Suppose that
Let G be a finite group, the result is the involution graph of G, which is an undirected simple graph denoted by the group G as the vertex set and x, y ∈ G adjacent if xy and (xy)2 = 1. In this article, we investigate certain properties of G, the Leech lattice groups HS and McL. The study involves calculating the diameter, the radius, and the girth of ΓGRI.
Let/. It :0 ---0 G be any two self maps of a compact connected oriented Lie group G. In this paper, for each positive integer k , we associate an integer with fk,hi . We relate this number with Lefschetz coincidence number. We deduce that for any two differentiable maps f, there exists a positive integer k such that k 5.2+1 , and there is a point x C G such that ft (x) = (x) , where A is the rank of G . Introduction Let G be an n-dimensional com -pact connected Lie group with multip-lication p ( .e 44:0 xG--+G such that p ( x , y) = x.y ) and unit e . Let [G, G] be the set of homotopy classes of maps G G . Given two maps f , f G ---• Jollowing [3], we write f. f 'to denote the map G-.Gdefined by 01.11® =A/WO= fiat® ,sea Given a point g
... Show MoreIn this paper we used Hosoya polynomial ofgroupgraphs Z1,...,Z26 after representing each group as graph and using Dihedral group to"encrypt the plain texts with the immersion property which provided Hosoya polynomial to immerse the cipher text in another"cipher text to become very"difficult to solve.
Background: Dental stone casts come into contact with impression materials and becomes susceptible to cross contamination from saliva and blood. This study was done to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of dental stone type IV after treatments with various disinfecting agents and regimes (methods). Materials and Methods: Type IV dental stone and different types of disinfecting agents were used and divided into seven groups: G1: dental stone without disinfection (control group), G2: dental stone mixed with silver nitrate powder 0.5% , G3: dental stone mixed with silver nitrate powder 1%, G4: dental stone mixed with copper sulfate powder 0.5%, G5: dental stone mixed with copper sulfate powder 1% ,G6: dental stone immersed in prop
... Show MoreConsider the (p,q) simple connected graph . The sum absolute values of the spectrum of quotient matrix of a graph make up the graph's quotient energy. The objective of this study is to examine the quotient energy of identity graphs and zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings using group theory, graph theory, and applications. In this study, the identity graphs derived from the group and a few classes of zero-divisor graphs of the commutative ring R are examined.
Antimagic labeling of a graph with vertices and edges is assigned the labels for its edges by some integers from the set , such that no two edges received the same label, and the weights of vertices of a graph are pairwise distinct. Where the vertex-weights of a vertex under this labeling is the sum of labels of all edges incident to this vertex, in this paper, we deal with the problem of finding vertex antimagic edge labeling for some special families of graphs called strong face graphs. We prove that vertex antimagic, edge labeling for strong face ladder graph , strong face wheel graph , strong face fan graph , strong face prism graph and finally strong face friendship graph .
In this paper, Nordhaus-Gaddum type relations on open support independence number of some derived graphs of path related graphs under addition and multiplication are studied.