في تعزيز بيئة الانتاج الرشيق استخدام اسلوب S -5
GIS is characterized by great potentialeties to deal with huge geographical data and conclude what is necessary for it. It was very useful to get use of the potentialities of this system of GIS in the field of archaeology and to harvest very accurate results in a relatively short time, compared to the old archaeological methods.
ملخـــص البحــــث
سورة النحل من سور القرآن الكريم المكية , تحدثت سورة النحل كشأن السور المكية باستفاضة عن مسائل الشريعة وأصولها , التي تنظم الشؤون الداخلية والخارجية للمسلمين , وهي تُعنى بجانب العقيدة والأخلاق والحياة الاجتماعية لتهذيب النفس الانسانية .
تضمنت السورة عدداً من الموضوعات منها العدل والاحسان , والوفاء بالعهد , وابطال الفحشاء والبغي والتوحيد ونقص العهود , وما على ذلك من
... Show Moreجهود العلماء في تحديد معنى الإقرار
وحقيقته في الفقه الإسلامي
يهدف البحث الى:تغطية الافاق الهندسية لمتغيرات الاضاءة في المؤسسات العامة والخاصة والمتمثلة بـ (التباين ونسبة الاضاءة والسطوع ووقت الرؤية ودرجة الانعكاس) وتأثيرها في عملية الادراك البصري المقترن براحة الرؤية للمستخدمين
ملخـــص البحــــث
طبيعة البحث تهدف الى بيان دقة اختيار السياق القرآني لألفاظه فكل لفظة لايمكن ان يسد مسدها لفظ آخر وان كان مرادف له في الدلالة الا ان هناك من الفروق الدلالية الدقيقة بين تلك الألفاظ حتمّت على النص اختيار الفاظ دون سواها وكيف ان للسياق الدور الاكبر في هذا الاختيار
معنى وشروط الحركة والاتجاه في تصاميم الاقمشة المطبوعة في العراق
Seventeen core samples were taken from Luhais and Tuba oil wells according to the presence of oil bearing formations. These wells were located in the province of Basra/southern Iraq. The formation that the samples are collected from Zubair and Mishrif formations. The core samples were taken from the wells at different depths. In the current study the ultrasonic technique was conducted to measure (Vp and Vs) as well as to determine some petrophysical properties for core samples and some elastic moduli such as (Young's modulus, Bulk modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and Lame's constant) depending on the values of Vp and Vs as well as density. The relationships between seismic wave velocities with elastic moduli and petrophysical prop
... Show MoreThe present research included synthesis of silver nanoparticle from(1*10-3,1*10-4 and1*10-5) M aqueous AgNO3 solution through the extract of M.parviflora reducing agent. In the process of synthesizing silver nanoparticles we detected a rapid reduction of silver ions leading to the formation of stable crystalline silver nanoparticles in the solution.
Nowadays, it is quite usual to transmit data through the internet, making safe online communication essential and transmitting data over internet channels requires maintaining its confidentiality and ensuring the integrity of the transmitted data from unauthorized individuals. The two most common techniques for supplying security are cryptography and steganography. Data is converted from a readable format into an unreadable one using cryptography. Steganography is the technique of hiding sensitive information in digital media including image, audio, and video. In our proposed system, both encryption and hiding techniques will be utilized. This study presents encryption using the S-DES algorithm, which generates a new key in each cyc
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