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(2002-2021) تقدير وتحليل دالة التكاليف لشركة ديالى العامة خلال المدة
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The study aims to diagnose the levels of total costs borne by the Diyala State Company, then estimate and analyze the quantitative relationship between the different items of these costs, in addition to the impact of the productive activity on them. This was done by choosing the different variables affecting the costs and their different items for the company under study, and relying on the data issued by the company during the period (2002-2021), based on a methodology that combines the descriptive and econometric methods in order to estimate and analyze the cost function in the concerned company. According to the estimated function of the costs of the company under study, the study concluded that the value of production affects the total costs by 56.7%, salaries and wages by 58.1%, commodity requirements by 40.5%, 12.4% for the impact of service requirements on costs, and a rate of 1.4% for interests and land rents. With the exclusion of a number of items for the financial costs incurred by the company as a result of not exceeding the statistical, standard and economic tests. Also, the results of the time parameter T, which expresses the level of technological change within the Diyala State Company, proved its suffering from the obsolescence of machines and machines. The results of the dummy variable parameter DV showed the negative impact of unstable conditions on the cost levels of the company under study.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of the application of cost accounting system in the contracting institutions in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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The study aimed to identify the reality of the application of cost accounting system in the contracting institutions in Saudi Arabia, and the extent of the reflection of the application of this system on the effectiveness and efficiency of the general performance of these institutions. Where the research community consists of the contracting institutions operating in the Saudi Arabia, and then a suitable random sample was selected from seventy one institutions. The researchers used the historical method to track the previous studies as well as the descriptive approach to conducting the field study. The study data were analyzed by SPSS statistical program.

The results of this study conclude that there is a

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Gross Domestic Product Response to the Money Supply Shock in the Iraqi Economy for the Period (2004-2021)
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The research aims to clarify the response of the GDP to the M1 shock. It includes access to the results using standard methods, where the standard model was built according to quarterly data using the program STATA 17. According to the joint integration model ARDL, the research found a long-term equilibrium positive for the relationship between GDP and the money supply in Iraq, as the change in the money supply by a certain percentage will lead to a change in GDP by about 71% of that percentage. In the event of a shock in the Iraqi economy, the impact of the M1 will differ from what it was before the shock, as the shock will increase its effectiveness towards GDP by about 10% more than before the shock. At the same time, the relationship

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation of the parameter of the Pareto distribution manual Using the general mediator estimator
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Estimation of the tail index parameter of a one - parameter Pareto model has wide important by the researchers because it has awide application in the econometrics science and reliability theorem.

Here we introduce anew estimator of "generalized median" type and compare it with the methods of Moments and Maximum likelihood by using the criteria, mean square error.

 The estimator of generalized median type performing best over all.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Debt swaps An Islamic Economic Evaluation
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        Many business owners suffer major financial problems during periods of financial stagnation, the decline of markets and businesses, or under the impact of financial shocks for certain reasons that result in large debts and the consequent financial and legal obligations. This is the beginning of a long and endless path of suffering and the search for a safe exit. It is even worse for financial institutions to facilitate financial solutions that rely on lending as a solution to their financial problem. Debt and its consequences increase, and the problem deepens and becomes complicated until things become entangled and the escape or declaration of bank

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Hurst exponent estimation methods
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Through recent years many researchers have developed methods to estimate the self-similarity and long memory parameter that is best known as the Hurst parameter. In this paper, we set a comparison between nine different methods. Most of them use the deviations slope to find an estimate for the Hurst parameter like Rescaled range (R/S), Aggregate Variance (AV), and Absolute moments (AM), and some depend on filtration technique like Discrete Variations (DV), Variance versus level using wavelets (VVL) and Second-order discrete derivative using wavelets (SODDW) were the comparison set by a simulation study to find the most efficient method through MASE. The results of simulation experiments were shown that the performance of the meth

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Investigation, Error Analysis and Application of Joint Quadrature Scheme in Physical Sciences
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In this work, a joint quadrature for numerical solution of the double integral is presented. This method is based on combining two rules of the same precision level to form a higher level of precision. Numerical results of the present method with a lower level of precision are presented and compared with those performed by the existing high-precision Gauss-Legendre five-point rule in two variables, which has the same functional evaluation. The efficiency of the proposed method is justified with numerical examples. From an application point of view, the determination of the center of gravity is a special consideration for the present scheme. Convergence analysis is demonstrated to validate the current method.

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure and analyze the relationship between oil prices and the Iraqi dinar exchange rate
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In this research, we discussed and analyzed the relationship between oil prices and the U.S. dollar exchange rate in Iraq. The study adopted the descriptive analysis and econometrics analysis. The descriptive analysis refers to the rise (fall) in crude oil price lead to appreciate (depreciate) in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, though the channel of the international reserves. The econometrics analysis is based on monthly data covered the period (December/2002 – December/2011), the unit root test, co-integration test, vector error correction model, and Granger causality test have been adopted in this research to check the existence and direction of this relationship. The results refer to the lon

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Lingual Criticism and Explication of the Narrative Syntax A reading in Roger Fawler’s Critical Attempt
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يجمع المختصون أن ليس من نقد إلا وكان مُرحِّلا لنظرية لسانية إلى فضائه، فكان أثر اللسانيات السوسيرية، ومن ثم اللسانيات التوليدية التحويلية معروفا، ولم يكن هذا الأثر محدودا باللسانيين أو نقاد الأدب فحسب، بل امتد إلى الشعراء والجماليين أيضا. وفي هذا البحث سنتوقف عند أثر اللسانيات الوظيفية، وهو ما لم يتوقف عنده إلا قلة من المختصين. ولن نقف عند نقد الوظيفيين للشعر، بل سنقف عند نقدهم للرواية، بقراءة

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estructura y el análisis de los personajes en la novela“ Sotileza ” de José María de Pereda
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    Sotileza , localismo santandrino de sutileza , es la parte más fina del aparejo de pescar donde va el anzuelo. Es la obra maestro de José María de Pereda.Su ambiente , el Santander viejo, anterior al año 50,evocado emocionadamente - emociόn romántica contenida en los trazos sobrios y firmes de un naturalism psicolόgico y paisajista,el Santander que el autor confiesa poseer en el fondo de su corazόn,«y tenerlo esculpido en la memoria de tal suerte que ,a ojos cerrados,me atrevería a trazarle con todo su perímetro y sus calles, y el color de sus piedras, y el número, y los nombres, y hasta las caras de sus habitantes».Dentro de la grandeza primaria de las criaturas de Pere

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة الإدارة والاقتصاد
مقارنة لبعض الطرائق المعلمية واللامعلمية لتقدير دالة المعولية باستخدام المحاكاة
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يھدف البحث الى اجراء تقدير دالة المعولية لتوزيــع ويبل ذي المعلمتين بالطرائـق المعلميــة والمتمثلة بـ (NWLSM,RRXM,RRYM,MOM,MLM (، وكذلك اجراء تقدير لدالة المعولية بالطرائق الالمعلمية والمتمثلة بـ . (EM, PLEM, EKMEM, WEKM, MKMM, WMR, MMO, MMT) وتم استخدام اسلوب المحاكاة لغرض المقارنة باستخدام حجوم عينات مختلفة (20,40,60,80,100) والوصول الى افضل الطرائق في التقدير باالعتماد على المؤشر االحصائي متوسط مربعات الخطا التكاملي (IMSE(، وقد توصل البحث الى

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