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Cytological Effects of Mutagenic Agents and NaCl on Mitotic Division in Two Iraqi Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes

This study was carried out to determine the effects of NaCl (0.00, 50, 100, 150, 180 or 200) mM and two different types of mutagens chemical mutagen ethyl methyl sulphonate (EMS) at 0.5% and physical mutagen UV-B irradiation (40 min time exposure), on mitotic division in two Iraqi rice genotypes Amber 33 (A33) and Amber Baghdad (AB). Different concentrations of NaCl were used. Mitotic index (MI %) was decreased significantly by increasing NaCl concentration, however the highest mitotic index was recorded in mutated genotypes with EMS and UV-B. Different abnormal chromosomes were noticed in mutated plants. Results showed high percentage of abnormal chromosomes in EMS mutated genotypes. In addition no significant differences between genotypes in mean of mitotic index with respect to all experiments.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Callus Induction and Proliferation as Affected by EMS and UV-B Mutagens in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes

Seeds of the two rice genotypes namely Amber 33 (A33) and Amber Baghdad (AB) were divided into two groups; the first was presoaked in different concentrations of ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) as chemical mutagen for different duration times (3, 6 and 12) hrs, and the other was exposed to different exposure times of ultra violate (UV-B) radiation (280-320 nm) as physical mutagen for different times (20, 40 and 60) min at room temperature. Treated and non-treated seeds were transferred into the callus induction medium containing 2.5 mg/L 2,4- dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and 0.5 mg/L benzyl adenine (BA) under aseptic conditions. Calli were divided into two groups the first was treated with several EMS concentrations (0.0, 0.50. 1.0, 1

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2017
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

In order to evaluate the effect of seed size, plant growth regulators and some chemical materials on seed vigour and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) an experiment was conducted in 2015 at Laboratories of Agriculture and Marshes College, University of Thi-Qar. Factorial experiment in CRD was used with four replications in two factors. The first factor included three seed sizes (4.6-5.1, 5.2-5.7 and 5.8-6.3 mm). The second factor was seeds soaking treatments (KNO3 6 gl-1, CaCl2 20 gl-1, salicylic acid 20 mg l-1, cytokinin 40 mg l-1, gibberllic acid 400 mg l-1, ascorbic acid 40 mg l-1 and seeds soaked in distilled water). The results showed that the largest seed size influenced significantly and gave the higher averages of germinatio

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Radiological Impact Assessment of Farm Soils and Ofada rice (Oryza sativa japonica) from Three Areas in Nigeria

Oryza sativa japonica (ofada rice) is largely grown in Aramoko, Abakaliki and Ofada are communities and consumed by both the poor and rich in Nigeria. A total of twenty ofada rice farmlands were identified in each study area and rice samples were randomly collected, thoroughly mixed to make a representative sample from each farmland. Soil samples were collected in each farm to a depth of 5-15cm from at least eight different points and thoroughly mixed together to form a representative sample. The samples were thereafter taken to the laboratory for preparation and spectroscopic analysis. A well-calibrated NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detector was used in spectrometric analysis of the samples and descriptive statistics was used to analyze th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 25 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

This study was aimed to investigate the genetic variability of 26 rice genotypes and evaluation at two locations in Sulaimani governorate, Gaba and Chawtan which were completely different in their environmental condition during the season of 2019. The performances of the genotypes were analyzed at both locations as well as the average of both. Simple coefficients of correlation were used to assess the grain yield components and their relationships. Path analysis was used to determine the direct and indirect effects of such components on grain yield plant-1. The genotypes were grouped based on the agro-morphological features using cluster analysis. Almost all of the traits at both locat

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Use of DAF markers (DNA Amplification Fingerprint) to Assess Genetic Diversity of Rice (Oryza satival L.)

This study was carried out to assess genetic diversity of ten cultivars of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). One of DNA markers based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used namely DAF markers (DNA Amplification Fingerprint). Six primers were tested, the results showed, that no amplification products using the primers OPD.14 and OPM.5. Two primers (OPX.8 and OPT.2) produced monomorphic band across all cultivars, while only two primers generated polymorphic bands. The number of total bands produced from one of them (OPN.7) were sixteen. Also this primer produced ten polymorphic profiles (DAF patterns) which were unique to the ten cultivars that could be distinguished. The number of total bands generated by primer OPX.1 were thirteen and this prim

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of aqueous and alcohol (phenol) extract from cyperus rotundus on mitotic Division in tap roots of Allium cepa

This study was conducted to test the effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts for cyperus rotundus on the mitosis in tap roots of Allium cepa. the result of general an identical qualitative tests showed contains certain compounds that of crude aqueous and alcoholic extract, Used as five different concentrations of (10, 20.38, 56, 75) mg / ml for a period of four hours of treatment. After the chemical has been detected for some preliminary chemical compounds of the crude aqueous extract, while the alcoholic extract either phenol compound has been detected for phenols using several techniques included the use of thin layer chromatography TLC and measurement of disability factor RF and the degree of fusion and measurement of absorbance. The r

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cytological study in the Iraqi speeies of the genus Bromus L. Poaceae)

This paper is a part of a cytological studies of the genus Bromus L. in Iraq . Cl number for 103 specimens ropro^eming l^species determined . The course of meiosis including an analysis of chromosome configuradon for 27 collections belonging to 8 species were investigated . Meiosis was regular in most species . Tetraploid for B.scoparius L. (new cytotype ) and hexaploid ?'or " Kunth. were re^rted for the first time, cytological findings were supported the view of maintaining the closely related species B.danthoniae Trin. and B.lanceolatus Roth, as distinct species .

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mutagenic Effect of Crucifers Lepidium sativum and Eruca sativa in Comparison to Carrot Daucus carota

The mutagenic effect of some crucifers widely consumed Lepiduim sativum (Garden cress) and Arugula (Eruca sativa) was studied in comparison to carrot (Daucus carota), using bacterial mutagenic system composed of three bacterial isolates; (Bacillus spp)G3 (Arthrobacter spp)G12, and (Brevibacterium spp)G27 ,. Treatment of isolates with plant extracts led to reduction in survival fraction (Sx)at different levels except that Aurgula extract did not show any inhibitory effect in isolates G12 and G27. Crucifers extracts induced streptomycin resistant mutants in G12 at higher level than G3 , but not in G27. No resistance to rifimpacin was detected in all isolates.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Performance of Two Species of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) and (Nigella arvensis L.) Under Different Sowing Dates in Spring and Autumn at hallabja Governorate /Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

     Two field experiments were performed to study the response of two species , Nigella sativa L. and Nigella arvensis L. within different sowing dates at spring and autumn seasons which included 1st and 20th March, 10th April and 1st May for spring season, while the sowing dates for the autumn season were, 2nd November, 21st November, 11th December, 31stDecember and 20thJanuary. Both experiments conducted according to the Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) within three replications at hallabja/Kurdistan Region, located [35°12'48.7"N; 45°57'34.4"

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 09 2013
Journal Name
Plant Biology
Comparing simple root phenotyping methods on a core set of rice genotypes
Abstract<p>Interest in belowground plant growth is increasing, especially in relation to arguments that shallow‐rooted cultivars are efficient at exploiting soil phosphorus while deep‐rooted ones will access water at depth. However, methods for assessing roots in large numbers of plants are diverse and direct comparisons of methods are rare. Three methods for measuring root growth traits were evaluated for utility in discriminating rice cultivars: soil‐filled rhizotrons, hydroponics and soil‐filled pots whose bottom was sealed with a non‐woven fabric (a potential method for assessing root penetration ability). A set of 38 rice genotypes including the Oryza<styled-content style="fixed-case">SNP</styled-content></p> ... Show More
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