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A Study of the Problems of Learning and Translating Idioms
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Idioms are a very important part of the English language: you are told that if you want to go far (succeed) you should pull your socks up (make a serious effort to improve your behaviour, the quality of your work, etc.) and use your grey matter (brain).1 Learning and translating idioms have always been very difficult for foreign language learners. The present paper explores some of the reasons why English idiomatic expressions are difficult to learn and translate. It is not the aim of this paper to attempt a comprehensive survey of the vast amount of material that has appeared on idioms in Adams and Kuder (1984), Alexander (1984), Dixon (1983), Kirkpatrick (2001), Langlotz (2006), McCarthy and O'Dell (2002), and Wray (2002), among others. The paper concentrates on idioms as a learning-translation problem; it makes no claim to be comprehensive or academically rigorous. Leech (1989) defines an idiom as follows: “An idiom is a group of two or more words which we have to treat as a unit in learning a language. We cannot arrive at the meaning of the idiom just by adding together the meanings of the words inside it. E.g.John and Mary usedto be hardup (='They had very little money'.)”(P.186) To be more exact, an idiom is a sequence of words which is semantically and syntactically restricted, so that they function as a single unit. From a semantic point of view, the meanings of the individual words cannot be summed to produce the meanings of the idiomatic expression as a whole. Thus, fly off the handle, which means lose one's temper, cannot be understood in terms of the meanings of fly, off, or handle. The idiom phrase hot air, which means empty or boastful talk, is neither hot nor air; with hot air we are dealing with a set phrase where the meaning cannot be suggested on the basis of the two constituent words. The idiomatic meaning of spill the beans in So who spilt the beans (=told the secret) about her affair with David? has nothing to do with beans or with spilling in its literal sense. The foreign-language learner is left trying to figure out where and how the beans were spilt. From a syntactic viewpoint, the constituent parts of an idiom often do not permit the usual variability they display in other contexts. The point to be emphasized here is this: most idioms do not lend themselves easily to manipulation by speakers and writers; they are invariable and must be learned as wholes, but concord ofnumber, person and gender in the idiom phrase is still necessary, i.e. the verbs must be put into the correct form, and pronouns must agree with their antecedents: I don't give a hoot for her opinion! 2 • She doesn't give a hoot for my opinion! etc.)║He won, but only by the skin of his teeth2• She won, but only by the skin of her teeth• Iwon, but only by the skin ofmy teeth,I had to run for the train, and caught it by the skin of myteeth, etc.║He kept pullingmy arm, throwing me off my balance 2 • She kept pulling his arm, throwing him off his balance • We kept pullingher arm, throwingher offher balance, etc.2 The present paper is divided into five parts, as follows: Part I: An Overview; PART II: Learner’s Difficulties with Idioms; PART III: Some Pedagogical recommendations and Suggestions about Idioms; Part IV: Activities to Practice Idiomatic Expressions; Part V: Summary and Conclusion.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Determination of Some heavy metals in Different vinegar Samples Applied in folk medicine by flame atomic absorption Spectrophotometry
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A study was carried out to analysis of some heavy metals in nine different types of vinegar, belong to Grape, Apple, Synthetic White, Date, Hawthorn, Garlic, Cactus, Pomegranate and Ginger vinegar, which are locally available in Iraqi folk medicine markets. The concentrations of heavy metals in the studied samples including, Cr, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cd, Ni, Pb and Ag, were determining by using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. All data were subjected to statistical analysis by calculating accuracy, precision and correlation coefficient for each concentrations level. The results indicate that Ni was recorded the highest concentration in all studied samples except, Ginger and cactus vinegar, each one receded the highest concentration valu

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Intervention Program on Nurses' Practices concerning Diet Instructions for Orthopedic Patients treated by Internal Fixation Devices
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Objective(s): To determine the interventional program effectiveness on nurses' practices concerning diet instructions for orthopedic patients treated by internal fixation devices.

Methodology: A quantitative approach using prexperimental design is conducted to determine the effectiveness of an interventional program on nurses’ practices regarding orthopedic patients diet instruction and teaching after internal fixation implemented. The study has started from 1st of April 2022 and ended on 15th of December, 2022. The conduction of the study in Misan governorate  / Al-Zaharawy surgical hospital. A non-probability, purpo

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
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Adjuvant effects of novel water/oil emulsion formulations on immune responses against infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccine in mice
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences, Engineering And Technology
Optimization of IPv6 Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode Multicast Routing Protocol based on Greedy Rendezvous Point Selection Algorithm
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Continuing Nursing Education Program on Nursing Staffs, Knowledge at Kidney Transplantation Units in Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
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Objective: The study aims to determine the effectiveness of the continuing nursing education
program on nursing staffs knowledge in kidney transplantation unit and to find out the relationship
between nursing staffs knowledge and demographic characteristics (age, gender, education level, and
years of experiences in kidney transplantation unit).
Methodology: A quasiexperemental design (One-group Pretest - Posttest design) was carried out in
kidney transplantation units at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals, from December 2011 to July 2012. A nonprobability
(purposive sample) of (16) nurses were selected from kidney transplant units at Baghdad
teaching hospitals, the choice was based on the study criteria. The data were collec

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Instruction Program on Pregnant Women’s Knowledge regarding Anemia at Primary Health Care Centers in Baquba City
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Objective: to identify the effect of the Instruction program on the knowledge of pregnant women who suffering anemia.

Methodology: A quasi-experimental design was carried out with the application of pre- post test for the study and the control group. Purposive sample, consists of (60) pregnant women diagnosed with anemia attending four health care centers in Baquba city.

Result: The findings indicate that the level of hemoglobin is increasing post instructional program among women in the study group, in which (46.7%) of women are reveal a level of (8.1-9) g/dl that is less than normal pre instructional program and the level is increased to normal level post instructional

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of New Heterocyclic Derivatives from 4-(3, 5-Dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-ylazo)- benzoic acid
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In this work pyrazolin derivatives were prepared from the diazonium chloride salt of 4-aminobenzoic acid. Azo compounds were prepared from the reaction of an ethanolic solution of sodium acetate and calculated amount of active methylene compound namely, acetyl acetone to obtain the corresponding hydrazono derivative (1). Cyclocondensation reaction of compounds (1) with hydrazine hydrate and phenyl hydrazine in boiling ethanol affording the corresponding pyrazoline-5-one derivatives of 4-aminobenzoic acid (2,3). Then compound (3) was reacted with thionyl chloride to give the corresponding acid chloride derivative(4), followed by conversion into the corresponding acid hydrazide derivative (5) carboxylic acid thiosemicarbazide (11), esters

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of PV Solar Energy Generator using MPPT Technique to Control Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Converter
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The paper presents the design of a system consisting of a solar panel with Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Buck Converter by using Simulink dialogue box tools in MATLAB software package for simulation the system. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique depending on Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is used to control the output power of the converter and increase the efficiency of the system. The characteristics of the MSX-60 PV module is chosen in design of the system, whereas the electrical characteristics (P-V, I-V and P-I curves) for the module are achieved, that is affected by the solar radiation and temperature variations. The proposed design module has been found to be stable for any change in atmospheric tempera

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Adherence to American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Guideline in Medical City Teaching Hospitals/Baghdad
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Surgical site infections are the second most common type of adverse events occurring in hospitalized patients. Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis refers to the use of preoperative and postoperative antibiotics to decrease the incidence of postoperative wound infections. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antibiotic administration pattern for surgical antibiotic prophylaxis and the adherence to American Society of Health-System Pharmacists surgical antibiotic prophylaxis guideline in Medical City Teaching Hospitals/Baghdad. The medical records of one hundred patients who underwent elective surgical procedures were reviewed. Adherence to the recommendations of American society of health‑system pharmacists guideline was ass

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Publication Date
Tue May 26 2020
Journal Name
Connect Journals
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Heart failure (HF) is characterized by family history and clinical examination combined with diagnostic tools such as electrocardiogram, chest x-ray and an assessment of left ventricular function by echocardiography. An early diagnosis of heart failure is still based on symptoms of dyspnea, fatigue and signs of fluid overload. Serum N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-pro BNP) is cardiac biomarker has emerged as potential predictor of heart failure. It is used as a sensitive biomarker in diagnosis and assessment severity of heart failure. This study assed the diagnostic value of (NT-pro BNP), in Iraqi children patients with heart failure and its correlation with LVEF% especially in emergency rooms of hospitals.Ninety (90) consecut

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