In this paper we show that if ? Xi is monotonically T2-space then each Xi is monotonically T2-space, too. Moreover, we show that if ? Xi is monotonically normal space then each Xi is monotonically normal space, too. Among these results we give a new proof to show that the monotonically T2-space property and monotonically normal space property are hereditary property and topologically property and give an example of T2-space but not monotonically T2-space.
In this research, a new application has been developed for games by using the generalization of the separation axioms in topology, in particular regular, Sg-regular and SSg- regular spaces. The games under study consist of two players and the victory of the second player depends on the strategy and choice of the first player. Many regularity, Sg, SSg regularity theorems have been proven using this type of game, and many results and illustrative examples have been presented
The topic of supra.topological.spaces considered one of the important topics because it is a generalization to topological.spaces. Many researchers have presented generalizations to supra open sets such as supra and supra sets and others. In this paper, the concept of δ∼open sets was employed and introduced in to the concept of supra topology and a new type of open set was extracted, which was named S∼δ∼open. Our research entails the utilization of this category of sets to form a new concepts in these spaces, namely S∼δ∼limit points and S∼δ∼derive points, and examining its relationship with S∼open and S∼reg∼open. Based on this class of sets, we have introduced other new concepts such as S∼isolate
... Show MoreThe main purpose of this paper is to introduce a some concepts in fibrewise bitopological spaces which are called fibrewise , fibrewise -closed, fibrewise −compact, fibrewise -perfect, fibrewise weakly -closed, fibrewise almost -perfect, fibrewise ∗-bitopological space respectively. In addition the concepts as - contact point, ij-adherent point, filter, filter base, ij-converges to a subset, ij-directed toward a set, -continuous, -closed functions, -rigid set, -continuous functions, weakly ijclosed, ij-H-set, almost ij-perfect, ∗-continuous, pairwise Urysohn space, locally ij-QHC bitopological space are introduced and the main concept in this paper is fibrewise -perfect bitopological spaces. Several theorems and characterizations c
... Show MoreThe primary objective of this paper is to present a new concept of fibrewise topological spaces over B is said to be fibrewise slightly topological spaces over B. Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise slightly perfect topological spaces, filter base, contact point, slightly convergent, slightly directed toward a set, slightly adherent point, slightly rigid, fibrewise slightly weakly closed, H.set, fibrewise almost slightly perfect, slightly∗ .continuous fibrewise slightly∗ topological spaces respectively, slightly Te, locally QHC, In addition, we state and prove several propositions related to these concepts.
The essential objective of this paper is to introduce new notions of fibrewise topological spaces on D that are named to be upper perfect topological spaces, lower perfect topological spaces, multi-perfect topological spaces, fibrewise upper perfect topological spaces, and fibrewise lower perfect topological spaces. fibrewise multi-perfect topological spaces, filter base, contact point, rigid, multi-rigid, multi-rigid, fibrewise upper weakly closed, fibrewise lower weakly closed, fibrewise multi-weakly closed, set, almost upper perfect, almost lower perfect, almost multi-perfect, fibrewise almost upper perfect, fibrewise almost lower perfect, fibrewise almost multi-perfect, upper* continuous fibrewise upper∗ topol
... Show MoreThe aim of this thesis is to introduce a new concept of fibrewise topological spaces which is said to be fibrewise slightly topological spaces. We generalize some of the main results that have been reached from fibrewise topology into fibrewise slightly topological space. We introduce the concepts of fibrewise slightly closed, fibrewise slightly open, fibrewise locally sliceable, and fibrewise locally sectionable slightly topological spaces. Also, state and prove several propositions related to these concepts. On the other hand, extend separation axioms of ordinary topology into fibrewise setting. The separation axioms are said to be fibrewise slightly T_0 spaces, fibrewise slightly T_1 spaces, fibrewise slightly R_0 spaces, fibrewise s
... Show MoreIn this paper the definition of fuzzy normed space is recalled and its basic properties. Then the definition of fuzzy compact operator from fuzzy normed space into another fuzzy normed space is introduced after that the proof of an operator is fuzzy compact if and only if the image of any fuzzy bounded sequence contains a convergent subsequence is given. At this point the basic properties of the vector space FC(V,U)of all fuzzy compact linear operators are investigated such as when U is complete and the sequence ( ) of fuzzy compact operators converges to an operator T then T must be fuzzy compact. Furthermore we see that when T is a fuzzy compact operator and S is a fuzzy bounded operator then the composition TS and ST are fuzzy compact
... Show MoreThe concept of fuzzy orbit open sets under the mapping
Fibrewise topological spaces theory is a relatively new branch of mathematics, less than three decades old, arisen from algebraic topology. It is a highly useful tool and played a pivotal role in homotopy theory. Fibrewise topological spaces theory has a broad range of applications in many sorts of mathematical study such as Lie groups, differential geometry and dynamical systems theory. Moreover, one of the main objects, which is considered in fibrewise topological spaces theory is connectedness. In this regard, we of the present study introduce the concept of connected fibrewise topological spaces and study their main results.