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Estudio traductológico del relativo "que" del español al árabe A study in the translation of relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language
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The scope of the world of translation is an area filled with different types of translations, whether translations of scientific, social, political or economic in addition to the other types are endless, but the translation problematic grammatical that may confront us if we proceed to translate any subject are important issues that must Translator whether translators or interpreters that puts it into consideration and attaches great importance to the translation is very clear and without any ambiguity. One of these forms of grammatical task is to translate the relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language, which revolves around the subject of this research.

    The relative pronoun (que) is a word referring to another word unprecedented and is working to connect with another phrase. It is a tool in changing her gender and number so we see that this tool is used by the Spanish people on a large scale, especially at the toddler language. Fastening tool (que) means in Arabic (which is which and who I come......). Refers to the name preceded by, for example: (the car that I saw yesterday, El coche que vi ayer). While we find this same tool in the Arabic language and the sex variable in number according to the name that proceded.

    The translation of relative pronoun (que) is not an easy task or easy as think a lot of people, quite the contrary it is the task extremely difficult because the interpreter, whether in writing or orally must be mastered uses correct idea, and avoids at the same time uses disinformation to reach translation is clear and correct, so the main goal of this research is to build a bridge leads us to distinguish the correct use of the fastening tool (que) when we translate from Arabic into Spanish in order to clarify these rules and to indicate their importance for translators, whether they are translators or interpreters if they want to be their translation correct and clear, through the expansion of knowledge concerning the proper use of this tool, leaving what other uses false if it is relevant and widely used.

    It is worth mentioning that this research has a head portion and one is: how to translate the tool interfaces (que) in a sentence, and the concept of grammatical knowledge, whether in Arabic or Spanish alike. And addressed also to the phenomenon ( Alxuesmo quesuismo) in the language of Spain, and that means having a fastening tool (que) + tool owns (su) = in Arabic conscience hub + repeat personal conscience, such as: ( the girl that her car ), and speak also for fastening tool (que ) with identifiers, and with prepositions, and with reference tools, and use the conscience (que) instead arrived for the consciences of others, such as (quien, cual).

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A study Histological Structure Of The hombencephalon (Cerebellum) In The Pigeon Columba livia gaddi (GmeIin, 1789)
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   A histological study was conducted to examine the structure of rhombencephalon (Cerebellum) in Columba livia gaddi (Gmeiin, 1789).  The result showed that the cerebellum is aportion of the brain lying behind the cerebrum, the surface of the cerebellum contains deep folds.  The cerebellum consists of two regions a cerebellar cortex that is called gray matter composed of three major layers from the outside to the inside, as follows: molecular layer, Purkinje cells layer and granular layer, the second region of cerebellum called medulla. This is the white matter.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating Stock Returns Using Rough Set Theory: An Exploratory study With An Evidence From Iraq Stock Exchange
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‎ This research aims to estimate stock returns, according to the ‎Rough Set Theory ‎approach, ‎test ‎its effectiveness and accuracy in predicting stock returns and their potential in the ‎field of ‎financial ‎markets, and rationalize investor decisions. The research sample is totaling (10) ‎companies traded at Iraq Stock Exchange. The results showed a remarkable ‎ ‎Rough Set Theory application in data reduction, contributing to the rationalization of ‎investment ‎decisions. The most prominent conclusions are the capability of rough set theory ‎in ‎dealing with financial data and applying it for forecasting stock ‎returns.‎The ‎research provides those interested in investing stocks in financial

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Al-Aini's grammatical responses to Ibn Malik in his book Umdat Al-Qari
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It is from the greatness of God Almighty and from him that he facilitated for me to delve into the immersion of the hadith of the Prophet in my doctoral dissertation, then I found it a fertile ground for the cultivation of scientific results.
Through this work, I chose the topic (Replies of Al-Aini to Ibn Malik in his book Umdat Al-Qari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari) because of its scientific impact, as such topics inspire in the soul of the follower and the student a lot of contemplation and great care to understand the texts and then come up with a result that is almost close. It is correct, and my current situation in this research is the condition of many scholars, not without errors and omissions. Whatever was correct is by the grace of

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Doctrinal Complication in Al-Ash'ari’s Doctrine and its Role in Managing the Doctrinal Disputes: محمد أَرَارُو
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This research aims to clarify the concept of doctrinal rules and adjust its basic terminologies. It further aims to lay down a map for the method of rooting this science by mentioning its rooted sources, in addition to drawing a miniature picture of its history, origin, formation and development. The paper ends with practical models to highlight its importance in rooting the science of nodal rules and facilitating the mentioning of its scattered discussions in a short and comprehensive phrase. The study further illustrates the pioneering role of doctrinal rules science in managing the doctrinal disputes, combining multiple sayings, and in bringing together opposing opinions. The study follows the inductive, descriptive and analytical app

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Structural Systems for Modern Architecture in Iraq Analysis Study to Dr. Qahtan Al-Madfa’i’s Architecture
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Dr. Qahtan Al-Madfa’i’s architecture has been characterized by a particular characteristic that may be unique and extreme at the same time, that is the use of the distinctive three-dimensional structural coverings and the exploitation of structural construction to give an extra aesthetic touch to the composition of the building, to achieve the application of his universal ideas, which he strongly believed and defended.

      In the period of the marked urban decline that the country undergoes now, which urges us toward making a comparison between the beginning of the modern Iraqi architecture and its ascending path up to its peak and the periods of its decline until it reached a very

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
A Mathematical Study for the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease
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Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic’s development has presented significant societal and economic challenges. The carriers of COVID-19 transmission have also been identified as asymptomatic infected people. Yet, most epidemic models do not consider their impact when accounting for the disease’s indirect transmission. This study suggested and investigated a mathematical model replicating the spread of coronavirus disease among asymptomatic infected people. A study was conducted on every aspect of the system’s solution. The equilibrium points and the basic reproduction number were computed. The endemic equilibrium point and the disease-free equilibrium point had both undergone local stability analyses. A geometric technique was used

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Skills of Time Management and Causes of Wasting The Time of Heads of Department at University of Baghdad From The Staffers’ Point of View
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            Time is very important in educational institutions. It is also one of our contemporary problem ‚as time is a clear – cut and limited factor‚ it demands that administrators should monitor it by administering and monitoring the principles of time.

Hence‚ the researcher attempts to identify the skills of administrating time and the reasons that cause the waste of time of the Heads of Departments at university of Baghdad.

Significance  of the research:

Time is very important to all educational administrators and one of them is the institutions of Higher education. One of the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Walled Nano-Carbon on the Physical, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy
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The physical, the thermal and the mechanical properties of Nano-composites, that consisted of Polyprime EP epoxy that reinforced by multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), have been studied. Various loading ratios, 0.1, 0.5, and 1 wt. %of MWCNT shave been infused into epoxy by a magnetic stirrer and then the hardener mixed with the mthat supplied with the epoxy. All sample shave been cutting using CNC machine. Tensile test, three-point bending, hardness tests, lee's disk, differential scanning calorimetry, water absorption and dielectric and electrical conductivity test were utilized on unfilled, MWCNT-filled epoxy to identify the loading effect on the properties of materials. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to determine the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Wisdom In AL –Farazdak s Poetry
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Wisdom in the era before Islam is soo famous and so mature And Wisdom in the age of Islam {the holy quran and AI Hadeeth AI shareef }is dealt with by different meanings that agree with the contexts in which it occurs its contacs One of meanings is wisesaying that occuars in the Halal and Haram .As to the wisdom of the Amawy age ,it was some times absent since it was not dealt with by the great Poets of that age .In the Poetry of AL-FARAZDAK , Wisdom was little and it expressed religious and phsycological meanings because wisdom is amessage that has along –rang .

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Narrative Structures in Abu AL– Hassan AL- Shushtary Poetry
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The Al-Shishtary is considered one of the well-known Andalus poets. His poetry represents a flood of kind emotions, springs from the sincere sources of Divine Love, and this is what we felt in his life and his literary prestige. He was a poet who was familiar withthe art of his timeknowsthe oldand popularintellectual assets ofIslamicSciencesof Sharee'a. This wide culture, which he had, is available to him through his many travels between the coasts of Syria, Egypt and others ... to become Imam of the religion way known as(Al-Shishtariyah)resonatedin the hearts ofthe general publicespecially the poor people. This showshis smoothand influential styleand his humanitarian andsimple words which resonate in the hearts of his followers, therefo

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