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To Domesticate or to Foreignize: An Approach to Translating Fables and Fairy Tales
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      The present study deals with the strategies used in the Arabic translations of the most popular genres of children’s literature; namely fairy tales and fables as an attempt to identify the best methods and strategies to be adopted in translating these genres to fulfill the ultimate purpose of enriching the children’s knowledge in addition to attracting their interest and arousing the joy sought for in every piece of literature.

The study sets off from three dominating trends: the first calls for the adoption of domestication strategy of translation as the most appropriate and effective strategy in translation for children. In the same line, the second opposes using the foreignization strategy, while the third trend advocates for the joint employment of various strategies to fulfill certain requirements and needs that would be called upon within the context such as didactic purposes.

Throughout the process of examining and verifying the theses of these trends, samples of translations of the genres are chosen based on the most popular and well known fairy tales and fables either circulated in written form or televised as movies or cartoons; namely Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales and Aesop’s Fables. These samples are subjected to translation quality assessment to come out with a quality statement to highlight their merits and demerits. The receptors’ (children) impact is also sought via conducting a field study that has been designed for children of two age groups defined by specialized scholars as intended receptors of the genre.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 20 2023
Journal Name
Journal For Research In Applied Sciences And Biotechnology
Article Review: Description Histology to Gastric Ulcer in Human
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A recurrent condition that affects up to 10% of people worldwide is gastric ulceration illness. The existence of gastric juice pH with the lowering of mucous defences is prerequisites for the development of chronic ulcers. The main variables affecting the mucosa susceptibility to damage include Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs). Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) including histamine-2 (H2) receptor inhibitors, two common therapies for peptic ulcers, have been linked to side impacts, recurrence or a variety of pharmacological combinations. Conversely, therapeutic herbs or the chemicals they contain may be used to cure or eliminate a wide range of illnesses. Therefore, prominent pharma

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 11 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Science And Advanced Technology
Superbugs (Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria to antibiotics): A Review
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
MEDIA AND CUSTOMERS: (An analytical study of the opinions and attitudes of a sample of industrialists in the role of media in directing consumers to national industries)
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The talk about the relationship between the media and industrialists can be the core of a bigger and deeper subject which is the role of these means in increasing sales : First, increasing the customer’s awareness of the importance of goods and the result of the promotion of products. Secondly, increasing investments which do require continuous studies and deep research in order to understand the constantly changing market conditions, and the public’s taste. In this research, we try to find out how industrialists see the role of media in the promotion of products in Iraq today, and how it develops in the future.

There was a reluctance of the industrialists to advertise in the local media, also industrialists see the role of t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 14 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Creeping Gait Analysis and Simulation of a Quadruped Robot
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A quadruped (four-legged) robot locomotion has the potential ability for using in different applications such as walking over soft and rough terrains and to grantee the mobility and flexibility. In general, quadruped robots have three main periodic gaits:  creeping gait, running gait and galloping gait. The main problem of the quadruped robot during walking is the needing to be statically stable for slow gaits such as creeping gait. The statically stable walking as a condition depends on the stability margins that calculated particularly for this gait. In this paper, the creeping gait sequence analysis of each leg step during the swing and fixed phases has been carried out. The calculation of the minimum stability margins depends up

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Study to molecular insight into the role of aluminum nitride nanotubes on to deliver of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) drug in smart drug delivery
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The adsorption process of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) drugs on Aluminum nitride nanotubes surface (AlNNTs) have been evaluated through density functional theory (DFT). The DFT results show that the interaction of AlNNTs with the F atoms of 5FU drugs is strong due to the fact that the amount of adsorption energy was about − 29.65 kcal.mol−1. Conversely, the interaction of the 5FU through O atoms with the AlNNTs was weaker due to the lower value of adsorption energy. Also, based on the values of Gibbs free energy, the 5FU adsorption on the surfaces of AlNNTs was spontaneous. In addition, based on natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis, the direction of charge transfer was from fluorine’s σ orbitals of the drug to nitrogen’s and aluminum’s n*

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Scopus (6)
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Television News Headlines in Attracting Viewers to News Bulletins: A Field Study from 01/01/2023 to 31/03/2023
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The objective of this study is to ascertain the pivotal role of headlines in captivating viewers' attention toward news bulletins. Additionally, it aims to explore the factors that contribute to the correlation between headlines and the public's acceptance or rejection of the meticulously crafted news articles presented through these bulletins. The study delves into the mechanisms employed in writing and editing headlines, focusing on their style, expert composition, and intriguing nature. These factors inevitably influence the level of acceptance and engagement of the viewership with the news articles disseminated via the news bulletins. Employing a descriptive methodology, the researcher distributed 200 question

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use the path analysis method to diagnoseFactors influencing the intentions of the employees of the University of Dhi Qar To introduce Internet behavior
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The purpose of this study is to diagnose factors that effect Thi-Qar behavioral intention to use internet. A sample of (127) internet users of university staff was taken in the study and were analyzed by using path analyze . The study concluded that there is a set of affecting correlation. It was founded that exogenous variables (gender, income, perceived fun, perceived usefulness, Image, and ease of use) has significant effect on endogenous (behavioral intention) . The result of analysis indicated that image hopeful gained users comes first, ease of use secondly, perceived fan and perceived usefulness on (dependent variables (daily internet usage and diversity of internet usage. Implication of these result are discussed . the st

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
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نسبة مساهمة التدفق النفسي في بعض مهارات الجمناستك الإيقاعي و فعالية رمي الثقل بالساحة و الميدان
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role Lean Accounting in Support Corporate Governance to Achieve a Competitive Advantage: An Application Study in Diala State Company for Electrical industrial
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        The modern business environment has witnesses tremendous developments as a result of the globalization of markets and economic openness and technological as well as the acquisition of the issue of corporate governance of great importance regarding it as one of the global innovations trends of control provisions on the management of companies as result of these developments ,increasing on competition between economic unit ,thus a decrease in market share because they do not take into account the response to the requirements of customers ,which kept her to search a modern management accounting methods to help them keep up with the changes and the availability of information for the various adminis

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