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The Lingual Criticism and Explication of the Narrative Syntax A reading in Roger Fawler’s Critical Attempt
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يجمع المختصون أن ليس من نقد إلا وكان مُرحِّلا لنظرية لسانية إلى فضائه، فكان أثر اللسانيات السوسيرية، ومن ثم اللسانيات التوليدية التحويلية معروفا، ولم يكن هذا الأثر محدودا باللسانيين أو نقاد الأدب فحسب، بل امتد إلى الشعراء والجماليين أيضا. وفي هذا البحث سنتوقف عند أثر اللسانيات الوظيفية، وهو ما لم يتوقف عنده إلا قلة من المختصين. ولن نقف عند نقد الوظيفيين للشعر، بل سنقف عند نقدهم للرواية، بقراءة ما قدمه (روجر فاولر). وتأتي أهمية هذا البحث من كونه يسلط الضوء على درس نقدي لم يحظ بالشهرة في ثقافتنا العربية، ولم يقف عنده أحد من الدارسين نقدا أو تبنيا، بالرغم من أنه يقدّم حلا مناسبا للخلط السائد في الكثير من الدراسات الأكاديمية أو النقدية بين الفني والموضوعي (البينوي/ السيميائي).

لقد انشغل النقاد المعاصرون بعرض وتطبيق منهج (جيرار جينيت) ومن بعد منهج (غريماس ومدرسته) وأصبحا موضة نقدية متحكمة بمجريات النظر النقدي العربي.. وما نسعى إليه، بعرضنا لنظرية روجر فاولر ونقدنا لها، الانفتاح بدرسنا النقدي نحو ضفاف مختلة قد تثري بحثنا وتدعم نقدنا للنظريات المتداولة، مولدة وجهة نظر تركيبية بالمنجز النقدي، وتحليلية غنية في التعامل مع النص الإبداعي.

وخلصنا إلى القول: إن مساحة النقد اللساني، برغم سعتها المطروحة في أفكار فاولر، إلا أنها مساحة قادرة على منحنا منهجا يمكن له أن يتجاوز الأحادية التي عرفتها العديد من المناهج السائدة، مثل: منهج جينيت، وتأكيده الجانب الفني، ومنهج غريماس، وتأكيده الجانب الثيماتي. والأحادية الأعمق التي عرفتها الدراسات الأسلوبية في بعديها المحلي (العربي) والعالمي. إذ جرى التأكيد على لغة النص وشكله، واستبعد المحتوى. ومن جانب آخر نراه منهجا أكثر مرونة من مناهج تحليل الخطاب التي جرى التسويق لها بقوة مؤخرا. ثم إن مجالنا النقدي بحاجة إلى أن يتسع برؤاه، في الوقوف عند مختلف الاتجاهات النقدية، والتفاعل مع هذا الاتجاه يمكن له أن يكون خصبا معطاءً. لكن من جانب آخر فإن هذا المنهج بسعته المطروحة يمكن أن يكون تلفيقيا مخلا إذا أسيىء تطبيقه، فليس من الممكن اعتماده من قبل الدارس ما لم يكن ملما، إلى حد ما باللسانيات الوظيفية، لكي يحافظ على قاعدة ارتكازه ولا يضيع بين مدارس كان لها أثرها في تشكل نقد فاولر.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Narrative Structures in the Novel “Qiamat Baghdad” for the Novelist Alia Talib – Semiotic Study
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The human mind knew the philosophy and logic in the ancient times, and the history afterwards, while the semiotics concept appeared in the modern time, and became a new knowledge field like the other knowledge fields. It deals, in its different concepts and references, with the processes that lead to and reveals the meaning through what is hidden in addition to what is disclosed. It is the result of human activity in its pragmatic and cognitive dimensions together. The semiotic token concept became a knowledge key to access all the study, research, and  investigation fields, due to its ability of description, explanation, and dismantling. The paper is divided into two sections preceded by a the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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Structural mechanisms formative (Goldman) reading done Studio talk And their role in raising Criticism knowledge
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Facing the receiver (critic) problematic understanding of modern art done, which turned positive professional image to symbolic language, which gave it authenticity previous Arts advantage, and this latest progress in critical reading contemporary and several mechanisms for analyzing literary texts and plastic, including textural fabric. And we suffer from the absence of cash the recipient culture (learner), so the current search goal focused on detecting structural mechanisms formative (Goldman) reading done modern art and its role in raising criticism knowledge (learner). Defining the theoretical framework of chapter II by discussing it; the first episode dealt with the textural fabric, while the latter was accomplished Studio talk, an

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 03 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 Constructive critical reading by the Arab poet
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Our critical history is marked by the presence of eminent poets who have tried to read, as for their texts, such as Al-Mutanabbi, Ibn Abd Rabu and Ibn Arabi. As for the texts of others, such as Al-Farazdaq, Jarir, and Omar bin Abi Rabi'a, and what is distinctive in their readings was that they were texts corresponding to the reading text, then the reading of Jarir Naqdah and Omar bin Abi Rabi`a was an opposition and Ibn Abd Rabu was scrutinized and Ibn Arabi was an interpretation and al-Mutanabi an explanation, and I found that these in their readings constitute a specificity that must be revealed The way of this research (constructive critical reading by the Arab poet - a critical study -) their poor are critical because criticism is pr

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Reading the visual discourse according to the design structures of the internal environments
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The current research dealt with contrastive structures and the culture of reception in the design of interior spaces as embodying a rhetorical aspect that reveals formal values related to the meanings of beauty through the mechanisms of symbolism and interpretation that drives mental behavior and is in harmony with intellectual data and its performance function.
Hence, the research in the first chapter dealt with the research problem, the need for it, and the extent of the necessity that calls for studying contrastive structures in interior design and architecture, and touching and searching for what is the paradox and its representations for the recipient, in which the interior designer plays an active role in presenting the best cre

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
A critical reading of the artworks of Saudi artists through the theory of Erwin Panofsky
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This study deals with the subject of art criticism by using Erwin Panofsky's theory to analyze a few Saudi artists' works. The study aims to identify Panofsky's theory and provide criticism of some Saudi artworks using it. The importance of the study is that it enriches the field of art criticism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and helps critics and artists in using Panofsky’s theory to analyze artworks.
The study sample consists of six artworks produced in 2021 by six contemporary Saudi artists. In the theoretical section, the study dealt with several topics; first, is art criticism, the second part presents Panofsky’s theory with its three stages, the final part deals with the beginning of Saudi art until present time and its

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Semilogy of the Narrative Structure in "Nisa'a Al Altabat" Novel: The Semilogy of the Narrative Structure in "Nisa'a Al Altabat" Novel
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This recearch is about studying the novel (doorstep’s women) by the Iraqi
narrator Hadia Hussian, and I choose Semiolog as a Curriculum for this
critical approach, because I think that this Semiotic curriculum has the ability
to read the Subjects and the narrative constructions. Which form the structure
of the novel starting from the little to the characters.
The focus is on many narrative constructions in the novel we have
studied the semiology of the tittle, the semiology of the cover, of the color, the
names of the characters and the semiology of the female characters.
First the focus of the novel is on the women’s characters because most
of it’s characters are women. Secondly because these

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The stylistics of expressive structure in Al-Sayyab's attempt- A textual study
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Our research tends to study the poetic attempt of  Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab and examine it stylistically, and we suggested his mature collection '' Rain song'' as a pattern for our textual analysis of the poet's attempt.

   In the beginning , we confirm that branches of applied structures meet to produce poetry such as narration , drama , cinema , mythology , allegory , various religious and historical texts , previous events , and special cumentary events related to work production. If all above-mentioned was complicated and disregarded throughout a single text , the text writer would not secure positive results that might keep open continuity between him and his readers.

   Therefore , this issue w

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The Impact of Critical Reading on Viewers Understanding and Astatic Judgment at Artworks
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This study reveals the impact of critical reading on viewers understanding and astatic judgment at artworks. And aims to find out the reasons and motives behind their issuing of these judgments towards artworks.
The study adopts the qualitative method as two pre and post interviews were conducted and analysed according to a thematic analysis method.
The results show that critical reading contributes to their understanding of the content of artworks and the message that the artist would like to convey to the recipient audience. and directs them towards the aesthetic judgment that is based on full understanding of the philosophical contents of the artwork, which, in turn, contributes to the development of artistic culture and a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(Novelist character in the Iraqi press criticism – Fadhil Thamir as a model))
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Novel has recently  received the attention of readers and writers greatly, because of the role they play, and this indicates an important rule, which is whenever there is an art or creativity, there must be a respective criticism, and this criticism is certainly not less important than the author. So there are critics who have a prestigious literary position in the follow-up story development, and trying to describe the transformation of its elements. One of these critics is professor Fadhel Thamer, and who wants to approach one of the elements of the novel exploring, must stop on the visions of this critic about it , and that’s why we take the (character) element following the most important opinions of this critic about

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Novelist character in the Iraqi press criticism – Fadhil Thamir as a model))
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The novel has recently received great attention from readers and before them writers, due to the role it is playing, and this indicates an important rule, which is whenever there is art or creativity, there must be a criticism of its own, and this criticism is certainly no less important than its owner, so we find There are critics who have their distinguished literary position in following up the narrative development, and trying to describe the transformation of its elements, including Professor Fadel Thamer, and whoever wants to approach an element of the novel as an explorer, he must stand on the visions of this critic about it, and this is what made us take the element (personality) Tracking the most important opinions of the critic

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