Throughout this paper, T is a ring with identity and F is a unitary left module over T. This paper study the relation between semihollow-lifting modules and semiprojective covers. proposition 5 shows that If T is semihollow-lifting, then every semilocal T-module has semiprojective cover. Also, give a condition under which a quotient of a semihollow-lifting module having a semiprojective cover. proposition 2 shows that if K is a projective module. K is semihollow-lifting if and only if For every submodule A of K with K/( A) is hollow, then K/( A) has a semiprojective cover.
Throughout this paper, three concepts are introduced namely stable semisimple modules, stable t-semisimple modules and strongly stable t-semisimple. Many features co-related with these concepts are presented. Also many connections between these concepts are given. Moreover several relationships between these classes of modules and other co-related classes and other related concepts are introduced.
Let be a commutative ring with identity, and be a unitary left R-module. In this paper we, introduce and study a new class of modules called pure hollow (Pr-hollow) and pure-lifting (Pr-lifting). We give a fundamental, properties of these concept. also, we, introduce some conditions under which the quotient and direct sum of Pr-lifting modules is Pr-lifting.
Let R be a ring with identity and M is a unitary left R–module. M is called J–lifting module if for every submodule N of M, there exists a submodule K of N such that
In this paper, we introduce the concepts of Large-lifting and Large-supplemented modules as a generalization of lifting and supplemented modules. We also give some results and properties of this new kind of modules.
The basis of this paper is to study the concept of almost projective semimodules as a generalization of projective semimodules. Some of its characteristics have been discussed, as well as some results have been generalized from projective semimodules.
In this work, the notion of principally quasi- injective semimodule is introduced, discussing the conditions needed to get properties and characterizations similar or related to the case in modules.
Let be an -semimodule with endomorphism semiring Ș. The semimodule is called principally quasi-injective, if every -homomorphism from any cyclic subsemimodule of to can be extended to an endomorphism of .
The aim of this paper is introducing the concept of (ɱ,ɳ) strong full stability B-Algebra-module related to an ideal. Some properties of (ɱ,ɳ)- strong full stability B-Algebra-module related to an ideal have been studied and another characterizations have been given. The relationship of (ɱ,ɳ) strong full stability B-Algebra-module related to an ideal that states, a B- -module Ӽ is (ɱ,ɳ)- strong full stability B-Algebra-module related to an ideal , if and only if for any two ɱ-element sub-sets and of Ӽɳ, if , for each j = 1, …, ɱ, i = 1,…, ɳ and implies Ạɳ( ) Ạɳ( have been proved..