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A plan for transportation and distribution the products based on multi-objective travelling salesman problem in fuzzy environmental
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Transportation and distribution are the most important elements in the work system for any company, which are of great importance in the success of the chain work. Al-Rabee factory is one of the largest ice cream factories in Iraq and it is considered one of the most productive and diversified factories with products where its products cover most areas of the capital Baghdad, however, it lacks a distribution system based on scientific and mathematical methods to work in the transportation and distribution processes, moreover, these processes need a set of important data that cannot in any way be separated from the reality of fuzziness industrial environment in Iraq, which led to use the fuzzy sets theory to reduce the levels of uncertainty. The decision-maker has several goals that he aspires to accomplish for two stages, so, the decision-maker adopted in his work system on a multi-objective travelling salesman problem. A network of paths for transportation and distribution of the products has been designed based on a multi-objective travelling salesman problem, by building a mathematical model that finds the best paths for each stage, taking into account the goals required by the decision-maker. The results obtained from the use of (Lingo) software showed the importance of these methods in determining the optimal path for the processes of collecting and transporting milk from their collection centers to the Al-Rabee factory as a first stage, as well as transporting the final products and distributing them from the Al-Rabee factory to the shopping centers as a second stage.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 24 2014
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Multi-layer Genetic Algorithm for Maximum Disjoint Reliable Set Covers Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The cognitive complexity of the leaders and their impact on the organizational flexibility of field research at the company's headquarters for the distribution of petroleum products
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The present research aims to test the effect of cognitive complexity as an independent variable in organizational agility as a responsive variable among the leaders working at the headquarters of the Iraqi Petroleum Products Distribution Company.

 To conclude a number of recommendations that contribute in the organizational agility in the company, and due to the importance of this research in public organizations and its notable role in community organizations. The research was carried out on a random sample of 101 individuals out of a total of 308, which represents the high leaders in the company (general managers, head of departments, and division officials). A questionnaire was used as information

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving the Multi-criteria, Total Completion Time, Total Earliness Time, and Maximum Tardiness Problem
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Machine scheduling problems (MSP) are     considered as one of the most important classes of combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, the problem of job scheduling on a single machine is studied to minimize the multiobjective and multiobjective objective function. This objective function is: total completion time, total lead time and maximum tardiness time, respectively, which are formulated as  are formulated. In this study, a mathematical model is created to solve the research problem. This problem can be divided into several sub-problems and simple algorithms have been found to find the solutions to these sub-problems and compare them with efficient solutions. For this problem, some rules that provide efficient solutio

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this study, structures damage identification method based on changes in the dynamic characteristics
(frequencies) of the structure are examined, stiffness as well as mass matrices of the curved
(in and out-of-plane vibration) beam elements is formulated using Hamilton's principle. Each node
of both of them possesses seven degrees of freedom including the warping degree of freedom. The
curved beam element had been derived based on the Kang and Yoo’s thin-walled curved beam theory
in 1994. A computer program was developing to carry out free vibration analyses of the curved
beam as well as straight beam. Comparing with the frequencies for other researchers using the general
purpose program MATLAB. Fuzzy logic syste

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Planning the Production of the Electrical Distribution Converter (400KV/11) Using Time Series Methods and Goal Programming in the Fuzzy Environment
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This Paper aims to plan the production of the electrical distribution converter (400 KV/11) for one month at Diyala Public Company and with more than one goal for the decision-maker in a fuzzy environment. The fuzzy demand was forecasting using the fuzzy time series model. The fuzzy lead time for raw materials involved in the production of the electrical distribution converter (400 KV/11) was addressed using the fuzzy inference matrix through the application of the matrix in Matlab, and since the decision-maker has more than one goal, so a mathematical model of goal programming was create, which aims to achieve two goals, the first is to reduce the total production costs of the electrical distribution converter (400 KV/11) and th

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Random Number Generation for Quantum Key Distribution Systems Based on Shot-Noise Fluctuations in a P-I-N Photodiode
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A simple setup of random number generator is proposed. The random number generation is based on the shot-noise fluctuations in a p-i-n photodiode. These fluctuations that are defined as shot noise are based on a stationary random process whose statistical properties reflect Poisson statistics associated with photon streams. It has its origin in the quantum nature of light and it is related to vacuum fluctuations. Two photodiodes were used and their shot noise fluctuations were subtracted. The difference was applied to a comparator to obtain the random sequence.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library
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Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use multi-goal fuzzy programming to find the critical path
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The exploitation of all available resources and benefiting from them is one of the most important problems facing the decision makers at the present time. In order to exploit these resources, it is necessary to organize the conflicting objectives, which is the main work in the project management, which enables the development of a plan that decision makers can use to shorten the total completion time and reduce the total cost of the project. Through the use of modern scientific techniques, and therefore the researcher using the critical path method using the technology of programming goals to find more efficient ways to make appropriate decisions where the researcher worked to solve the problems in the construction of the Departm

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
UAV Control Based on Dual LQR and Fuzzy-PID Controller
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This paper presents the design of a longitudinal controller for an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This paper proposed the dual loop (inner-outer loop) control based on the intelligent algorithm. The inner feedback loop controller is a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) to provide robust (adaptive) stability. In contrast, the outer loop controller is based on Fuzzy-PID (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative) algorithm to provide reference signal tracking. The proposed dual controller is to control the position (altitude) and velocity (airspeed) of an aircraft. An adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter (AUKF) is employed to track the reference signal and is decreased the Gaussian noise. The mathematical model of aircraft

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Obscene speech in the Qur'anic perspective An objective study based on the verses and interpretation of the Noble Qur’an in diagnosis and treatment
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The most famous thing a person does is talk. He loves and hates, and continues with it confirming relationships, and with it, too, comes out of disbelief into faith. Marry a word and separate with a word. He reaches the top of the heavens with a kind word, with which he will gain the pleasure of God, and the Lord of a word that the servant speaks to which God writes with our pleasure or throws him on his face in the fire. Emotions are inflamed, the United Nations is intensified with a word, and relations between states and war continue with a word.

What comes out of a person’s mouth is a translator that expresses the repository of his conscience and reveals the place of his bed, for it is evidence of

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