In this ˑwork, we present theˑ notion of the ˑgraph for a KU-semigroup as theˑundirected simple graphˑ with the vertices are the elementsˑ of and weˑˑstudy the ˑgraph ofˑ equivalence classesˑofˑ which is determinedˑ by theˑ definition equivalenceˑ relation ofˑ these verticesˑ, andˑ then some related ˑproperties areˑ given. Several examples are presented and some theorems are proved. Byˑ usingˑ the definitionˑ ofˑ isomorphicˑ graph, ˑwe showˑ thatˑ the graphˑ of equivalence ˑclasses ˑand the ˑgraphˑof ˑa KU-semigroup ˑ areˑ theˑ sameˑ, in special cases.
F index is a connected graph, sum of the cubes of the vertex degrees. The forgotten topological index has been designed to be employed in the examination of drug molecular structures, which is extremely useful for pharmaceutical and medical experts in understanding the biological activities. Among all the topological indices, the forgotten index is based on degree connectivity on bonds. This paper characterized the forgotten index of union of graphs, join graphs, limits on trees and its complements, and accuracy is measured. Co-index values are analyzed for the various molecular structure of chemical compounds
BACKGROUND: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common type of thyroid carcinoma that represents a set of characteristic of nuclear features in which the diagnosis is depend. AIM: The study aimed to review different variants of PTC which has different malignant potential in correlation with many prognostic and clinical factors in Iraq. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Paraffin blocks of 227 cases of PTC were selected, subtyped, and grouped according to the malignant potential. The prognostic and clinical factors were studied. RESULTS: The mean age was (39.29 ± 12.17) years, with female predominance (86.3%), where (55.5%) of them below 40 years, conventional variant was most common (40.1%), followed by papillary microcarcinoma
... Show MoreThis paper analyzes a piled-raft foundation on non-homogeneous soils with variable layer depth percentages. The present work aims to perform a three-dimensional finite element analysis of a piled-raft foundation subjected to vertical load using the PLAXIS 3D software. Parametric analysis was carried out to determine the effect of soil type and initial layer thickness. The parametric study showed that increasing the relative density from 30 % to 80 % of the upper sand layer and the thickness of the first layer has led to an increase in the ultimate load and a decrease in the settlement of piled raft foundations for the cases of sand over weak soil. In clay over weak soil, the ultimate load of the piled raft foundation w
... Show MoreWe present the notion of bipolar fuzzy k-ideals with thresholds (
The Detour distance is one of the most common distance types used in chemistry and computer networks today. Therefore, in this paper, the detour polynomials and detour indices of vertices identified of n-graphs which are connected to themselves and separated from each other with respect to the vertices for n≥3 will be obtained. Also, polynomials detour and detour indices will be found for another graphs which have important applications in Chemistry.
Let be a non-trivial simple graph. A dominating set in a graph is a set of vertices such that every vertex not in the set is adjacent to at least one vertex in the set. A subset is a minimum neighborhood dominating set if is a dominating set and if for every holds. The minimum cardinality of the minimum neighborhood dominating set of a graph is called as minimum neighborhood dominating number and it is denoted by . A minimum neighborhood dominating set is a dominating set where the intersection of the neighborhoods of all vertices in the set is as small as possible, (i.e., ). The minimum neighborhood dominating number, denoted by , is the minimum cardinality of a minimum neighborhood dominating set. In other words, it is the
... Show MoreAntimagic labeling of a graph with vertices and edges is assigned the labels for its edges by some integers from the set , such that no two edges received the same label, and the weights of vertices of a graph are pairwise distinct. Where the vertex-weights of a vertex under this labeling is the sum of labels of all edges incident to this vertex, in this paper, we deal with the problem of finding vertex antimagic edge labeling for some special families of graphs called strong face graphs. We prove that vertex antimagic, edge labeling for strong face ladder graph , strong face wheel graph , strong face fan graph , strong face prism graph and finally strong face friendship graph .
The local resolving neighborhood of a pair of vertices for and is if there is a vertex in a connected graph where the distance from to is not equal to the distance from to , or defined by . A local resolving function of is a real valued function such that for and . The local fractional metric dimension of graph denoted by , defined by In this research, the author discusses about the local fractional metric dimension of comb product are two graphs, namely graph and graph , where graph is a connected graphs and graph is a complate graph &
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