I graduated with a degree in pharmacy from the University of Baghdad in 1999 and then work as lab instructor in the Department of clinical laboratory sciences of the same institution .in 2002 I begin my master study and completed in 2006 in the specialty of Clinical Biochemistry also from the same institution .My master thesis was about osteoarthritis .in 2013 I get the degree of lecturer ,then on 2016 I begin my Ph.D. study in the same institution and completed in 2020 ,my thesis about new tumor markers of breast cancer .I still work in the College of pharmacy/university of Baghdad at clinical laboratory sciences department
master degree in pharmacy in 2006 from college of oharmacy / Ph.D in clinical chemistry in 2020 from college of pharmacy/university of baghdad
1.member of committee of of examination in 2023-2024 2.member of committee of of examination in 2006-2007 3.member of committee of of examination in 2014-2015
i am intrested in studying the clinical aspects concerning breast cancer including recent tumor markers ,also studying the role of interleuks in breast cancer
teaching :clinical chemistry ,training in clinical laboratory ,biochemistry
clinical chemistry clinical laboratory training biology
i had 10 puplished papers,and supervised 3 master students and 2 diplome students in the speciality of clinical chemistry