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Selection of an Optimum Drilling Fluid Model to Enhance Mud Hydraulic System Using Neural Networks in Iraqi Oil Field
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In drilling processes, the rheological properties pointed to the nature of the run-off and the composition of the drilling mud. Drilling mud performance can be assessed for solving the problems of the hole cleaning, fluid management, and hydraulics controls. The rheology factors are typically termed through the following parameters: Yield Point (Yp) and Plastic Viscosity (μp). The relation of (YP/ μp) is used for measuring of levelling for flow. High YP/ μp percentages are responsible for well cuttings transportation through laminar flow. The adequate values of (YP/ μp) are between 0 to 1 for the rheological models which used in drilling. This is what appeared in most of the models that were used in this study. The pressure loss is a gathering of numerous issues for example rheology of mud), flow regime and the well geometry. An artificial neural network (ANN) that used in this effort is an accurate or computational model stimulated by using JMP software. The aim of this study is to find out the effect of rheological models on the hydraulic system and to use the artificial neural network to simulate the parameters that were used as emotional parameters and then find an equation containing the parameters μp, Yp and P Yp/ μp to calculate the pressure losses in a hydraulic system. Data for 7 intermediate casing wells with 12.25" hole size and 95/8" intermediate casing size are taken from the southern Iraq field used for the above purpose. Then compare the result with common equations used to calculate pressure losses in a hydraulic system. Also, we calculate the optimum flow by the maximum impact force method and then offset in Equation obtained by (Joint Marketing Program) JMP software. Finally, the equation that was found to calculate pressure losses instead of using common hydraulic equations with long calculations gave very close results with less calculation.                                                                                 

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
International rights to enhance the active participation of Iraqi youth
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After the democratic transformation in 2003 in Iraq, young people waited a lot to take their real opportunity to participate in politics, but most of the laws regulating political and electoral work have been unfair to young people, despite developments in laws and legislation, but opportunities did not allow young people to participate in politics, which was reflected It negatively affected their participation in voting and nomination, and even their assumption of public office and positions, which is why they complained about the ruling class and the political system through protests, or when they refused to vote, and this is reflected in the recent parliamentary elections and low participation rates

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The development of ethics management system to enhance the social responsibility of government institutions in Iraqi society An analytical study on a sample of top leadership and the presidency of
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The objective of this research is to identify the analysis of the ethics of the administration in the development of the social responsibility of one government organizations, and to achieve the objectives of the research was the use of a questionnaire developed for the purpose of data collection and distribution to the research sample, was chosen as a total sample population (50) individuals were relying on statistical package to do a statistical analysis for this research, user, ANSI (SPSS) simple regression analysis, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient.

Research findings show the role of social responsibility in achieving the university's strategy,

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Selection of Suitable Drilling Parameters for obtaining high Rate of Penetration in Majnoon Oilfield
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Several directional wells have been drilled in Majnoon oilfield at wide variation in drilling time due to different drilling parameters applied for each well. This technical paper shows the importance of proper selection of the bit, Mud type, applied weight on Bit (WOB), Revolution per minute (RPM), and flow rate based on the previous wells drilled. Utilizing the data during drilling each section for directional wells that's significantly could improve drilling efficiency presented at a high rate of penetration (ROP). Based on the extensive study of three directional wells of 35 degree inclination (MJ-51, MJ-52, and MJ-54) found that the applied drilling parameters for MJ-54 and the bit type within associated drilling parameters to drill

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Simulation of Immiscible CO2-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process to Enhance Oil Recovery
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The Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) process has become one of the most important processes to enhance oil recovery in both secondary and tertiary recovery stages and through immiscible and miscible modes.  Its advantages came from the ability to provide gravity-stable oil displacement for improving oil recovery, when compared with conventional gas injection methods such as Continuous Gas Injection (CGI) and Water – Alternative Gas (WAG). Vertical injectors for CO2   gas were placed at the top of the reservoir to form a gas cap which drives the oil towards the horizontal oil producing wells which are located above the oil-water-contact. The GAGD process was developed and tested in vertical wells to increase oil r

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Study of different geostatistical methods to model formation porosity (Cast study of Zubair formation in Luhais oil field)
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Abstract<p>This study is concerned with making comparison in using different geostatistical methods for porosity distribution of upper shale member - Zubair formation in Luhais oil field which was chosen to study.</p><p>Kriging, Gaussian random function simulation and sequential Gaussian simulation geostatistical methods were adopted in this study. After preparing all needed data which are contour map, well heads of 12 wells, well tops and porosity from CPI log. Petrel software 2009 was used for porosity distribution of mentioned formation in methods that are showed above. Comparisons were made among these three methods in order to choose the best one, the comparing cri</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Determining Optimum Oil Separator Size and Optimum Operating Pressure
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The optimum separators operating pressure is determined by using flash calculations and equilibrium ratios. In this study, the optimum separator size for Jambur field is calculated by using equations introduced by Arnold and Stewart and API12J Specification [1]. Because Jambur field has a high production rate two conditions are taken in the study to determine separator size, first based on production rate 80,000 bbl/day and second based on split the production between two banks A and B (40,000 bbl/day for each bank). The calculation resulted in optimum separator pressure for the first stage of 700 psi, and the second stage of 300 psi, and the third stage of 120 psi. The results show that as the number of stages increased above three

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Determining Optimum Oil Separator Size and Optimum Operating Pressure
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The optimum separators operating pressure is determined by using flash calculations and equilibrium ratios. In this study, the optimum separator size for Jambur field is calculated by using equations introduced by Arnold and Stewart and API12J Specification [1]. Because Jambur field has a high production rate two conditions are taken in the study to determine separator size, first based on production rate 80,000 bbl/day and second based on split the production between two banks A and B (40,000 bbl/day for each bank). The calculation resulted in optimum separator pressure for the first stage of 700 psi, and the second stage of 300 psi, and the third stage of 120 psi. The results show that as the number of stages increased above three-stag

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
3D Geological Model for Zubair Reservoir in Abu-Amood Oil Field
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The Zubair reservoir in the Abu-Amood field is considered a shaly sand reservoir in the south of Iraq. The geological model is created for identifying the facies, distributing the petrophysical properties and estimating the volume of hydrocarbon in place. When the data processing by Interactive Petrophysics (IP) software is completed and estimated the permeability reservoir by using the hydraulic unit method then, three main steps are applied to build the geological model, begins with creating a structural, facies and property models. five zones the reservoirs were divided (three reservoir units and two cap rocks) depending on the variation of petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability) that results from IP software interpr

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 15 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and Slantlet Transform For An Effective Image Retrieval Scheme
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In the latest years there has been a profound evolution in computer science and technology, which incorporated several fields. Under this evolution, Content Base Image Retrieval (CBIR) is among the image processing field. There are several image retrieval methods that can easily extract feature as a result of the image retrieval methods’ progresses. To the researchers, finding resourceful image retrieval devices has therefore become an extensive area of concern. Image retrieval technique refers to a system used to search and retrieve images from digital images’ huge database. In this paper, the author focuses on recommendation of a fresh method for retrieving image. For multi presentation of image in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),

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