The main purpose of this work is to introduce the concept of higher N-derivation and study this concept into 2-torsion free prime ring we proved that:Let R be a prime ring of char. 2, U be a Jordan ideal of R and be a higher N-derivation of R, then , for all u U , r R , n N .
In this paper, we proved that if R is a prime ring, U be a nonzero Lie ideal of R , d be a nonzero (?,?)-derivation of R. Then if Ua?Z(R) (or aU?Z(R)) for a?R, then either or U is commutative Also, we assumed that Uis a ring to prove that: (i) If Ua?Z(R) (or aU?Z(R)) for a?R, then either a=0 or U is commutative. (ii) If ad(U)=0 (or d(U)a=0) for a?R, then either a=0 or U is commutative. (iii) If d is a homomorphism on U such that ad(U) ?Z(R)(or d(U)a?Z(R), then a=0 or U is commutative.
We present the concept of maps Γ- periodi2 on Γ -near-ring S. Our main goal is to research and explore the presence and mapping traits such as h Γ –hom anti-Γ –hom, Γ –α-derivations of Γ -periodi2 on Γ- near-rings.
Let R be a 2-torision free prime ring and ?, ?? Aut(R). Furthermore, G: R×R?R is a symmetric generalized (?, ?)-Biderivation associated with a nonzero (?, ?)-Biderivation D. In this paper some certain identities are presented satisfying by the traces of G and D on an ideal of R which forces R to be commutative
Let h is Γ−(λ,δ) – derivation on prime Γ−near-ring G and K be a nonzero semi-group ideal of G and δ(K) = K, then the purpose of this paper is to prove the following :- (a) If λ is onto on G, λ(K) = K, λ(0) = 0 and h acts like Γ−hom. or acts like anti–Γ−hom. on K, then h(K) = {0}.(b) If h + h is an additive on K, then (G, +) is abelian.
Let R be an associative ring. In this paper we present the definition of (s,t)- Strongly derivation pair and Jordan (s,t)- strongly derivation pair on a ring R, and study the relation between them. Also, we study prime rings, semiprime rings, and rings that have commutator left nonzero divisior with (s,t)- strongly derivation pair, to obtain a (s,t)- derivation. Where s,t: R®R are two mappings of R.
The main purpose of this paper is to study some results concerning reduced ring with another concepts as semiprime ring ,prime ring,essential ideal ,derivations and homomorphism ,we give some results a bout that.
In this work we shall introduce the concept of weakly quasi-prime modules and give some properties of this type of modules.
Let R be a commutative ring with unity and let M be a left R-module. We define a proper submodule N of M to be a weakly prime if whenever r  R, x  M, 0  r x  N implies x  N or r  (N:M). In fact this concept is a generalization of the concept weakly prime ideal, where a proper ideal P of R is called a weakly prime, if for all a, b  R, 0  a b  P implies a  P or b  P. Various properties of weakly prime submodules are considered.
The concepts of higher Bi- homomorphism and Jordan higher Bi- homomorphism have been introduced and studied the relation between Jordan and ordinary higher Bi- homomorphism also the concepts of Co- higher Bi- homomorphism and Co- Jordan higher Bi- homomorphism introduced and the relation between them in Banach algebra have also been studied.
"In this article, "we introduce the concept of a WE-Prime submodule", as a stronger form of a weakly prime submodule". "And as a "generalization of WE-Prime submodule", we introduce the concept of WE-Semi-Prime submodule, which is also a stronger form of a weakly semi-prime submodule". "Various basic properties of these two concepts are discussed. Furthermore, the relationships between "WE-Prime submodules and weakly prime submodules" and studied". "On the other hand the relation between "WE-Prime submodules and WE-Semi-Prime submodules" are consider". "Also" the relation of "WE-Sime-Prime submodules and weakly semi-prime submodules" are explained. Behind that, some characterizations of these concepts are investigated".
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