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Diagnostic study of candidiasis in the mouth, urine and vagina of diabetic and healthy people
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A study that collected 240 samples and divided into two groups: the first 120 samples were for diabetics and the second 120 samples were for healthy people, and each group included (90, 20.10) samples from the mouth, urine and vagina respectively, The results showed positive (28.67, 4.00, 1.67) isolates of Candida. In the mouth, urine and vagina, respectively, of diabetic patients compared to (9.33, 2.33, 5.00) positive isolates in the mouth, urine and vagina, respectively, in the healthy. The rate of positive isolates in women was high in women with diabetes and healthy, and it reached 25.33 and 9.00 isolates, respectively, compared with the rate of isolates in men with Candida disease for diabetic patients and healthy people 14.67 and 2.00 isolates, respectively. Candidiasis recorded the highest incidence in the age group (51-70) years of diabetes, as (16.33, 3.33, 3.00) infections in the mouth, urine and vagina respectively, while the age group between (20-30) years in which any injury to the urine and vagina except the mouth was recorded was 1.33 As for the healthy, the incidence of candidiasis was less compared to diabetics, as it reached (5.00, 2.00, 1.33) infections in the mouth, urine and vagina, respectively. Colonies of Candida spp. On SDA medium were bright, creamy white and smooth. C. albicans was only able to grow at 45 C and produce germ tube when it grew in the serum. C. tropical showed its ability to grow surface on SDB medium. The use of chrom agar medium was C albacans in light green, C. Tropecalis in blue, C. dublineiensis in dark green, and C. glabrata in pale pink. C. albicans isolated from the mouth, urine, or vagina …

Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Hypomagnesemia in Iraqi Diabetic Patients and Healthy Controls: An Exploratory study
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Background: Diabetes mellitus has been suggested
to be the most common metabolic disorder
associated with magnesium deficiency, and because
available data suggest that adverse outcomes are
associated with hypomagnesemia, it is prudent that
routine surveillance for hypomagnesemia be done
and the condition be treated whenever possible.
Aim of the study:To explore the serum Mg
concentrations of diabetic patients and healthy
controls in our locality.
Mehtods: One hundred and forty four diabetic
patients (22 with type I and 122 with type II diabetes
mellitus) recruited from the outpatient diabetes clinic
at the Specialized Center For Endocrine DiseasesBaghdad (62 patients), National Diabetes Center-Al

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Periodontal Health Status and Assessment of Osteocalcin levels in Saliva of Diabetic Patients and Systemically Healthy Persons (Comparative study)
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ABSTRACT Background: Diabetes and periodontitis are complicated prolonged disorders through a recognized two-way association. There is elongated-conventional mark that hyperglycaemia in diabetes is affected on immune-inflammatory response and disturb the action of osteoclast and in balance bone turnover, which might rise the person vulnerability to the progress of prolonged periodontitis. Osteocalcin is one of the greatest plentiful matrix proteins originate in bones and produced absolutely there. Small osteocalcin crumbles are noticed in regions of bone remodeling and are in fact degradation products of the bone matrix, that is released outside cells into the Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) and saliva after destruction of periodontal tissu

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Publication Date
Wed May 11 2011
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Pure Science
Isolation and partial purification malatase isoenzymes from urine of type 2 diabetic patients
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This study was performd on 50 urine specimens of patients with type 2 diabetes, in addition, 50 normal specimens were investigated as control group. The activity rate of maltase in patients (6.40±2.17) I.U/ml and activity rate of maltase in normal (0.44±0.20)I.U/ml. The results of the study reveal that maltase activity of type 2 diabetes patient's urine shows significant increase (P<0.01) compare to normal.

Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Serum Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein and Myelin Protein Zero as Diagnostic Biomarkers in Diabetic Neuropathy
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Background: Diabetic neuropathy can affect any peripheral nerve, including sensory neurons, motor neurons, and the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, diabetic neuropathy has the potential to affect essentially any organ and can affect parts of the nervous system like the optic nerve, spinal cord, and brain. In addition, chronic hyperglycemia affects Schwann cells, and more severe patterns of diabetic neuropathy in humans involve demyelization. Schwann cell destruction might cause a number of changes in the axon. study aims to evaluate serum myelin protein level as a predicting marker in the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy and to prevent early neuropathy complications of type 2 diabetes.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Idintification of candida albicans from vagina and Study of some Virulance Factors
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197 vaginal swabs were collected from women of different ages. (60) Isolates of Candida albicans (30.4%) were obtained, and the other species of Candida represent (18.27%). Bacterial infections showed (41.11%), and infection with Trichomonas vaginalis was (2.03%). Ten isolates of C. albicans were chosen randomly for farther study which include two virulence factors tendency of adhesion wich showed a percentage of (52%) to(32%) , and the ability to produce phospholipaze enzyme and it’s activity which showed (50%) of the isolates have the ability to produce the enzyme in different degrees .

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Timings of people and their significance in the Koran: (Objective study)
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We try through this research to show the relationship between the crescent and the month in the Koran, and then their importance and their relationship to timing, and the timing of this relationship with people, and the significance of these timings, so we gathered verses that spoke about the family and the month, and we tried to study them in a detailed objective study, so this came The research of five subjects was the first topic introductory research and the time and month, while the remaining four detectives on the verses that talked about the timing of the month, and we have explained the relationship of this timing with people and the significance of these times.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparative Biochemical Study of Insulin like Growth Factor-1(IGF-1) in Sera of Controlled and Uncontrolled Dyslipidemia in Type2 Diabetic Iraqi Patients and Healthy Control.
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         The objective of the present study is to compare the effect of insulin like growth factor-1 on the lipid profile in sera of diabetic patients with and without dyslipidemia having the same medical treatment and compared with healthy control. The study included three groups. The biochemical parameters which were measured include, fasting blood sugar(FBS), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting insulin, insulin like growth factor-1(IGF-1),  lipid profile [Total cholesterol (Tc) , triglyceride(TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-c) ,low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-c)and very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL-c)], Atherogenic index of plasma(AIP), insulin resistance(IR). The resu

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Physiological study to investigate the activity of an aqueous extract ofCinnamomum cassiabark on the blood glucose levels in healthy and diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin (stz)
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The present study was investigated the activity of aqueous extract from Cinnamomum cassia bark on the blood glucose levels in healthy and diabetic rats induced by Streptozotcin (STZ). In healthy rats the blood glucose levels were slightly decreased after six hoursof single oral administration with dose (25 mg/kg) of body wight, as well as four weeks after twice daily repeated oral administration of aqueous extract of Cinnamomum cassia bark. In streptozotocin induced diabetic rats we absorved high significant decreased (p<0.05) in blood glucose levels, after four weeks of oral administration of aqueous extract (25 mg /kg ).And blood glucose levels seems to be normal after the period of treatment .Glibenclamide used as standard drug to com

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study and measurements of the uranium and amorphous crystals concentrations in urine samples of breast cancer female patients
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In this work, Kinetic Phosphorescence Analyzer (KPA) has been used to measure the concentrations of uranium (UC) and Amorphous crystals (AMO) in urine samples of breast cancer patients in Baghdad. Additionally, a relation between UC and AMO with respect to patient's age has been deduced and studied.
Forty one urine samples of patients and five for healthy were taken from females lived in different residential area of Baghdad. The measured maximum UC value for urine samples of patients was 2.35 ± 0.053, the minimum value was 0.86 ± 0.034 μg/L, and an overall average was 1.6 ± 0.027 μg/L while the average UC for healthy females was 1.03 ± 0.020 μg/L.
From these results, AMO concentrations were found for all breast cancer patie

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation of Immunoglobulins and complements and Using Enzyme linked Immuno sorbant Assay in Identification of Vulvovaginal candidiasis
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This study was conducted to determine the Immuno – globulins and complements quantitatively. The result revealed that the concentration of Immunoglobulin M(IgM) was increased significantly in patient group comparing with control group . The concentration of complement protein C4 was increased significantly in patient group comparing with control group.IgG of Candida albicans was detected by using ELISA Technique, the result indicated also that this antibody was found in 628% of the women who infected with Vulvovaginal Candidiasis. The sensitivity and specificity of the test were 63% and 89% respectively.

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