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Depression status in relation to dental caries and salivary C-Reactive Protein among 17 years old secondary school female in Baghdad City/Iraq.
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Background: Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity, it can affect a person's thoughts, behavior and sense of well-being. It can affect oral health and lead to an increased risk of dental caries. Dental caries is the most common oral infectious diseases that stresses the immune system and causes changes in cellular and molecular components of peripheral blood and C-Reactive Protein is one of these components, considered a key biomarker of inflammation. This study was conducted to assess the effect of depression status on dental caries among 17 years old secondary school female students in relation to salivary C-Reactive Protein. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried and the whole sample composed of 500 female students selected from First Alrasafa Directorate schools in Baghdad/ Iraq. Consent form was achieved from the ethical approval committee in College of Dentistry/University of Baghdad. All students were subjected to Children Depression Inventory questionnaire by Kovacs in 2011. Dental caries was registered according to Manji et al. 1989, Decay (1-4) Missing-Filled surface index. Subsamples were selected from high and low grade of depression to analyze C-Reactive Protein. Results: The percentage of occurrence of depression was 100%. The mean value of caries experience and severity were found to be higher among female students with high depression grade in comparison with low depression grade. The mean value for C-Reactive Protein was higher in high depression grade. There is a diversity in the results of caries experience with C-Reactive Protein. The percentage of depression occurrence was 100% which means a high degree of depression, and this could be due to the life difficulties, tension and economic issues that all lead to mental problems. The severity of dental caries increased as a result of stress and anxiety that may cause poor dental health. Psychological factors interact through complex pathophysiological and behavioral mechanisms that may cause elevated C-Reactive Protein. Conclusion: Depression has a negative impact on a person’s oral health including dental caries. Elevated C-Reactive Protein levels have been associated with psychological depression.



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Publication Date
Tue Sep 03 2019
Journal Name
Aaps Pharmscitech
Recent Advances in Polymeric Implants
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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Communicative competence in postmodern art
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This study presents the concept of communicating as criticism analytical vision of art in general and contemporary composition particularly. Art is a means of communication for that activity to participate in the information or meanings, where the artwork is the message that includes what the artist sends ideas ,to the recipient . Thus, the language of communication between the artist and the receiver are made through the artwork (whatever his specialty: theatrically, plastic art, musically) and the magnitude of the meaning of outwardly or inwardly, is determined by the relationship between the artist and the recipient of which lead us turn to the issue of communication between them . .
At that determined search through which we seek

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science
Stabilising nanofluids in saline environments
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Nanofluids (i.e. nanoparticles dispersed in a fluid) have tremendous potential in a broad range of applications, including pharmacy, medicine, water treatment, soil decontamination, or oil recovery and CO2 geo-sequestration. In these applications nanofluid stability plays a key role, and typically robust stability is required. However, the fluids in these applications are saline, and no stability data is available for such salt-containing fluids. We thus measured and quantified nanofluid stability for a wide range of nanofluid formulations, as a function of salinity, nanoparticle content and various additives, and we investigated how this stability can be improved. Zeta sizer and dynamic light scattering (DLS) principles were used to invest

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geological Model of the Khabour Reservoir for Studying the Gas Condensate Blockage Effect on Gas Production, Akkas Gas Field, Western Iraq
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The Khabour reservoir, Ordovician, Lower Paleozoic, Akkas gas field which is considered one of the main sandstone reservoirs in the west of Iraq. Researchers face difficulties in recognizing sandstone reservoirs since they are virtually always tight and heterogeneous. This paper is associated with the geological modeling of a gas-bearing reservoir that containing condensate appears while production when bottom hole pressure declines below the dew point. By defining the lithology and evaluating the petrophysical parameters of this complicated reservoir, a geological model for the reservoir is being built by using CMG BUILDER software (GEM tool) to create a static model. The petrophysical properties of a reservoir were computed using

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The First Record of Three Species of Dogielius (Monogenea) From Three Cyprinid Fishes From the Greater Zab River, North of Iraq*
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A total of 352 freshwater fishes, belonging to three species of the family Cyprinidae were collected from the Greater Zab river in north of Iraq during the period from November 2000 to the end of November 2001. The inspection of their gills revealed the infection of these fishes with three species of monogenetic trematodes belonging to the genus Dogielius. These species included D. mokhayeri from Aspius vorax with a percentage incidence of 37.5%; D. molnari from Cyprinion macrostomum (33.3%) and D. persicus from Barbus luteus (41.2%). The record of this genus and its three above-named species of the present study are considered as the first record on fishes of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Reproductive Biology of Common Carp(Cyprinus carpio L.) from AL-Gharraf Canal at Wasit province –Iraq II. Fecundity of Females
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  From September 2002, monthly samples of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were collected from two stations al AL-Gharraf canal. The results of this study revealed that the relationship between fecundity and total length , body weight and age can be  expressed by the following equations:  Log F=2.049+1.059 Log W.     r =0.98 Log F=1.173+2.534 Log L.     r =0.96 Log F=3.844+2.197 Log A.     r =0.87 The range of the absolute fecundity of 20 female fishes were 50910 – 1008514 eggs and the relative fecundity was 177 eggs/g. The average egg diameter was 1.52 mm in ripe female and it ranged from 0.99mm to 1.64mm. There were three peaks of Ganado somatic index in

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 28 2022
Journal Name
Geodesy And Cartography
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Land Use / Land Cover (LULC) classification is considered one of the basic tasks that decision makers and map makers rely on to evaluate the infrastructure, using different types of satellite data, despite the large spectral difference or overlap in the spectra in the same land cover in addition to the problem of aberration and the degree of inclination of the images that may be negatively affect rating performance. The main objective of this study is to develop a working method for classifying the land cover using high-resolution satellite images using object based method. Maximum likelihood pixel based supervised as well as object approaches were examined on QuickBird satellite image in Karbala, Iraq. This study illustrated that

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Time Series Analysis of Total Suspended Solids Concentrations in Euphrates River in Al-Nasria Province
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The monthly time series of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentrations in Euphrates River at Nasria was analyzed as a time series. The data used for the analysis was the monthly series during (1977-2000).

The series was tested for nonhomogenity and found to be nonhomogeneous. A significant positive jump was observed after 1988. This nonhomogenity was removed using a method suggested by Yevichevich (7). The homogeneous series was then normalized using Box and Cox (2) transformation. The periodic component of the series was fitted using harmonic analyses, and removed from the series to obtain the dependent stochastic component. This component was then modeled using first order autoregressive model (Markovian chain). The above a

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Changes in The Percentage of Spermato Genic Cells in White Mice Associated With Cadmium Administration
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The effect of different doses (75,100,150 ppm) and periods of

treatment (3,6,9 days) on the spermatognic cells in white mice was studied. It was found that there was a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the percentage of spermatogonia specially in concentration 1 00 and

150 ppm lasted six and nine days and of primary spermatocytes at period of nine days. A significant decrease (P<0.05) was noticed in the percentages of secondary spermatoytes and spermatids, while the percentage of sperms illustrated a significant increase for all concentrations and treatment periods.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of industry specialization of audit companies in detecting fraud in the financial statement
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The aim of the research is to demonstrate the impact of the professional specialization of the audit companies in the detection of fraud in the financial statements of the economic units listed in the Iraqi market for securities for the period 2014-2015 through the application of the model (Carcello) to test the hypothesis of research on the impact of professional specialization of audit companies in the detection of fraud in lists The effect of the variables was revealed through the use of statistical models of logistic regression model and correlation coefficient. After testing the hypotheses of the research, a number of conclusions were reached. The most important was the existence of a signi

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