The problem Search: young people in the twenty-first century faces many difficult challenges whether social, psychological, health, physical and require attributes of personality characterized as positive Ksaadh, hope, and optimism, and young people are preparing the most important change tools in the community, in order to facing the challenges and move forward in various fields of life in order to achieve an appropriate level of quality of life, and given the importance of happiness in the lives of individuals there is a need to measure this variable and see its relationship to quality of life. The aim of the study is identify the degree of quality of life of students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girl and identify the degree of mental happiness to the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girls. In addition, identify the relationship between the psychological quality of life and happiness to the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girls. Used researchers descriptive approach where the research community of students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls and of their number (100) for the academic year 2015-2016, has been the use of psychological happiness scale of preparation (Mr. Mohammed Abu Hashem, 2010) included the scale (54) is a reality (9 ) phrases, in a six-scale light staging (strongly reject, refuse moderately, refuse low degree, I agree to a low degree, I agree moderately, strongly agree), and the use of quality of life scale prepared by (Mahmoud Manasseh, and Ali Kazim, 2006) included a measure (60) items distributed on (6) axes. The researchers concluded: the sample has a degree of mental happiness, that the sample has a degree of quality of life.
يهدف البحث اعداد تدريبات اقتصادية الجهد البدني في تطوير بعض القابليات البيوحركية لدى لاعبي كرة القدم, حيث تتحدد مشكلة البحث هبوط بعض القابليات البدنية لدى لاعبي كرة القدم, وعليه ارتأت الباحثة وضع برنامج تدريبي تدريبات اقتصادية الجهد البدني في تطوير بعض القابليات البيوحركية والارتقاء بمستوى الاداء لدى لاعبي كرة القدم, واستخدم الباحث المنهج التجريبي بالاختبار القبلي والبعدي للمجموعتين التجريبية وا
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The research aims to analyze the relationships of influence and influence between the soft skills of human resources and strategic performance, as the soft skills of human resources constitute the engine for all duties and operations carried out by the organization, and as a result of sharp changes in the environment, it was necessary for this organization to determine the most important financial and non-financial indicators that are required Approving it in achieving strategic performance to ensure its survival and continuity in work. The research problem was represented by a decrease in cognitive awareness of the importance of employing soft skills for human resources in achieving the indicators of strategic financial and non-
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