(Nibras Nihad Kamal) is an Asst. Instr. at English department/College of Education for Human Sciences (Ibn-Rushd)/University of Baghdad. She graduated with BA from College of Languages/University of Baghdad/Iraq(2000) and also BA from College of Education for Human Sciences (Ibn-Rushd)/University of Baghdad/Iraq (2016). Then, graduated with MA from College of Education for Human Sciences (Ibn-Rushd)/University of Baghdad/Iraq(2022). She is a member of Iraqi Translators` Association (a member of FIT) since (2001). She is particularly interested in translation and poetry analysis. She has a few of booklets translated. Now, she is the English department rapporteur.
Teaching Translation Leadership Administrative Correspondence
English Department Rapporteur.
Asst. Instr. at English department/College of Education for Human Sciences (Ibn-Rushd)/University of Baghdad.
Acknowledgment Letters from the Minister, Deputy Minister, Scientific Assistant of the Head of University and the Dean
A member of Iraqi Translators` Association (a member of FIT) since (2001). A member of Iraqi Association for Educational and Psychological Studies.
Member of internal administrative committees within the department
Literature Poetry Criticism Translation
Literature Poetry
ـNew head way Plus-Pre-Intermediate ـNew head way Plus-Beginner
Fourth Stage Students, Undergraduate
Nowadays, the worldwide issue of the environment occupies the minds not only of ecological experts and politicians but also is addressed in cultural fields and literature in particular. The conceptualization of ecocriticism, whether in the ecological field or cultural studies, has come as a response to the increasing public awareness of numerous environmental crises. Most ecocritics regard John Clare (1793-1864) as a 'proto-ecological' British poet since his poetry incorporates ecological issues which were not then categorized as they are now. The study offers a precise illustration of ecocriticism coupled with a number of the most significant ecological concepts proven in selected poems by John Clare. The ecocritical reading of Clare's po
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