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New Approach for Solving Two Dimensional Spaces PDE
Abstract<p>In this paper, new approach based on coupled Laplace transformation with decomposition method is proposed to solve type of partial differential equation. Then it’s used to find the accurate solution for heat equation with initial conditions. Four examples introduced to illustrate the accuracy, efficiency of suggested method. The practical results show the importance of suggested method for solve differential equations with high accuracy and easy implemented.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Double Stage Cumulative Shrunken Bayes Estimator for the variance of Normal distribution for equal volume of two sample

In this article we study the variance estimator for the normal distribution when the mean is un known depend of the cumulative function between unbiased estimator and Bays estimator for the variance of normal distribution which is used include Double Stage Shrunken estimator to obtain higher efficiency for the variance estimator of normal distribution when the mean is unknown by using small volume equal volume of two sample .

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Upstream Oil And Gas Technology
Integrated approach for non-Darcy flow in hydraulic fractures considering different fracture geometries and reservoir characteristics

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
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A Corpus-Based Approach to the Study of Vocabulary in English Textbooks for Iraqi Intermediate Schools

Learning the vocabulary of a language has great impact on acquiring that language. Many scholars in the field of language learning emphasize the importance of vocabulary as part of the learner's communicative competence, considering it the heart of language. One of the best methods of learning vocabulary is to focus on those words of high frequency. The present article is a corpus based approach to the study of vocabulary whereby the research data are analyzed quantitatively using the software program "AntWordprofiler". This program analyses new input research data in terms of already stored reliable corpora. The aim of this article is to find out whether the vocabularies used in the English textbook for Intermediate Schools in Iraq are con

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Multi-Criteria Optimization for Governmental Projects Priority Ranking Depending on Fuzzified Experts’ Opinion using Hygiene Approach

Each organization struggles to exploit each possible opportunity for gaining success and continuing with its work carrier. In this field, organization success can be concluded by fulfilling end user requirements combined with optimizing available resources usage within a specified time and acceptable quality level to gain maximum profit. The project ranking process is governed by the multi-criteria environment, which is more difficult for the governmental organization because other organizations' main target is maximizing profit constrained with available resources. The governmental organization should consider human, social, economic and many more factors. This paper focused on building a multi-criteria optimizing proje

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2024
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering
Systematic development of an autonomous robotic car for fire-fighting based on the interactive design approach

Fire incidences are classed as catastrophic events, which mean that persons may experience mental distress and trauma. The development of a robotic vehicle specifically designed for fire extinguishing purposes has significant implications, as it not only addresses the issue of fire but also aims to safeguard human lives and minimize the extent of damage caused by indoor fire occurrences. The primary goal of the AFRC is to undergo a metamorphosis, allowing it to operate autonomously as a specialized support vehicle designed exclusively for the task of identifying and extinguishing fires. Researchers have undertaken the tasks of constructing an autonomous vehicle with robotic capabilities, devising a universal algorithm to be employed

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Implementation of Digital Image processing in Calculating Normal Approach for Spherical Indenter Considering Elastic/Plastic Contact

In this work a study and calculation of the normal approach between two bodies, spherical and rough flat surface, had been conducted by the aid of image processing technique. Four kinds of metals of different work hardening index had been used as a surface specimens and by capturing images of resolution of 0.006565 mm/pixel a good estimate of the normal approach may be obtained the compression tests had been done in strength of material laboratory in mechanical engineering department, a Monsanto tensometer had been used to conduct the indentation tests.
A light section measuring equipment microscope BK 70x50 was used to calculate the surface parameters of the texture profile like standard deviation of asperity peak heights, centre lin

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Implementation of Digital Image processing in Calculating Normal Approach for Spherical Indenter Considering Elastic/Plastic Contact

In this work a study and calculation of the normal approach between two bodies,
spherical and rough flat surface, had been conducted by the aid of image processing
technique. Four kinds of metals of different work hardening index had been used as a
surface specimens and by capturing images of resolution of 0.006565 mm/pixel a good estimate of the normal approach may be obtained the compression tests had been done in strength of material laboratory in mechanical engineering department, a Monsanto tensometer had been used to conduct the indentation tests. A light section measuring equipment microscope BK 70x50 was used to calculate the surface parameters of the texture profile like standard deviation of asperity peak heights

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al– Haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Some Results on Fibrewise Lindelöf and Locally Lindelöf Topological Spaces

In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise Lindelöf and locally Lindelöf topological spaces, which are generalizations of will-known concepts: Lindelöf topological space (1) "A topological space X is called a Lindelöf space if for every open cover of X has a countable subcover" and locally Lindelöf topological space (1) "A topological space X is called a locally Lindelöf space if for every point x in X, there exist a nbd U of x such that the closure of U in X is Lindelöf space". Either the new concepts are: "A fibrewise topological space X over B is called a fibrewise Lindelöf if the projection function p : X→B is Lindelöf" and "The fibrewise topological space X over B

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science Issues (ijcsi)
Near Rough and Near Exact Subgraphs in Gm-Closure spaces

The basic concepts of some near open subgraphs, near rough, near exact and near fuzzy graphs are introduced and sufficiently illustrated. The Gm-closure space induced by closure operators is used to generalize the basic rough graph concepts. We introduce the near exactness and near roughness by applying the near concepts to make more accuracy for definability of graphs. We give a new definition for a membership function to find near interior, near boundary and near exterior vertices. Moreover, proved results, examples and counter examples are provided. The Gm-closure structure which suggested in this paper opens up the way for applying rich amount of topological facts and methods in the process of granular computing.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Supra-Approximation Spaces Using Mixed Degree System in Graph Theory

This paper is concerned with introducing and studying the o-space by using out degree system (resp. i-space by using in degree system) which are the core concept in this paper. In addition, the m-lower approximations, the m-upper approximations and ospace and i-space. Furthermore, we introduce near supraopen (near supraclosed) d. g.'s. Finally, the supra-lower approximation, supraupper approximation, supra-accuracy are defined and some of its properties are investigated.