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Nesting Technique : It’s Effects on Preterm Cardiorespiratory Indicators
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Background: Premature infant born with immature body system, their organs are not ready for extra uterine life, and they are unable to deal with external stress, which could alter body functions such as cardio-respiratory function. In addition, poor muscle tone increases the chance of developing an abnormal posture. To reduce this instability, applying developmental care such as nesting is vital to promote cardio-respiratory stability, maintain position, and reduce stress in preterm.      Objectives: The study aims to assess the impact of the nesting technique on preterm cardio-respiratory parameters in various positions (supine, prone, and right lateral).       Methodology: The research used randomized controlled trial design. By simple random sampling technique was choose 60 preterm infant, and they were divided into four groups equally (supine, prone, right lateral, and control group). The cardio-respiratory parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation) were measured before and after applying the nesting and positioning techniques for 3 consecutive days. Data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program.                                                                                  Results: The study results showed a significant difference in the mean score of cardio-respiratory after three days of nesting technique with lateral, supine, and prone position groups at p= 0.000. While the control group showed there was non-significant change in the mean score of HR, RR, and Spo2 at p > 0.05.          Conclusion: The Study concluded that the nesting technique was effective for stabilizing the cardio-respiratory parameters of preterm infants. The authors recommended routinely using nesting with the ideal position technique in preterm as a part of  developmental care at the neonatal intensive care unit

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 25 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This experiment was carried out at a private field in the eastern Radwaniyah Baghdad for the fall season 2020/2021 and spring 2021 to study the effects of adding mineral fertilizers, spraying salicylic acid and amino acids on some growth traits and yield of industrial potato plants. 200 kg N h-1 , 100 kg P2O5 h-1, 100 kg K2O h-1 and F2 consist of 275 kg N h-1, 180 kg P2O5 h-1, 200 K2O h-1 and F3 consist of 350 kg N h-1, 360 kg P2O5 h-1, 300 K2O h-1 and salicylic acid in three concentrations of 0,50 and 100 mg L-1 ( S1, S2, S3) and amino acids in three concentrations of 0, 1.25 and 2.5 ml L-1 ( A1, A2 , A3) It was carried out as a factorial split plot experiment, where the fertilizer levels (F1, F2 and F3) are in the main plot and th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
In vitro Investigation the Antifungal and 940 nm Diode Laser Effects on Inhibition of Candida Albicans Isolated from Oral Cavity
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Background: Candida albicans is a prevalent commensal that can cause severe health problems in humans. One such condition that frequently returns after treatment is oral candidiasis. Aim: the goal of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of 940 nm as a fungicidal on the growth of Candida albicans in vitro. Material and Methods: In vitro samples (fungal swabs) were taken from the oral cavity of 75 patients suffering from oral thrush. Following the process of isolating and identifying Albicans. The samples are divided into four groups:(Group 1): Suspension of C. albicans was put in a solution of saline as a control group. (Group 2): Suspension of C. albicans that had been treated with nystatin. (Group 3): Suspension of C. albica

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Evaluation of Several Genotypes of Vigna radiata Bean for Spraying with Manganese and Zinc and Their Effects on Growth Characteristics
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Abstract<p>Three cultivars of the crop Almash (Green Indian VC6089A10, Green Indian VC6173B1319, and Black Indian Gold Star) were tested in a field experiment during the 2022 growing season in Ramadi, Anbar province, to determine the impact of spraying levels of zinc (0, 25, and 50) mg Zn L<sup>-1</sup> and manganese (0, 30, and 60) mg Mn L<sup>-1</sup> on some growth characteristics. The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates, with each treatment being tested in a separate split plot. The study found that there were statistically significant differences between zinc levels, with the level giving 50 mg Zn L<sup>-1</sup></p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
In vitro Investigation the Antifungal and 940 nm Diode Laser Effects on Inhibition of Candida Albicans Isolated from Oral Cavity
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Background: Candida albicans is a prevalent commensal that can cause severe health problems in humans. One such condition that frequently returns after treatment is oral candidiasis. Aim: the goal of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of 940 nm as a fungicidal on the growth of Candida albicans in vitro. Material and Methods: In vitro samples (fungal swabs) were taken from the oral cavity of 75 patients suffering from oral thrush. Following the process of isolating and identifying Albicans. The samples are divided into four groups:(Group 1): Suspension of C. albicans was put in a solution of saline as a control group. (Group 2): Suspension of C. albicans that had been treated wit

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Environmental Engineering Research
Development of Bi-Langmuir model on the sorption of cadmium onto waste foundry sand: Effects of initial pH and temperature
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The present study develops the sorption model for simulating the effects of pH and temperature on the uptake of cadmium from contaminated water using waste foundry sand (WFS) by allowing the variation of the maximum adsorption capacity and affinity constant. The presence of two acidic functional groups with the same or different affinity is the basis in the derivation of the two models; Model 1 and Model 2 respectively. The developed Bi-Langmuir model with different affinity (Model 2) has a remarkable ability in the description of process under consideration with coefficient of determination > 0.9838 and sum of squared error < 0.08514. This result is proved by FTIR test where the weak acids responsible of cadmium ions removal

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Scopus (33)
Crossref (29)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The field efficacy of Actellic (organophosphate), Neporex (insect growth regulator) and
Ficam (carbamate), at the application rates of 2-4, 0.4-0.8 and 0.1-0.2 g AI/m2 respectively,
was studied against the larvae of Musca domestica L. Results of treatments involving horse
manure indicated that Actellic and Neporex produced sharp decrease of larval numbers (close
to zero) for 21d. But there was a slight recovery in larval numbers 14 d following treatment
with Ficam. The populations of predator mites were not affected due to insecticidal

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effects of various beverages on the shear bond strength of light-cured orthodontic composite (An in vitro comparative study)
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Background: This study was conducted to assess the effects of various beverages on the shear bond strength of light-cured orthodontic composite used to bond stainless steel orthodontic brackets on human teeth and to determine the site of bonding failure of this material. Materials and Methods: Fifty extracted human premolars were selected and randomly divided into five equal groups each with 10 teeth according to the beverage type (Control, One Tiger, Milk, Green tea and Coffee). After bonding, the teeth were immersed in specific beverages for 5 minutes twice daily with equal intervening intervals then washed and stored in distilled water at 37º C for the reminder of the day. The process was carried out for 30 days. The samples were then

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Development And Research
Therapeutic potential effects of pyridoxine and /or ascorbic acid on microalbuminuria in diabetes mellitus patient's: A randomized controlled clinical study
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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic potential effects of ascorbic acid or and pyridoxine on diabetic renal microalbumiuria. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on patients with diabetes mellitus at Al-Yarmouk teaching hospital from January to December 2012, Iraq-Baghdad. Twenty one patients with diabetes mellitus (D.M), 8 IDDM and 13 IDDM were selected from, the duration of disease were ranged from 2-12 years for both type (10 females and 11males) and all enrolled patients ages were ranged from 28-65years. The concentration of total protein in urine was calculated by a biuret colorimetric assay and the urine creatinine level was measured by a modified Jaffe test. Statistical analysis: results are expressed as mean

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Wed Jul 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology
Exercises Of Varying Resistances And Muscular Work Exchange Effects On Physical Adequacy And The Completion Of 200m - Meter Freestyle Swimming
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This research aims to prepare exercises of varying resistances and muscular work exchange for 200m freestyle swimmers, in addition to these exercises’ effects on physical adequacy and the time needed to complete this distance. The experimental method is the basis for the design of the experimental group and the control group of a 100% intentionally chosen sample from a community of&nbsp; elite-youth swimmers of 200m freestyle swimming for the sport season of 2020-2021 at the Police Sports Club. The sample consists of 15 swimmers that were divided, randomly, into two groups; 7 of them in the experimental group while 8 were in the control group. Physical adequacy was calculated with the use of swimmers’ mechanical energy measurements

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Effects of Pregabalin Drug on Level of Reproductive Hormones, Sexual Activity, Number and Weight of Offspring in Female Albino Rats
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Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate the effect of two doses of pregabalin (PGB) on hormonal level and sexual activity in female albino rats. Ninety female rats with age (9-10 weeks) and weight (200±20 g) were divided into three major groups of thirty rats. First group was considered as control G1, the second G2 and third G3 groups were exposed to PGB into two doses 150, and 300 mg/kg body weight per day respectively. Each major group was divided into three subgroups (subgroup A, B, and C of each has ten rats), the treatments last for one month for subgroup A, two months for subgroup B, and three months for subgroup C. Five rats from each subgroup were placed separately into two breeding cages with two isolated males and wait

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