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Monitoring and controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor through FPGA and comparison of FPGA for speed and performance optimization
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<span lang="EN-US">We are living in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, an era of acquiring necessity in one click. As we, all know that technology is continuously reviving to stay ahead of advancements taking place in this world of making things easier for mankind. Technology has been putting his part in introducing different projects as we have used the field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) development board of low cost and programmable logic done by the new evolvable cyclone software is optimized for specific energy based on Altera Cyclone II (EP2C5T144) through which we can control the speed of any electronic device or any Motor Control IP product targeted for the fan and pump. Altera Cyclone FPGAs’ is a board through which we can monitor the speed and direction of the DC motor. As we know how to make understand, dynamic analog input using an A-to-D convertor and we know how to create pulse width modulation (PWM) output with FPGA. Therefore, by combining these two functions we can create an FPGA DC motor controller. Our paper is divided into three parts: First, all of us will attempt to imitate the issue and can try to look for its answer. Secondly, we will try to verify the solution for real-time. In addition, in the last step, we will verify the solution on the real-time measurements.</span>

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Investigation of Monitoring Systems for SMAW Processes
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The monitoring weld quality is increasingly important because great financial savings are possible because of it, and this especially happens in manufacturing where defective welds lead to losses in production and necessitate time consuming and expensive repair. This research deals with the monitoring and controllability of the fusion arc welding process using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. The effect of weld parameters on the weld quality was studied by implementing the experimental results obtained from welding a non-Galvanized steel plate ASTM BN 1323 of 6 mm thickness in different weld parameters (current, voltage, and travel speed) monitored by electronic systems that are followed by destructive (Tensile and Bending) and non

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Experimental Comparison between Classical and Bayes Estimators for the Parameter of Exponential Distribution
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This paper is interested in comparing the performance of the traditional methods to estimate parameter of exponential distribution (Maximum Likelihood Estimator, Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator) and the Bayes Estimator in the case of data to meet the requirement of exponential distribution and in the case away from the distribution due to the presence of outliers (contaminated values). Through the employment of simulation (Monte Carlo method) and the adoption of the mean square error (MSE) as criterion of statistical comparison between the performance of the three estimators for different sample sizes ranged between small, medium and large        (n=5,10,25,50,100) and different cases (wit

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Molasse medium containing different concentrations of (NH4)2 SO4, (NH4)3 PO4, urea, KCI, and P2O5 were compared with the medium used for commercial production of C. utilis in a factory south of Iraq. An efficient medium, which produced 19. 16% dry wt. and 5. 78% protein, was developed. The effect of adding various concentrations of micronutrients (FeSO4, 7T20, MnSO4. 7H20, ZnSO4. 7E20) was also studied. Results showed that FeSo4. 7H20 caused a noticeable increase in both dry wt. and protein content of the yeast.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Response Surface Methodology for Development and Optimization of Theophylline Pulmonary Delivery System
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The aim of the present study was to develop theophylline (TP) inhalable sustained delivery system by preparing solid lipid microparticles using glyceryl behenate (GB) and poloxamer 188 (PX) as a lipid carrier and a surfactant respectively. The method involves loading TP nanoparticles into the lipid using high shear homogenization – ultrasonication technique followed by lyophilization. The compositional variations and interactions were evaluated using response surface methodology, a Box – Behnken design of experiment (DOE). The DOE constructed using TP (X1), GB (X2) and PX (X3) levels as independent factors. Responses measured were the entrapment efficiency (% EE) (Y1), mass median

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a mathematical model for measuring and analyzing the general equilibrium in the Iraqi economy through the IS-lm-BP model
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In order to achieve overall balance in the economy to be achieved in different markets and at one time (market commodity, monetary and labor market and the balance of payments and public budget), did not provide yet a model from which to determine the overall balance in the economy and the difficulty of finding the inter-relationship between all these markets and put them applied in the form of allowing the identification of balance in all markets at once.

One of the best models that have dealt with this subject is a model
(LM-BP-IS), who teaches balance in the commodity market and money market and balance of payments and the importance of this issue This research tries to shed light on the reality

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The interference between effects of Adhatoda vasica (Nees) extracts and Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) for controlling population of fig moth, Ephestia cautella Walker
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The activity of Adhatoda vasica crude plants extracts against B.thuringiensis bacteria was determined by MIC test and sensitivity test which showed no response of this type of bacteria against extracts .The interference between the effect of hot and cold aqueous extracts and Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria for controlling the population of fig moth when males and females released before treatment under control condithion was gave a highly percentage of larval mortality which reached to 100% in (B.t. + hot aqueous extract ) and 97.3% in (B.t + coldaqueous extract ) after two weeks of treatment when concentration of 50% of aqueous extracts and 5×10?1of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria but when the insect (males & females) released after

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of Various Intelligent Optimization Algorithms Based on Path Planning and Neural Controller for Mobile Robot
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In this paper, a cognitive system based on a nonlinear neural controller and intelligent algorithm that will guide an autonomous mobile robot during continuous path-tracking and navigate over solid obstacles with avoidance was proposed. The goal of the proposed structure is to plan and track the reference path equation for the autonomous mobile robot in the mining environment to avoid the obstacles and reach to the target position by using intelligent optimization algorithms. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithms are used to finding the solutions of the mobile robot navigation problems in the mine by searching the optimal paths and finding the reference path equation of the optimal

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
2012 International Conference On Future Communication Networks
Efficient method to find the multiplicative inverse in GF (2&lt;sup&gt;m&lt;/sup&gt;) using FPGA by exponentiation to (2&lt;sup&gt;k&lt;/sup&gt;)
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
2012 International Conference On Future Communication Networks
Efficient method to find the multiplicative inverse in GF (2&lt;sup&gt;m&lt;/sup&gt;) using FPGA by exponentiation to (2&lt;sup&gt;k&lt;/sup&gt;)
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Multiplicative inverse in GF (2 m ) is a complex step in some important application such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and other applications. It operates by multiplying and squaring operation depending on the number of bits (m) in the field GF (2 m ). In this paper, a fast method is suggested to find inversion in GF (2 m ) using FPGA by reducing the number of multiplication operations in the Fermat's Theorem and transferring the squaring into a fast method to find exponentiation to (2 k ). In the proposed algorithm, the multiplicative inverse in GF(2 m ) is achieved by number of multiplications depending on log 2 (m) and each exponentiation is operates in a single clock cycle by generating a reduction matrix for high power of two ex

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