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The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings
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The current rasearch which is entitled " The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings – A Comparative Analytic study-" deals with the nature of change concept, its mechanisms and its constructive disciplines. The research has four chapters: The first chapter deals with the methodological Framework represented by the problem of the research which is concerned with the stylistic change and its role in activating formative disciplines.                                   The research aims at, finding out the stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian Paintings.                                                                                                            

 The limits of the research is restricted by analyzing pictorial models for both of painters between ( 1906- 1943). The second chapter which is represented by Theoretical Framework, has involved Three sections: The first section deals with the meaning of style, While the second section deals with the Abstract Expressionism trend and its Philosophy . The third section concerns with the study of Geometrical Abstract. The Third chapter deals with the research's procedures . It includes The research PoPulation and its sample which has(4) models. It also contains the tool of the research and the sample's analysis.           The Fourth chapter includes the research's conclusion. The researcher has drawn several conclusion as an answer to the aim of the current research as:-                                                       

 1-The repetition which gives a feeling of existence which is expressed by time movement, has an intertextuality with coloured and formative abstinence that effected on roles' exchange and the osmosis of sectors in location and time, towards the noblest aim represented by "Potential Beauty" not only in subjects, but also in essence as in figures (2, 4).                                                                           

2- Calligraphy is considered as a type of music in Kandinsky& Mondrian Painting s . It is  a semiotic Language out of visual language that can be understood in a comprehensive conceptual shape. in figures (2, 4).

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The concept of eliminating and relating in the Paintings of the artist Mahdi Mutashar: جواد عبدالكاظم فرحان الزيدي
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This research main goal is to identify the concept of relating and eliminating in visual arts and how does work as a philosophic and aesthetic concept of great importance in visual arts, specially in abstract field, for it is related to ornament (geometrical or botanical) for its rising is a sign for the operations of adding and deleting, and studying art products with such trend in their configuration and the boundaries of utilizing this concept. Then taking the art works of the artist Mahdi Mutashar as a research sample for procedural analysis. And outputs that tend in this direction in it's formal being and know the limits of the concept of work -related dialectically interconnected. And then deal procedurally with the works of Iraqi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Pragma-Stylistic Study of Misdirection in Selected Detective Novels
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The analysis of detective novels has taken different aspects. The linguistic analysis of them, for example, has tackled the linguistic systems of morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. In line with the linguistic analysis, this study explores the various pragmatic and stylistic devices realized through detective novels for the purpose of misdirecting and deceiving the reader. The problem is that when readers try to reach to the truth, they face difficulties. They might not reach to the right solution or infer wrong conclusions because writers use some techniques to hide the truth and mislead them. This study aims at examining these techniques and devices; namely, Grice's Maxims and ambiguity as pragmatic devices on the

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Manifestation, implicitness, and the interaction of Quranic discourse systems - a stylistic study
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Stylistics represents a modern approach in understanding the literary text through the linguistic patterns that form it. The distinctive phenomena that the text includes constitute special features in it. As well as exploring its aesthetic aspects through description and analysis at the same time. The close link between stylistics and linguistics made stylistics occupy a prominent place in modern literary criticism.
In this regard, we do not want to dwell on the different directions of stylistics. Rather, we will prolong the discussion in the study of the style as a (deviation. Aversion) from the original. Because this trend plays on the chord of the paradox between the surface structure and the deep structure, especially when the sur

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Institutional Structures and the Transformation of the Private Sector in Iraq
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            Requires economic work finding built institutional paint strategies and policies are formulated general economic and clarity in its stated objectives and the involvement of all economic institutions, political and stakeholders to discuss all the issues of economic, financial, monetary and analyzed for the purpose of renewal energies and determine the duties and responsibilities, leaving full freedom to the private sector in the formation of institutions to carry out his duties economic, and that the institutional structures to create the right climate for the implementation of its economic policies, which would facilitate the task of the private sector, and this h

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Investigating The Ideology of Bullying in Hunt’s Fish in a Tree: A Critical Stylistic Approach
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         Language always conveys ideologies that represent an essential aspect of the world we live in. The beliefs and opinions of an individual or community can be organized, interacted with, and negotiated via the use of language. Recent researches have paid attention to bullying as a social issue. They have focused on the psychological aspect of bullying rather than the linguistic one. To bridge this gap, the current study is intended to investigate the ideology of bullying from a critical stylistic perspective. The researchers adopt Jeffries' (2010) critical stylistics model to analyze the data which is five extracts taken from Hunt’s Fish in a Tree (2015). The analysis demonstrates

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of Battered Woman in Selected Iraqi Caricatures
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The present paper is a qualitative descriptive study. It aims to examine the macro-cultural schemata addressing the concept of violence against women in Iraq from a cognitive linguistic point of view. To meet this objective, a number of Iraqi social caricatures have been selected from two popular and active Iraqi caricaturists, Odeh Al-Fahdawi and Nasser Ibrahim. The selection and the analysis of data have been achieved following the validity and reliability procedures and the ethical considerations. To meet this objective, Sharifian’s Model (2011) of Cultural Schemata has been adopted in data analysis. The study has concluded that the macro-cultural schemata regarding the concept of violence in the selected panels reveals that violenc

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa Legal And Political Science
The legal system of mandatory mediation as a mean of setting disputes Comparative analytical study
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The mediation system is based on settling the dispute amicably through the intervention of a third party by bringing views closer away from the judiciary, which is an amicable way to settle disputes, which disputants resort to voluntarily, but some Western legislation has begun to impose resorting to mediation to settle disputes compulsorily, to take advantage of its advantages, get rid of the disadvantages of resorting to the judiciary in some disputes, and relieve pressure on the courts.

Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Manifestations of femininity in Mahmoud Fahmy's drawings
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This tagged research deals with the manifestations of femininity in Mahmoud Fahmy's drawings by studying and monitoring the presence and how women were represented in the drawings of the artist Mahmoud Fahmy. Through the drawings of the expatriate Iraqi artist, Mahmoud Fahmy, in highlighting the manifestations of beauty for women, which constitute a formal characteristic that appears through the body, and Fahmy depicts it in an atmosphere of realism at times and magical realism at other times, as the research consists of four chapters. Through the following question: Did femininity appear in the drawings of the artist Mahmoud Fahmy? The importance of the research is that it sheds light on the manifestations of femininity in the drawings

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Stylistic Study of English Aphorisms of “Life and Death”
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In this paper , some of lexical stylistic , syntactical stylistic  devices , and one phonetic stylistic device are going to be illustrated in the study of the aphorisms of “life and death” . These stylistic  devices are parallelism , hyperbole , alliteration , meiosis , irony , oxymoron , cliché , litotes , metalepsis , and loose sentences.  This paper aims at identifying the functions and the  frequencies of these devices. These stylistic devices make one speech and writing more interesting and help to get the attention of readers/ listeners

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article International attitudes to change in the Arab countries in the positions of analytical Read (United States, European Union, Russia)
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المواقف افي الدول العربية قراءة تحليلية في مواقف لدولية من التغيير (الولايات المتحدة - الاتحاد الاوروبي - روسيا)

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