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Examining how PMMA and polyamide denture base materials' physical characteristics are affected by electrolyzed water used as a denture cleaner
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Denture cleansing is an essential step that can stop cross‑contamination and adds to the health of the patient, denture durability, and the general quality of life. A disinfection technique must be practical and devoid of damaging effects on the material's properties used to construct the denture base. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of three concentrations of electrolyzed water denture cleanser on heat cure acrylic and polyamide after immersion in electrolyzed water. The evaluation is based on their efficacy on surface hardness, wettability, and color stability compared with one submerged in distilled water as a control group. The method consists of eighty samples of heat-cured acrylic and polyamide material. The samples were immersed in electrolyzed water at a concentration of (100-200ppm) and in distilled water for 5 minutes, 30 times, and daily for 12 days to simulate a one-year interval. The tests showed that the surface hardness and color stability were maintained, with no significant difference between the control and experimental groups. In comparison, the result of wettability showed a statistically significant difference between the control and experimental groups. Thus, electrolyzed water does not affect the surface hardness and color stability of heat-cure acrylic and polyamide denture base materials. However, the wettability of these materials was significantly increased. Keywords: Electrolyzed water; Heat cure acrylic; Polyamide material

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Scheduling of Irrigation and Leaching Requirements
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Iraq depends mainly on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to provide high percentage of agricultural water use for thousands years. At last years, Iraq is suffering from shortage in water resources due to global climate changes and unfair water politics of the neighboring countries, which affected the future of agriculture plans for irrigation, added to that the lack of developed systems of water management in the irrigation projects and improper allocation of irrigation water, which reduces water use efficiency and lead to losing irrigation water and decreasing in agricultural yield. This study aims at studying the usability of irrigation and leaching scheduling within the irrigating projects and putting a complete annual or seasonal irrigatio

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Babis and Baha’is in Iran
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The person who wants to learn. The history of Bab’is will notice a very
starnge phenomenon that they (Babis and Baha’is) resort to visions to prove their
The believers usually reach to each other by their visions. This phenomenon
are shared among them from Al- Ahsa’ai time till the last phase of their propaganda
which is the Baha’is propaganda, and this is due to their ignorance and under
development in doctrine of islam which was widespread in Iran and the Islamic world.
The whole secrets of Babis and Baha’is movement were restricted among
particular group, most of them were Al- Rashti’s students and knew the basic
principles of their movement which deperding or (the principles) declarati

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
W-Closed Submodule and Related Concepts
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    Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and M be a left untial module. In this paper we introduce and study the concept w-closed submodules, that is stronger form of the concept of closed submodules, where asubmodule K of a module M is called w-closed in M, "if it has no proper weak essential extension in M", that is if there exists a submodule L of M with K is weak essential submodule of L then K=L. Some basic properties, examples of w-closed submodules are investigated, and some relationships between w-closed submodules and other related modules are studied. Furthermore, modules with chain condition on w-closed submodules are studied.   

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Class and its impact on society
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Man has a great role in the development of society in all fields, and therefore the human thought played a great role in its continuous pursuit and insight into the social classes that differ in their privileges, which makes the members of society not reconcile because of that disparity that is not based on human principles, so one class exploits another, and this is what stopped me Rather, it prompted me to choose the topic (class and its impact on society) in order to show the impact of classes on each other negatively and positively, so I work to avoid the first with the recommendations I put forward and offer guidance, and strengthen the second, and after this topic of necessity in a place because of the imbalance and promise of appr

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 27 2023
Journal Name
Tem Journal
Predicting Age and Gender Using AlexNet
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Due to the availability of technology stemming from in-depth research in this sector and the drawbacks of other identifying methods, biometrics has drawn maximum attention and established itself as the most reliable alternative for recognition in recent years. Efforts are still being made to develop a user-friendly system that is up to par with security-system requirements and yields more reliable outcomes while safeguarding assets and ensuring privacy. Human age estimation and Gender identification are both challenging endeavours. Biomarkers and methods for determining biological age and gender have been extensively researched, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Facial-image-based positioning is crucial for many application

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Large-Coessential and Large-Coclosed Submodules
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The goal of this research is to introduce the concepts of Large-coessential submodule and Large-coclosed submodule, for which some properties are also considered. Let M  be an R-module and K, N are submodules of M such that , then K is said to be Large-coessential submodule, if . A submodule N of M is called Large-coclosed submodule, if K is Large-coessential submodule of N in M, for some submodule K of N, implies that  .

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Boubaker Wavelets Functions: Properties and Applications
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This paper is concerned with introducing an explicit expression for orthogonal Boubaker polynomial functions with some important properties. Taking advantage of the interesting properties of Boubaker polynomials, the definition of Boubaker wavelets on interval [0,1) is achieved. These basic functions are orthonormal and have compact support. Wavelets have many advantages and applications in the theoretical and applied fields, and they are applied with the orthogonal polynomials to propose a new method for treating several problems in sciences, and engineering that is wavelet method, which is computationally more attractive in the various fields. A novel property of Boubaker wavelet function derivative in terms of Boubaker wavelet themsel

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
St-Polyform Modules and Related Concepts
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In this paper, we introduce a new concept named St-polyform modules, and show that the class of St-polyform modules is contained properly in the well-known classes; polyform, strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind and ?-nonsingular modules. Various properties of such modules are obtained. Another characterization of St-polyform module is given. An existence of St-polyform submodules in certain class of modules is considered. The relationships of St-polyform with some related concepts are investigated. Furthermore, we introduce other new classes which are; St-semisimple and ?-non St-singular modules, and we verify that the class of St-polyform modules lies between them.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Generalized Rough Digraphs and Related Topologies
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Abstract<p>The primary objective of this paper, is to introduce eight types of topologies on a finite digraphs and state the implication between these topologies. Also we used supra open digraphs to introduce a new types for approximation rough digraphs.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Geology and Structure Analysis of Shaqlawa – Merawa Area, Northern Iraq Using Remote Sensing, GIS and Field Observations
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This study appears GIS techniqueand remote sensing data are matching with the field observation to identify the structural features such as fault segments in the urban area such as the Merawa and Shaqlawa Cities. The use of different types of data such as fault systems, drainage patterns (previously mapped), lineament, and lithological contacts with spatial resolution of 30m was combined through a process of integration and index overlay modeling technique for producing the susceptibility map of fault segments in the study area. GIS spatial overlay technique was used to determine the spatial relationships of all the criteria (factors) and subcriteria (classes) within layers (maps) to classify and map the potential ar

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