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A Study of the Problems of Learning and Translating Idioms
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Idioms are a very important part of the English language: you are told that if you want to go far (succeed) you should pull your socks up (make a serious effort to improve your behaviour, the quality of your work, etc.) and use your grey matter (brain).1 Learning and translating idioms have always been very difficult for foreign language learners. The present paper explores some of the reasons why English idiomatic expressions are difficult to learn and translate. It is not the aim of this paper to attempt a comprehensive survey of the vast amount of material that has appeared on idioms in Adams and Kuder (1984), Alexander (1984), Dixon (1983), Kirkpatrick (2001), Langlotz (2006), McCarthy and O'Dell (2002), and Wray (2002), among others. The paper concentrates on idioms as a learning-translation problem; it makes no claim to be comprehensive or academically rigorous. Leech (1989) defines an idiom as follows: “An idiom is a group of two or more words which we have to treat as a unit in learning a language. We cannot arrive at the meaning of the idiom just by adding together the meanings of the words inside it. E.g.John and Mary usedto be hardup (='They had very little money'.)”(P.186) To be more exact, an idiom is a sequence of words which is semantically and syntactically restricted, so that they function as a single unit. From a semantic point of view, the meanings of the individual words cannot be summed to produce the meanings of the idiomatic expression as a whole. Thus, fly off the handle, which means lose one's temper, cannot be understood in terms of the meanings of fly, off, or handle. The idiom phrase hot air, which means empty or boastful talk, is neither hot nor air; with hot air we are dealing with a set phrase where the meaning cannot be suggested on the basis of the two constituent words. The idiomatic meaning of spill the beans in So who spilt the beans (=told the secret) about her affair with David? has nothing to do with beans or with spilling in its literal sense. The foreign-language learner is left trying to figure out where and how the beans were spilt. From a syntactic viewpoint, the constituent parts of an idiom often do not permit the usual variability they display in other contexts. The point to be emphasized here is this: most idioms do not lend themselves easily to manipulation by speakers and writers; they are invariable and must be learned as wholes, but concord ofnumber, person and gender in the idiom phrase is still necessary, i.e. the verbs must be put into the correct form, and pronouns must agree with their antecedents: I don't give a hoot for her opinion! 2 • She doesn't give a hoot for my opinion! etc.)║He won, but only by the skin of his teeth2• She won, but only by the skin of her teeth• Iwon, but only by the skin ofmy teeth,I had to run for the train, and caught it by the skin of myteeth, etc.║He kept pullingmy arm, throwing me off my balance 2 • She kept pulling his arm, throwing him off his balance • We kept pullingher arm, throwingher offher balance, etc.2 The present paper is divided into five parts, as follows: Part I: An Overview; PART II: Learner’s Difficulties with Idioms; PART III: Some Pedagogical recommendations and Suggestions about Idioms; Part IV: Activities to Practice Idiomatic Expressions; Part V: Summary and Conclusion.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Analyzing big data sets by using different panelized regression methods with application: Surveys of multidimensional poverty in Iraq
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Poverty phenomenon is very substantial topic that determines the future of societies and governments and the way that they deals with education, health and economy. Sometimes poverty takes multidimensional trends through education and health. The research aims at studying multidimensional poverty in Iraq by using panelized regression methods, to analyze Big Data sets from demographical surveys collected by the Central Statistical Organization in Iraq. We choose classical penalized regression method represented by The Ridge Regression, Moreover; we choose another penalized method which is the Smooth Integration of Counting and Absolute Deviation (SICA) to analyze Big Data sets related to the different poverty forms in Iraq. Euclidian Distanc

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Publication Date
Tue May 02 2023
Journal Name
Social Science Journal
An Investigation of Microstructure Analysis for World Health Organizatioan Speeches during Covid-19 Pandemic: Adopted Van Dijk Theory
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Certain Assessment of Using MWCNT Nps in Drilling Fluid to Mitigate Stick-Slip Problem during Drilling Operation System
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   Stick- slip is the continuous stopping& release of the Bit/BHA due to the irregular down-hole rotation prompted by the existing relationship between the friction torque and the torque applied from the surface to free the bit.

   Friction coefficient between BHA and wellbore is the main player of stick slip amount, which can be mitigated by support a good lubricators as additives in drilling mud.

   Mathematical (or empirical) solves should be done through adjusting all parameters which supposed to reduce stick- slip as low as possible using different models, one of the main parameters is drilling mud. As per Nanoparticles drilling fluid is a new technology that offers high performance

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Reliable Reference Gene for Normalization of RT- qPCR Data in Human Cancer Cell Lines
Subjected to Gene Knockdown
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Quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) has become a valuable molecular technique in biomedical research. The selection of suitable endogenous reference genes is necessary for normalization of target gene expression in RT-qPCR experiments. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of each 18S rRNA and ACTB as internal control genes for normalization of RT-qPCR data in some human cell lines transfected with small interfering RNA (siRNA). Four cancer cell lines including MCF-7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 and Hela cells along with HEK293 representing an embryonic cell line were depleted of E2F6 using siRNA specific for E2F6 compared to negative control cells, which were transfected with siRNA not specific for any gene. Us

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Measurement of Absorbed Dose in Water Using Co-60 gamma source Teletherapy Units According to IAEA Dosimetry Protocols
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      Modern radiotherapy facilities like 3-Dimensional conformal radio therapy (3DCRT), Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT), were recently suggested in Co-60 machine with Multi-leaf Collimator (MLC). In this study, two reference chambers NE-2571#1205 and NE2581#537 were used for absolute dose measurement in Equinox accelerator. A comparison of dose measurement by two different IAEA protocols TRS-277 and TRS-398 has been studied. Analyzing TRS-398, a common shaped empirical formula was developed for the four Co-60 units of four Medical Colleges in Bangladesh with fitting parameters. It was found that an average discrepancy in the determination of absorbed dose in water among the two different protocols TRS-277 and TRS-398 were 1

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 12 2018
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Importance of Emulsification in Calibrating Infrared Spectroscopes for Analyzing Water Contamination in Used or In-Service Engine Oil
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Utilization of Glycerol for Glycerol Carbonate Synthesis via Transesterfication Reaction over Bio-Char Catalyst prepared from reed plant
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Biodiesel production process was attracted more attention recently due to the surplus quantity of glycerol (G) as a byproduct from the process. Glycerol Utilization must take in to consideration to fix this issue also, to ensure biodiesel industry sustainability. Highly amount of Glycerol converted to more benefit material Glycerol carbonate (GC) was one of the most allurement compound derived from glycerol by transesterification of glycerol with dimethyl carbonate (DMC). Various parameters have highly impact on transesterification was investigated like catalyst loading (1-5) %wt., molar ratio of DMC: glycerol (5:1 – 1:1), reaction time (30 - 150) min and temperature (40 – 80) ᴼC. The Optimum glycerol carbonate yie

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Removal of <scp>E133</scp> brilliant blue dye from artificial wastewater by electrocoagulation using cans waste as electrodes
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Abstract<p>Solid‐waste management, particularly of aluminum (Al), is a challenge that is being confronted around the world. Therefore, it is valuable to explore methods that can minimize the exploitation of natural assets, such as recycling. In this study, using hazardous Al waste as the main electrodes in the electrocoagulation (EC) process for dye removal from wastewater was discussed. The EC process is considered to be one of the most efficient, promising, and cost‐effective ways of handling various toxic effluents. The effect of current density (10, 20, and 30 mA/cm<sup>2</sup>), electrolyte concentration (1 and 2 g/L), and initial concentration of Brilliant Blue dye (15 and 30 mg/L) on </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Efficacy of Some Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) Against Jasmine White Fly Alearoclava Jasimini ( Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Citrus Tree
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The efficacy of five insect growth regulators has been tested against white fly larva Alearoclava jasimini on citrus tree orchards. Data from field tl'ia ls con finned that percent mortalities were 43.7, 33.9, 23.7, 20.8 and     12.3  for  Admiral ( I miL)  pyriproxefen, Nomol t  1 5 SC  (!milL) Teflubenzuren , Match 050 EC (  I milL ) Lufenuren , cascade I 0 F.C (

0.9mi/L) flufenoxaron, and Dimiline 10 EC ( I milL)  Difluben- zuron. The result indicated that Admiral and Nomolt have a continuous  effect for one month , so the treatment needs to be repeated for each four weeks. Also, Admiral and Nomolt effect against eggs hatching by 41. 3 % and

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    Publication Date
    Tue Sep 01 2020
    Journal Name
    Ain Shams Engineering Journal
    Estimating server utilization rate in single server queuing models using an approximate solution of stiff fluid flow model
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