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A Prototype and Roadmap for Transition to IPv6 with Performance Evaluation
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The migration from IPv4 to IPv6 can not be achieved in a brief period, thus both protocols co-exist at certain years. IETF Next Generation Transition Working Group (NGtrans) developed IPv4/IPv6 transition mechanisms. Since Iraq infrastructure, including universities, companies and institutions still use IPv4 protocol only. This research article tries to highlight, discuss a required transition roadmap and extend the local knowledge and practice on IPv6. Also, it introduces a prototype model using Packet tracer (network simulator) deployed for the design and implementation of IPv6 migration. Finally, it compares and evaluates the performance of IPv6, IPv4 and dual stack using OPNET based on QoS metrics such as throughput, delay and point to point utilization the key performance metrics for network with address allocation and router configuration supported by Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol. In addition it compares dual-stack to the tunneling mechanism of IPv6 transition using OPNET. The results have shown that IPv6 network produces a higher in throughput, response time and Ethernet delay, but little difference in packet dropped, additionally the result in TCP delay, Point to point utilization shows small values compared to dual-stack networks. The worst performance is noted when 6 to 4 tunneling is used, tunneling network produces a higher delay than other scenarios.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iracst – International Journal Of Computer Networks And Wireless Communications (ijcnwc)
Optimizing Network Security Considerations with Transition to IPv6 in University of Baghdad, A Prototype
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It is believed that Organizations around the world should be prepared for the transition to IPv6 and make sure they have the " know how" to be able to succeed in choosing the right migration to start time. This paper focuses on the transition to IPv6 mechanisms. Also, this paper proposes and tests a deployment of IPv6 prototype within the intranet of the University of Baghdad (BUniv) using virtualization software. Also, it deals with security issues, improvements and extensions of IPv6 network using firewalls, Virtual Private Network ( VPN), Access list ( ACLs). Finally, the performance of the obtainable intrusion detection model is assessed and compared with three approaches.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Performance Evaluation of IPv6 Header Compression over MPLS via Satellite
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Broadband satellite is playing a main role in provision global coverage and onboard processing ability over IP networks to assess user applications. In order to lower the cost, get better security, solve IPv4 addressing limitation, expand the expected advantages of modern routing and mobility characteristics; the next-generation satellite systems ought to support IPv6 and seamlessly incorporate with terrestrial networks including wireless local loops. Satellite communication links have a number of limitations compared to terrestrial communications networks such as large delay and high header overhead for IPv6 consumes the bandwidth and causes lower transmission effectiveness; however, the quality of service (QoS) (such as delay, jitter,

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Prototype of Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Vehicle
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     Obstacle avoidance is one of the major tasks needed to be carefully focused by the autonomous system designers. In this digital era, most industries are moving towards autonomous systems. Obstacle avoidance is considered as a primary concern for any autonomous system. In this paper, a prototype of an autonomous vehicle is presented, which is capable of obstacle avoidance using an ultrasonic sensor for its movement and avoidance. An Arduino microcontroller is used to achieve the desired operation. In order to achieve the desired task of the proposed system, a proper methodology is followed which combines appropriate selection of hardware components as well as logic design of actions for obstacle avoidance. The proposed system can

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Performance Study of the Prototype Fixed, Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Solar Cell Tracking Systems
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      In order to increase the amount of solar radiation reaching a solar panel, and hence increase its performance, a tracking system might be used. A prototype of an efficient and portable solar tracking system, for home applications was constructed. The Arduino Uno Microcontroller is utilized to drive the proposed tacking system. The results of area under curve show that at certain circumstances, the open-loop tracking system is more efficient as compared with fixed one, while  the closed-loop tracker is slightly efficient than open-loop tracker.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
IPv6 Security Issues: A Systematic Review Following PRISMA Guidelines
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Since Internet Protocol version 6 is a new technology, insecure network configurations are inevitable. The researchers contributed a lot to spreading knowledge about IPv6 vulnerabilities and how to address them over the past two decades. In this study, a systematic literature review is conducted to analyze research progress in IPv6 security field following the Preferred Reporting Items for the Systematics Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. A total of 427 studies have been reviewed from two databases, IEEE and Scopus. To fulfil the review goal, several key data elements were extracted from each study and two kinds of analysis were administered: descriptive analysis and literature classification. The results show positive signs of t

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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2012
Journal Name
Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking
A cluster-based proxy mobile IPv6 for IP-WSNs
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
MyBotS Prototype on Social Media Discord with NLP
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The continuous growth in technology and technological devices has led to the development of machines to help ease various human-related activities. For instance, irrespective of the importance of information on the Steam platform, buyers or players still get little information related to the application. This is not encouraging despite the importance of information in this current globalization era. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an attractive and interactive application that allows users to ask questions and get answers, such as a chatbot, which can be implemented on Discord social media. Artificial Intelligence is a technique that allows machines to think and be able to make their own decisions. This research showed that the dis

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Orbital Maneuvers for Transition from Low Earth Orbit to Geostationary Earth Orbit
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The transition from low Earth orbit 200-1500 (km) to geostationary Earth orbit 42162 (km) was studied in this work by many methods of transfer. The delta-v requirement (Δv), the time of flight (Δt), the mass ratio of propellant consume (Δm/m) and total mass was calculated for many values altitude in the same plane also when the plane is change. The results from work show that (Δv) that required for transfer when the plane of orbit change is large than (Δv) required when the transfer in coplanar maneuvers while the bi-elliptical transfer method need time of transfer longer than a Hohmann transfer method. The most energy efficiency was determined when the transfer in coaxial between elliptical orbits

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Integration between value chain analysis and balanced scorecard to for performance evaluation
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The performance evaluation process requires a set of criteria and for the purpose of measuring the level of performance achieved by the Unit and the actual level of development of its activities, and in view of the changes and of rapid and continuous variables surrounding the Performance is a reflection of the unit's ability to achieve its objectives, as these units are designed to achieve the objectives of exploiting a range of economic resources available to it, and the performance evaluation process is a form of censorship, focusing on the analysis of the results obtained from the achievement All its activities with a view to determining the extent to which the Unit has achieved its objectives using the resources available to it and h

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of RIPng, EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3 for Real Time Applications
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In this modern Internet era and the transition to IPv6, routing protocols must adjust to assist this transformation. RIPng, EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3 are the dominant IPv6 IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocols). Selecting the best routing protocol among the available is a critical task, which depends upon the network requirement and performance parameters of different real time applications. The primary motivation of this paper is to estimate the performance of these protocols in real time applications. The evaluation is based on a number of criteria including:  network convergence duration, Http Page Response Time, DB Query Response Time, IPv6 traffic dropped, video packet delay variation and video packet end to end de

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