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A study of the nomenclature of Russian vocabulary of Arabic origin denoting some religious worship, or denoting some political and social positions: «Лексика арабского происхождения со значением «служители религиозного культа, социального статуса» и её функционирование в русской речи»
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      The present paper discusses one of the most important Russian linguistic features of Arabic origin Russian lexes denoting some religious worship or some political and social positions like Qadi, Wally, Sultan, Alam, Ruler, Caliph, Amir, Fakih, Mufti, Sharif, Ayatollah, Sheikh.. etc.  A lexical analysis of the two of the most efficient and most used words of Arabic origin Russian lexes that are “Caliph and Sheikh” is considered in the present study. The lexicographic analysis of these words makes it possible to identify controversial issues related to their etymology and semantic development.

The study is conducted by the use of the modern Russian and Arabic dictionary, specifically, (Intermediate lexicon Dictionary) where many linguistic terms borrowed from Arabic into Russian have been identified. A comparative study of lexical Data used in Russian dictionaries and that of Arabic dictionary (Intermediate lexicon Dictionary) shows significant differences in their lexical modeling. The present study provides a lexical analysis and shows the semantic, grammatical and spelling acoustic of Arabic adapted words in Russian discourse. It is safe to say that through another intermediate language, large number of Arabic lexes have, directly and indirectly, been used in Russian, something clearly modeled in Derivative Russian dictionaries.


   В данной  работе обьём статьи ограничён, поэтому мы рассматрваем только два найболее эффективных, найболее интересных и найболее уботребительных слов в русском языке, это лексемы хали́ф / кали́ф и шейх, которые известно носителям русского языка и активно функционируют в русской речи.

     Лексикографический анализ этих слов позволил выявить спорные вопросы, связанные с их этимологией, показать специфику толькований арабизмов и развитие их семантики. На материале документов Национального корпуса русского языка исследовано функционирование иноязычий в речи, определено отношение слов к нарицательной и собственноименной лексике, к терминонологической системе языка-реципиента.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The article deals with the marked vocabulary of Russian and Arabic language, extrapolated to the phraseological: Маркировка арабского и русского языков: На примере фразеологии
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  The paper deals with the marked vocabulary of Russian and Arabic language, and the extrapolated to the phraseological layer of the mentioned language systems. Specificity of the functioning of this process is presented against the backdrop of the peculiarities of the existence of Russian and Arabic languages. Attention is focused on the fact that linguistic markers should be considered as a kind of keys that represent the specificity of the experience of being experienced by an individual in ontological reality. It is asserted that marking can be revealed practically at all levels of the language polysystem, but it is especially productive on its lexical layer, in particular, on the basis of lexicology and ph

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Some innovative word-formation processes in popular Internet texts in Russian and Arabic: Некоторые Инновационные словообразовательные процессы в популярных интернет-текстах в русском и арабском языках
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       The present article discusses innovative word-formation processes in Internet texts, the emergence of new derivative words, new affixes, word-formation models, and word-formation methods. Using several neologisms as an example, the article shows both the possibilities of Internet word-making process and the possibilities of studying a newly established work through Internet communication. The words selected for analysis can be attributed to the keywords of the current time. (In particular, the words included in the list of "Words of 2019") there are number of words formed by the suffix method, which is the traditional method of the Russian word formation. A negation of these words is usually made thro

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Word-Formation Motivation of Diminutive Vocabulary in Russian and Arabic: Словообразовательная мотивация диминутивной лексики в русском и арабском языках
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The question of word–formation motivation is one of the most urgent problems of morphological features of diminutive vocabulary in the languages of different structures, Arabic – Semitic and Russian - Slavic. The relevance of this question lies in the fact that the analysis of morphological elements of word-formation motivation plays an important role not only in identifying formal and semantic connections between different units of the same language, but also has an applied value in the comparative study of different languages. Taking in to account that word-formation motivation is usually considered sequentially in order to identify motivational relationships of this type of vocabulary, we will study motivation in comparative analy

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Word-Formation System And Its Influence On The Translation Of New Vocabulary In Russian And Arabic: Словообразовательная Система И Ее Влияние На Перевод Новой Лексики В Русском И Арабском Языках
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Derivational word formation process is one of the most substantial linguistic procedures that solves many problems in the translation of the language new vocabulary and helps to comprehend the smallest language component that not simply semantically and structurally explain the elements  of both Russian and Arabic but also enables translators to comprehend the derivational method procedures of both languages. It also reveals the structural aspects of translation equivalences, cognitive and semantic foundations of translation. The rapid development of languages and the appearance of a new vocabulary like ṭabaʿa "print → ṭābiʿat "printer", kataba "to write" → kātib → kātibat, rafaʿa "to raise" → rāfiʿat "a crane" d

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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The article considers the main reason for A. I. Herzen's address to obsolete words, which is their ability to acquire a stylistic coloring in the context of speech, as well as the possibility of combining, in some cases, with neutral lexemes of various functional styles. A certain stylistic effect of such characteristics of this type of vocabulary is represented, as a result of which their stylistic coloring in syntagmatic terms does not coincide with stylistic coloring in terms of paradigmatics, that is, in speech they have a completely stylistic meaning. Attention is focused on the role of outdated vocabulary, which consists in the fact that they serve to implement such features of the artistic style as imagery, emotionality, and their

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Ironic Metonymy in Russian and Arabic : Ироническая метонимия в русском и арабском языках
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This article is devoted to the cognitive study of ironic metonymy in Russian and Arabic. Metonymy and irony have traditionally been seen as parallel linguistic phenomena. But their formation and interpretation are based on different cognitive mechanisms. At the formal and functional level, metonymy and irony have a number of significant differences. Metonymy is an artistic technique, the mechanism of which is based on obvious, easily traced connections between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Irony is a satirical technique or a rhetorical figure that is used to create a certain artistic image, aimed at forming the hidden meaning of the statement. A native speaker intuitively feels the difference between metonymy and irony

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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The paper deals with the language of Russian folklore. Folklore is a unique sphere of existence of the language, the most vivid expression of the national mentality. The folklore word embodied the perception and evaluation of the surrounding world. “What did the word in general mean for the life of the people? The word was equated ... with life itself. The word generated and explained life, it was ... the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. The folklore text is studied by literary critics, ethnographers, historians, culturologists, and art historians. In the twentieth century, a new science emerged - linguo-folkloristics, the goals and objectives of which were formulated by A.T. Khrolenko only in the seven

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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             Общеизвестно, что изменения в языке какой-либо страны, тесно

связаны с общественно - политическими развитиями данной страны.

            Демократия и общественно – политическая жизнь в Ираке после

 событий 2003 года играли важную роль в изменении языковой ситуации страны, особенно в политической сфере.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
(comparative analysis of phraseological units in the lexical-semantic field "on the material of Arabic and Russian languages"): (сопоставительный анализ фразеологических единиц лексико-семантического поля " на материале арабского и русского языков")
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Establishing the systemic character of vocabulary, its relationship with other language systems, their interdependence creates the possibility of a comprehensive scientific study and description of the lexical system of each language, as well as contrastive comparative studies of several languages, including their phraseological composition.

It is known that not all words-components of phraseological units are equivalent in their role in the formation of the semantic content of phraseological units. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce the concept of a lexical dominant. To this we include words, which are kind of centers around which the entire semantic complex of phraseological units, the entire set of its words-componen

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Методика преподавания русской грамматике первого курса в иракских аудиториях
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