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Assessing the Impact of reformation in wise Administration of Ruling and constant development : A study of Arab Political
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The research has been talked on specific an important notions concerning with the dimensions of effectiveness of good governance and sustainable development inside all Arab states, So that the scientific article reflected the role of investments in various sections of institutional business by draw attention toward different projects about analyzing the whole political reality according to the standard indications of political and social stability on the regional level and international aspects. Therefore, the study resembled scientific contains and the dimensions of political reform and administrative overhauling within governmental system in order to achieve all raw objectives for sustainable development. All international and regional organizations especially the United Nations and Arab league even the specialized agencies for United nations had concentrated on the matters of promoting performance the institutional work, according to the analytical - futuristic visions to evaluate the whole of sectors by good governance and sustainable development in political , social, and economic perspectives of Arab states to accomplishment various demands and necessity requirements of political reform for the future of generations within Arab society. Finally , the contemporary strategy of sustainable development has been making certain that the analysis of political reality became as a necessary for stabilizing the social and political indications , which effected thoroughly on the process of political and administrative reforms in order to preserving the future of sustainable development ; then to recreate the good governance according to the credited standards and indications for accomplish beneficial policies in the foreseeable future within Arab states .>ا

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 10 2021
Journal Name
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثالث - المجلة الامريكية الدولية للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
Public Governance and Sustainable Development - A descriptive study of the reality of public institutions in Iraq
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In light of crises, the need for efficient and flexible public administrations to make quick and decisive decisions, also institutions capable of directing the internal elements and components of them and adapting them to the requirements of rapid change due to crises and disasters, which led to scarce resources becoming scarcer and economic, political and social problems becomes more prominent. For the majority of developing countries, including Iraq, the increasing need for the importance of moving towards enhancing the efficiency of the performance of public institutions while trying to predict their future, can only be achieved. Through solid mechanisms and principles of governance that enhance the ability of institutions and make them

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of relational general policies in achieving the aims of sustainable development
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شهدت العالم منذ نهايات القرن الماضي وبدايات القرن الواحد والعشرين تطورات دراماتيكية على صعيد الادبيات التنموية ، اذ تحولت التنمية من المفهوم التقليدي الذي اهتم بالنمو الاقتصادي الى رؤية جديدة هي رؤية التنمية البشرية ومن ثم الى التنمية المستدامة التي اعطت للتنمية البعد الانساني وجعلت من مشكلات واحتياجات البشر منطلق لها لتحويل الفرد والمجتمع الى مرحلة جديدة تضمن له العيش الكريم وتحقق معه

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political finance: a study on the financing of political parties
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 Parties as active units in this process in order to work must have access to sources of funding in order to maintain their political presence in society and participate in the process of electoral competition, To win the election, bolstering the huge role that money has played in influencing the principle of equality among contestants in the elections. Those who own money will have a greater chance of winning the elections while less competitive opportunities for others who do not own the money or what they own does not give them the competitive ability to win elections. From this point of view, controlling political finance through legal regulation and institutional, media and popular monitoring has become an important requirement

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Alternative development in the proposed model of the Strategy for Empowerment and Spatial Sustainable Development/ Baghdad Governorate Council as a case study
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This research mainly aims to analyze local development strategy in Baghdad Governance, build the Strategic Model based on the study area's spatial interaction, and achieve the Trinity of Excellence based on the global model of excellence.

           This research applied SWOT strategic analysis for the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment and opportunities and threats of the external environment for the provincial council. In conclusion, the research specifies appropriate alternatives and choosing the best in line with the reality of the Baghdad Provincial Council. Also, the strategic goals in the national plan and the spatial interaction of the development goals,

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of political thinking on the decision maker in analyzing the strategic environment of the state (applied study in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance)
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The Political Thinking Regarded as an important element for the formulation of the stat, weather in its formation, the structure of it s entity, its political system and it s governmental instruments .The political thinking can not act without determined strategy, So they intend to work hard to formulate a railed strategy that make them able to determine its  directions to general issues.

   The Study aimed to solve the problem through the following question:

1- What are the levels of Political Thinking and Strategic Analysis in the financial ministry?

2- What are the relation ship between the dimensions of Political  T

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Yemeni political system: a study of the internal variables
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النظام السياسي اليمني : دراسة في المتغيرات الداخلية

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of religious references in the reformation process in Iraq after 2003
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The Shiite religious authority in Iraq has played an active and vital role over its long history in promoting values of tolerance, rejecting extremism, advocating unity and confronting external challenges. This role has increased significantly after 2003 as a result of the great challenges that have passed in Iraq. Despite its clear policy of non-interference in political matters, except in cases of necessity, but the great role it played in maintaining national unity and advocating the rejection of extremism and sectarianism has made it a necessary need in Iraq to confront any deviations, dispersions or threats that affect society and the state. Therefore, its role in the process of reform was prominent on the political level by calling

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Political Dimension in the Poems of Uri Tzvi Greenberg הממד הפוליטי בשיריו של אורי-צבי גרינברג
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    אורי-צבי גרינברג, אחד המשוררים היהודים הבולטים במאה ה-20, ולפי מבקרים רבים, היה גרינברג מהמשוררים החלוצים בתקופה שמלאה בחדשנות ובתנודת האירועים הפוליטיים והביטחוניים, באירופה ובמזרח התיכון. גרינברג יליד גליציה ב-1894, גדל במשפחה חסידית, הוא הגר פלסטינה ב-1923, ומשנה ההיא גרינברג נצל את עצמו לעבודה הספרותית והפוליטית ביחד. הוא תרם להקמתם של כתבי-עת והעתונים וכתב יצירות ספרותיות רבות, רובן היו שירים בעלי

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Multi-dimensional poverty and sustainable human development in Iraq
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The problem of poverty and deprivation constitute a humanitarian tragedy and its continuation may threaten the political achievements reached by the State. Iraq, in particular, and although he is one of the very rich countries due to availability of huge economic wealth, poverty indicators are still high. In addition, the main factor in the decline in the standard of living due to the weakness of the government's performance in the delivery of public services of water, electricity and sanitation. Thus, the guide for human development has been addressed which express the achievements that the state can be achieved both on a physical level or on the human level, so in order to put appropriate strategies and policies aimed at elimin

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US policy toward the political movement in the Arab countries Egypt a model
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The whole world and the Arab world, especially an important part of this international system, is undergoing a radical transformation at all levels. This mosaic of political, economic, social and military relations and alliances, whether based on the special interests of the major Powers or on the basis of mutual interests, The major transformations to social, economic, political and military conflict and these transformations still bear more surprises, at all levels, nothing remains constant, all changed, relations changed and alliances changed and loyalties fell and the principles of the M changed and the spectacular imperial economies collapsed and the will of the masses was no longer fixed.

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