor Mohammed Ghani Hikmat. It gives answers to the following two questions: what is the nature of the stylistic development? And what are these principles and techniques led him to this development? The researcher has used the descriptive, analytic approach in examining the selected five samples out of the sculptor’s displayed crafts. The observational technique is used as a tool of examination. Among the main findings are: integrating space in the cubic crafts, represented by the existence of holes within this general construction of that space; the evident influence of critical contemporary orientations through the direct insertion of recipients i

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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Intellectual contents in realistic plastic artworks, paintings by Iranian artist Ayman Al-Maliki (An analytical study)
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The study tagged ( the intellectual implications of the realistic Fine works of art) is a scientific effort to detect modest intellectual and artistic dimensions of the artwork realistic plastic , through some selected artistic productions of the painted work of art of the Iranian artist Ayman al - Maliki , with the result that the researcher collects materials to serve the scientific research topic which comes in three chapters.
First chapter included the general framework of the research (the promise of the research problem and its significance, objectives and limits and some of the terms contained therein).
Second chapter of this research was specified to the theoretical framework which included some of the topics that are dire

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparative study of stylistic kriging and Co - kriging Multivariate on the barley crop in Iraq
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  This paper deals  the prediction of the process of  random spatial data of two properties, the first is called  Primary variables  and the second is called secondary  variables ,   the method  that were used in the  prediction process for this type  of data is technique Co-kriging  , the method is usually used when the number of primary variables  meant to predict for one of its elements is measured in a particular location a few (because of the cost or difficulty of obtaining them) compare with secondary variable which is the number of elements  are available and  highly correlated with primary variables, as was the&nbs

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Abstract Expressionist features in drawings by Eric Bartot and Serwan Baran " A Comparative Study": علي ابراهيم مردان
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  Amidst the changes resulting from the subject matter of expression in art. The necessity of searching for the expressive features of thought that leaves different imprints with aesthetic features and values which called for re-modifying the expressive vision of contemporary drawings. Therefore, this research has been concerned with the study of (abstract expressive features in the drawings of (Serwan Baran) and (Eric Barto) - a comparative study), and the research includes four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to explaining the research problem, its importance, need, purpose, and limits, then determining the most important terms mentioned in it. Where the research problem dealt with the subject of abstract expressive feature

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Political Discourse in the Drawings of Faisal Laibi (Analytical Study): حيدر غضبان عبيد عليوي - سلام ادور يعقوب اللوس
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The research aimed to study the political discourse in the drawings of Faisal Laibi, where it shed light on the discourse in the plastic field - concepts and applications, as well as the representations of discourse in the modern and contemporary plastic field, and to study the experience of Faisal Laibi and the uniqueness of his style in artistic performance. The site has collected more than (210 works) whose sources varied between the artist's website himself on the social network, the Internet, and the published paper publications. The researcher conducted an analysis of some of the drawings to achieve the research objectives. Among the most important results he reached:
1. The political discourse of Faisal Laibi is to direct these

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Study of Feminist Stylistic Analysis of Language Issues of Gender Representation in Selected Literary text
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Stylistics is the analysis of the language of literary texts integrated within  various approaches to create a framework of different devices that describe and distinct a particular work. Therefore, feminist stylistics relied on theories of feminist criticism tries to present a counter- image of a woman both in language use and society, to draw attention , raise awareness and change ways that gender represents. Feminist stylistic analysis is related not only to describe sexism in a text, but also to analyze the way that point of view, agency, metaphor, and transitivity choices are  unanticipatedly and carefully connected to issues of gender(Mills,1995:1)            &nb

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bayiyatan Abi Firas Al-Hamadaniy's on the horns of ad dilemma of prison and longing a stylistic analytical study
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The current study aims to study one Firas Al- Himdani's  Romeyat poems (320 – 357 AH), he was one of sham poets in the era of the Abbasid as to know the glories of the knight and Arabic poet, whose message led to preserve the honor of the nation and Islam prestige , along with exposing the better one . His message includes Arabic merits and high values in respect of chivalry , encouragement , sacrifice , forgiveness and tolerance in addition to morality and patience .

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
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Realism in the painting of Iraqi Kurdistan artists "A Study in methods of expression"
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The tagged research (realism in the Paintings of Iraqi Kurdistan artists, “a study of expression methods”) dealt with realism in an objective way, as well as the complexity of its concepts through its formations and formations. On realism and its historical dimension in concept and meaning, as for the second chapter, the research was focused on the methods of expression in painting, while the third chapter was concerned with the procedural applications of realistic methods of expression in the drawings of Iraqi Kurdistan, and according to these axes and to achieve the goal of the research, a number of Among the results are:
1- Realism documented the life of the Kurdish society in line with the developments of the era, as the sty

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparative Development between the Asian Tiger Crisis and the Mortgage Crisis
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Financial crisis is one of the topics that have attracted the interest of researchers in recently. The research focused on the issue of the crisis of the Asian Tigers and the mortgage crisis and comparing them in terms of causes and repercussions. It may meet most of the financial crises in many of its causes, factors, roots and results in the advanced and the developing countries. This crisis has its own pattern and its causes and nature and it is characterized by a crisis of cash liquidity and the collapse of many banks and declare bankruptcy and a sharp decline in stock prices and indices of the stock market and so far the common denominators among the causes but does not mean this There are differences between the financial c

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
عمارة عمارة المشهد الحسيني المقدس في ضوء رسومات المطراقي زادة (941ه/1534م) " دراسة تحليلية "
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   The drawings of The travelers artist is important historical document and sources for  important information about The most of The city and building and different Islamic art which idling  because of different causes like wars and destruction or natural causes and disasters like eruptions and earthquakes and floods  which we cannot make a clear form about the buildings  mapping in later period .

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