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Robust Approach of Optimal Control for DC Motor in Robotic Arm System using Matlab Environment
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Modern automation robotics have replaced many human workers in industrial factories around the globe. The robotic arms are used for several manufacturing applications, and their responses required optimal control. In this paper, a robust approach of optimal position control for a DC motor in the robotic arm system is proposed. The general component of the automation system is first introduced. The mathematical model and the corresponding transfer functions of a DC motor in the robotic arm system are presented.  The investigations of using DC motor in the robotic arm system without controller lead to poor system performance. Therefore, the analysis and design of a Proportional plus Integration plus Divertive (PID) controller is illustrated. The tuning procedure of the PID controller gains is discussed to achieve the best responses of the DC motor. It is found that with the PID controller, the system performance is enhanced, especially in terms of steady-state error but does not provide the required optimal control.  The required approach of Ackerman's formula optimal controller based on state-space feedback is investigated. A GUI using the Matlab environment is created to obtain the DC motor's responses without using a controller and with controllers. It is found that the proposed approach of the optimal controller has more robustness and enhances the overall performance of the existing PID controller in the form of reducing settling times (from 2.23 second to 0.776 seconds), minimizing percent overshoot (from 27.7 % to 1.31 %) and zero value of steady-state error.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of Robotic Arm Control System Mimics Human Arm Motion
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This paper presents a control system to make the robotic hand mimic human hand motion in real time and offline mode. The human hand tracking system is a wearable sensing arm (potentiometers) used to determine the position in space and to sense the grasping task of human hand. The maskable sensing arm was designed with same geometrical arrangement of robotic hand that needs to be controlled. The control software of a robot was implemented using Visual Basic and supported with graphical user interface (GUI). The control algorithm depends on joint to joint mapping method to match between the motions at each joint of portable sensing arm with corresponding joint of a robot in order to make the robot mimic the motion.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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This paper describes DC motor speed control based on optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) technique. Controller's objective is to maintain the speed of rotation of the motor shaft with a particular step response.The controller is modeled in MATLAB environment, the simulation results show that the proposed controller gives better performance and less settling time when compared with the traditional PID controller.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 12 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Inverse Kinematics Analysis and Simulation of a 5 DOF Robotic Arm using MATLAB
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Kinematics is the mechanics branch which dealswith the movement of the bodies without taking the force into account. In robots, the forward kinematics and inverse kinematics are important in determining the position and orientation of the end-effector to perform multi-tasks. This paper presented the inverse kinematics analysis for a 5 DOF robotic arm using the robotics toolbox of MATLAB and the Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) parameters were used to represent the links and joints of the robotic arm. A geometric approach was used in the inverse kinematics solution to determine the joints angles of the robotic arm and the path of the robotic arm was divided into successive lines to accomplish the required tasks of the robotic arm.Therefore, this

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Robust Computed Torque Control for Uncertain Robotic Manipulatorss
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This paper presents a robust control method for the trajectory control of the robotic manipulator. The standard Computed Torque Control (CTC) is an important method in the robotic control systems but its not robust to system uncertainty and external disturbance. The proposed method overcome the system uncertainty and external disturbance problems. In this paper, a robustification term has been added to the standard CTC. The stability of the proposed control method is approved by the Lyapunov stability theorem.  The performance of the presented controller is tested by MATLAB-Simulink environment and is compared with different control methods to illustrate its robustness and performance.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Dewatering System Control by MATLAB Software
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The aim was to design a MATLAB program to calculate the phreatic surface of the multi-well system and present the graphical shape of the water table drawdown induced by water extraction. Dupuit’s assumption is the base for representing the dewatering curve. The program will offer the volume of water to be extracted, the total number of wells, and the spacing between them as well as the expected settlement of soil surrounding the dewatering foundation pit. The dewatering well arrangement is required in execution works, and it needs more attention due to the settlement produced from increasing effective stress.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Computational Intelligence And Neuroscience
A New Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Arm (Denso VP6242)
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This paper presents a novel inverse kinematics solution for robotic arm based on artificial neural network (ANN) architecture. The motion of robotic arm is controlled by the kinematics of ANN. A new artificial neural network approach for inverse kinematics is proposed. The novelty of the proposed ANN is the inclusion of the feedback of current joint angles configuration of robotic arm as well as the desired position and orientation in the input pattern of neural network, while the traditional ANN has only the desired position and orientation of the end effector in the input pattern of neural network. In this paper, a six DOF Denso robotic arm with a gripper is controlled by ANN. The comprehensive experimental results proved the appl

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Siam Journal On Control And Optimization
A Duality Approach for Solving Control-Constrained Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Optimal Control Problem To Robust Nonlinear Descriptor control Systems with Matching Condition
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    In this paper, the solutions to class of robust non-linear semi-explicit descriptor control systems with matching condition via optimal control strategy are obtained. The optimal control strategy  has been introduced and  developed in the sense that, the optimal control  solution is robust solution to the given non-linear uncertain semi-explicit descriptor control system. The necessary mathematical proofs and remarks as well as  discussions are also proposed. The present approach is step-by-step illustrated by application example to show its effectiveness a and efficiency to compensate  the structure uncertainty in the given semi-explicit (descriptor) control

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 10 2023
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Hamilton–Jacobi Inequality Adaptive Robust Learning Tracking Controller of Wearable Robotic Knee System
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A Wearable Robotic Knee (WRK) is a mobile device designed to assist disabled individuals in moving freely in undefined environments without external support. An advanced controller is required to track the output trajectory of a WRK device in order to resolve uncertainties that are caused by modeling errors and external disturbances. During the performance of a task, disturbances are caused by changes in the external load and dynamic work conditions, such as by holding weights while performing the task. The aim of this study is to address these issues and enhance the performance of the output trajectory tracking goal using an adaptive robust controller based on the Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network (NN) system and Hamilton

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling and Simulation of Sensorless Speed Control of a Buck Converter Controlled Dc Motor
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This paper investigate a sensorless speed control of a separately excited dc motor fed from a buck type dc-dc converter. The control system is designed in digital technique by using a two dimension look-up table. The performance of the drive system was evaluated by digital simulation using Simulink toolbox of Matlab.

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