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Semantic relations in text and translation: Die semantischen Relationen im Text und Übersetzung
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       Based on the German language department’s theoretical and practical aspects as well as educational programs, the present study discusses the semantic relations in text sentences and their role in the science of translation.  Through clarifying the semantic relationship between the text sentence and the methods used to express a news item, a situation or an occurrence and through the statement of the multiple theoretical semantic structures of the text’s construction and interrelation, a translator can easily translate a text into the target language.

        It is known that language learners face multiple difficulties in writing and creating an integrated, coherent and intelligible text, and the reason for this is their lack of knowledge of semantic relations.


In dieser Forschungsarbeit gehen die folgenden theoretischen Ausführungen im Zusammenhang mit bestimmten didaktischen Bemerkungen, die im Laufe des Lehrprozesses aufgetreten sind, der Frage der semantischen Relationen in Satzperspektiven nach. Berücksichtigt wurde dabei überdies das Lehrprogramm in der irakischen Germanistikabteilung. Daher besteht das Hauptpostulat dieser wissenschaftlichen Abhandlung in dem Versuch, dieses sprachliche Phänomen im Übersetzen und dessen vielseitige Varianten darzulegen sowie dessen Anwendbarkeit in den Verhandlungen, im praktischen Leben und im Umgang mit den ausländischen Firmen etc. zu klären.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Phosphorus Removal from Water and Waste Water by Chemical Precipitation Using Alum and Calcium Chloride
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Phosphorus is usually the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in inland receiving waters; therefore, phosphorus concentrations must be controlled. In the present study, a series of jar test was conducted to evaluate the optimum pH, dosage and performance parameters for coagulants alum and calcium chloride. Phosphorus removal by alum was found to be highly pH dependent with an optimum pH of 5.7-6. At this pH an alum dosage of 80 mg/l removed 83 % of the total phosphorus. Better removal was achieved when the solution was buffered at pH = 6. Phosphorus removal was not affected by varying the slow mixing period; this is due to the fact that the reaction is relatively fast.
The dosage of calcium chloride and pH of solution play an importa

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Grafted Chitosan Blending with Polyvinyl alcohol / Nanocomposite and Study Biological Activity
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The study of biopolymers and their derivative materials had received a considerable degree of attention from researchers in the preparation of novel material. Biopolymers and their derivatives have a wide range of applications as a result of their bio-compatibility, bio-degradability and non-toxicity. In this paper, chitosan reacted with different aldehydes(2,4 –dichloro- benzaldehyde or 2-methyl benzaldehyde), different ketones (4-bromoacetophenone or 3-aminoacetophenone) to produce chitosan schiff base (1-4) . Chitosan schiff base (1-4) reacted with glutaric acid or adipic acid in acidic media in distilled water according to the steps of Fischer and Speier to produce compounds (5-12)

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Formulation and Evaluation of Bilayer Tablets Containing Immediate Release Aspirin Layer and Floating Clopidogrel Layer
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Aspirin and clopidogrel are considered the most important oral platelets aggregation inhibitors. So it is widely used for treatment and prophylaxis of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases related to platelets aggregation .In this study aspirin and clopidogrel were formulated together as floating bilayer tablet system. Three different formulas of 75 mg aspirin were prepared by wet granulation method as immediate release layer; different disintegrants used to achieve rapid disintegration. Formula with crosscarmellose as disintegrant achieve rapid disintegration was selected for preparation of bilayer tablet.

Different formulas of 75 mg clopidogrel were prepared as sustained release floating layer by wet granulation (effe

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Antimicrobial Evaluation of New Schiff Bases and Mannich Bases of Isatin
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Till now, isatin derivatives have received a lot of interest in organic and medicinal chemistry due to their significant biological and pharmacological activities. Schiff’s and Mannich bases of isatins are an effective group of heterocyclic derivatives that play a significant role in medicinal chemistry as antimicrobial agents. In light of these facts, new Schiff bases and Mannich bases of isatin were synthesized. The monomer Mannich bases; 3(a-e) have been synthesized by reacting isatin with different secondary amines, piperidine, morpholine, and pyrrolidine, dimethylamine, diphenylamine, separately, and formaldehyde, while the dimer (5) formed by using piperazine and formaldehyde which then react separately with Phenylhydrazine

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Alloys And Compounds
Structural and optical characteristics of pre- and post-annealed sol-gel derived CoCu-oxide coatings
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Sol-gel derived CuCo-oxide coatings as solar selective surfaces, synthesized onto aluminium substrates at various annealing temperatures, are analysed by correlating their structural, chemical bonding states, and surface morphological topographies. As the annealing progressed, all the coatings displayed a Cu0.56Co2.44O4 (ICSD 78-2175) phase with preferential orientation along (400) reflection plane. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction (XRD) data indicate that residual stress and microstrains developed around the coating surfaces are reduced resulting in mechanically stable thin films. Enhancement of the crystallite size and preferred orientation of the surface were confirmed via XRD, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM),

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposing an Analysis System to Monitoring Weightlifting Based on Training (Snatch and Clean and Jerk)
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Analysis system of sports players is very important for individuals in weightlifting. Assessment of player and strength is important for the performance of weightlifting. This paper proposes an analytical method for weightlifters with check-by-frame video. This analysis system can compute the major steps of seven positions in both snatch and clean and jerk methods in frame-video weightlifting monitoring of movements. Each user can compute the major steps of the seven positions of Hu moments among two frames in the video during training, and the Euclidian distance can be computed for the Hu moment values and lifting moment values in the snatch and clean and jerk methods during training. The outcome of the proposed system shows on efficien

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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A low speed open circuit wind tunnel has been designed, manufactured and constructed at the
Mechanical Engineering Department at Baghdad University - College of Engineering. The work is one of
the pioneer projects adapted by the R & D Office at the Iraqi MOHESR. The present paper describes the
first part of the work; that is the design calculations, simulation and construction. It will be followed by a
second part that describes testing and calibration of the tunnel. The proposed wind tunnel has a test
section with cross sectional area of (0.7 x 0.7 m2) and length of (1.5 m). The maximum speed is about (70
m/s) with empty test section. The contraction ratio is (8.16). Three screens are used to minimize flow

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 15 2022
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Modeling and analysis of a prey-predator system incorporating fear, predator-dependent refuge, and cannibalism
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Using a mathematical model to simulate the interaction between prey and predator was suggested and researched. It was believed that the model would entail predator cannibalism and constant refuge in the predator population, while the prey population would experience predation fear and need for a predator-dependent refuge. This study aimed to examine the proposed model's long-term behavior and explore the effects of the model's key parameters. The model's solution was demonstrated to be limited and positive. All potential equilibrium points' existence and stability were tested. When possible, the appropriate Lyapunov function was utilized to demonstrate the equilibrium points' overall stability. The system's persistence requirements were spe

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Management In Engineering
Identifying Pertinent Indicators for Assessing and Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Construction Workforce
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
SHE Networks: Security, Health, and Emergency Networks Traffic Priority Management Based on ML and SDN
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Recently, the increasing demand to transfer data through the Internet has pushed the Internet infrastructure to the nal edge of the ability of these networks. This high demand causes a deciency of rapid response to emergencies and disasters to control or reduce the devastating effects of these disasters. As one of the main cornerstones to address the data trafc forwarding issue, the Internet networks need to impose the highest priority on the special networks: Security, Health, and Emergency (SHE) data trafc. These networks work in closed and private domains to serve a group of users for specic tasks. Our novel proposed network ow priority management based on ML and SDN fullls high control to give the required ow priority to SHE dat

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