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الاخطاء القاتلة التي يرتكبها المدراء
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تعلمنا في المدارس بأن ارتكاب الاخطاء شيء غير مقبول، وقد تهتز مكانتنا بسببها، وعندما نتخرج من معاهدنا وكلياتنا، ونحصل على شهاداتنا العلمية، وندخل عالم العمل يستمر كرهنا وامتعاظنا لها. وبناءاً على ذلك، نحاول بذل قصارى جهدنا لتحاشي الاخطاء مهما كانت بسيطة، وقد نقوم احياناً بإخفائها، او تحويل لوم وقوعها على الغير. ففي هذه الحالة، ندفع اثماناً باهضة لأخطانئا، وقد يصل الأمر الى خسارة وظائفنا لا بل حياتنا في بعض الاحيان. وبالمقابل يفترض ان نتعلم من اخطائنا، ونعترف بها صراحة، ونحددها، ونقوم قدر الإمكان بتصحيحها. هذه توطئة لتعريب مقالة Professor Russell L. Ackoff, Amajor mistake that manager make, Handbook of business strategy, 2006, pp. 225-227.

في عالم الاعمال، اذا ارتكبت الاخطاء ولم يتم تجاوز القانون بسببها، نلاحظ نادراً ما يتخذ أي اجراء رسمي تجاه مقترفيها، حتى عندما تعترف الشركات بحدوثها، ولكنها لا تقوم بالتحقيق في الموضوع بأسلوب نظامي مبني على الصراحة والصدق، لا بل يفترض ان تستخدم المنظمة العقوبات الصارمة بحق من تسبب الاضرار بها. ففي مثل هذه الحالات تكون قد خسرت تلك المنظمة فرصة التعلم من اخطائها، والاستفادة من الدروس المستخلصة منها، وبما يفيد اجيال العاملين فيها استنباط العبر وتطوير الذات.

لا يتعلم الشخص الذي يؤدي الاشياء بصورة صحيحة، لأنه يعرف مسبقاً كيف يعمل، وبالتالي يصبح في هذه الحالة تثبيت وتأكيد لتلك المعرفة السابقة، ولكنه على اية حال قد لم تتحقق له معرفة جديدة (New Knoweledge). اذن، فالحقيقة التي تؤكد هنا، بان المدارس عادة ما تهتم بالتعليم (Teaching) اكثر من التعلم (Learning) ولم يتضح لها مدى فشل طلبتها، في هذه الحالة بسبب اخفائها بشكل طبيعي، فيما اذا هم تعلموا من اخطائهم. وحالما يتم ترتيب الطلبة على اساس الدرجات او العلامات التي يحصلون عليها، وليس بالاعتماد على عدد الاخطاء التي وقعوا فيها. وهنا لم يحدث التعلم لأن المعلم يستعجل في اعطاء الدرس وتغطية المنهج الدراسي، ولم يعرف الطالب ما هي  اخطائه وطبيعتها وكيف يمكن مواجههتها، والاستفادة منها. فالمدارس بما فيها مدارس الاعمال لا تدري حقيقة بانه يوجد في الحياة نوعان من الاخطاء، هما:

  • اخطاء التكليف بالواجب (Errors of Commission): وهي عمل بعض الاشياء التي لا ينبغي تأديتها (Doing something that not have been done).
  • اخطاء اهمال الواجب (Errors of Ommision): وهي عدم اداء بعض الاشياء التي ينبغي عملها (No doing something that should have been done).



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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Effect of the Critical Sussecc Factors in the Sustainable Competitive advantage ) "Descriptive analytical studay in Al Mu'tasim General Contracting Company.
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      The  objective   of this  research is to analyze the relationship between the  Factors  of critical success and sustainable competitive advantage, and I have tested Search Company Mu'tasim General Contracting, through applied on a sample of (90) manager, engineer and project manager, spread over sections and the company's projects surveyed. has been selected sector construction industry as one of the sectors vital and important that play a major role in the advancement of Iraq's infrastructure under the current circumstances, which epresent a set of Projects are Mu'tasim General Contracting construction  imple

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of strategic innovation components of the application Business process re-engineering: A survey Study of the consultant of a sample of managers and their assistants and consultants in the General Company for Post & Telecommunications
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        Organizations need today to move towards strategic innovation, which means the analysis of positions, especially the challenges faced by the change in the external environment, which makes it imperative for the organization that you reconsider their strategies and orientations and operations, a so-called re-engineering to meet those challenges and pressures. Now this research dilemma intellectual two-dimensional, yet my account in not Take writings and researchers effect strategic innovation in re-engineering business processes, according to science and to inform the researcher, and after the application represented in the non-application of such resear

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Noise Removal of ECG Signal Using Recursive Least Square Algorithms
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This paper shows an approach for Electromyography (ECG) signal processing based on linear and nonlinear adaptive filtering using Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithm to remove two kinds of noise that affected the ECG signal. These are the High Frequency Noise (HFN) and Low Frequency Noise (LFN). Simulation is performed in Matlab. The ECG, HFN and LFN signals used in this study were downloaded from, and then the filtering process was obtained by using adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) that illustrated better results than infinite impulse response (IIR) filters did.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
المعوقات والالتزامات الأسریة التي تواجھ المراة في عملھا
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This research aims to understand the main problems and family
commitments faced by working women, and make proposals that would stop or
lessen them, the researcher made questionnaire , applied on a sample of (20)
university female teachers, the study showed that the main problems in respect to
their importance as: Anxiety of leaving children at home alone, the weak role of the
nurseries and kindergartens in taking care of the children, relative large number of
children per family which would lead to more commitments, and the unavailability
of convenient working arrangement for working mothers.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The most important challenges facing the Iraqi economyAnd ways to address them
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Facing the Iraqi economy, a number of economic challenges that threaten the future of Iraq and the security of economic, political and social, such as poverty, unemployment, inflation and the dilapidated infrastructure and rising production costs and administrative and financial corruption, environmental pollution, water problems and the deterioration of agricultural and industrial production, etc., and over the seriousness of these challenges, they are intertwined and overlapping and growing worse, without the corresponding adoption of state strategies that will develop appropriate solutions and appropriate to resolve those challenges because of concern the subject of security and terrorism, which requires the development of an

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Stances on the damage to manuscripts and ways to address them
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Humans knew writing and to blog motivated by the need for registration and documentation, and tried from the very beginning of research to find the most suitable material for this purpose, he used many different materials in form, nature, and composition, so it is written on the mud by the ancient Sumerian people in different forms and when the text is long Numbered as the pages of the book at the present time, this research will deal with the damage to manuscripts and then find ways to address them.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الصعوبات التي تواجه البحث العلمي في جامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين
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The problem of the study lies in the need for standing on the justifications, reasons and difficulties that face the scientific research matter at Baghdad university. The importance of this study lies in the fact of being scientific research one of the most important methods in developing the teaching members performance efficiency which contributes in teachers contact with the modern developments that emerge in work. That matter which reflexe on the educational process and the scientific production in their universities.

And the research goal is summarized in identifying the difficulties that is facing the scientific research at Baghdad university from the point of view of the lecturers, and also to ide

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational change in easing the organizational conflict: an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of managers and workers in Iraq to EarthLink Network Services Company And communications
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Research on the role of organizational change in easing the organizational conflict focuses for being one of the important topics and relatively modern and which have a significant impact on the future of organizations, so this study was to identify the relationship and the impact of organizational change and of deportation (technological, organizational structure, human resources, the change in the task) at the organizational conflict in the Earth company link Iraq, in order to reach the goals of the research, it has been the development of a questionnaire distributed to a random sample of (100) composed employees from managers and heads of departments and the people and staff at the Earth company link Iraq, the study found: the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية
The most prominent challenges facing Muslim youth and addressing them from a Quranic perspective
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The research talks about the most important challenges facing Muslim youth of their ideological, social and economic types, and the youth is facing several problems, the most important of which are the intellectual and social invasion to which the Islamic nation has been exposed and ways to address them from a Quranic perspective and find solutions to these problems and these challenges in accordance with Islamic Sharia and the texts of the Holy Quran. From three topics and several demands, during which the researcher tried to find solutions to each challenge through the verses of the Noble Qur’an.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Новые направления и течения начала Серебряного века The Silver Age and the New Trends That appeared at the Twentieth Century.
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    Годы, принадлежащие концу XIX – началу XX столетия, вошли в русскую литературу под красивым названием Серебряный век. В это время в стране появился целый ряд выдающихся поэтов, имена которых навсегда останутся в русской и мировой литературе. Это Ахматова, Гумилев, Блок, Маяковский и многие другие. Все эти люди творили в нелегкое для России время. Началом Серебряного века условно считают 189

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