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Selection of an Optimum Drilling Fluid Model to Enhance Mud Hydraulic System Using Neural Networks in Iraqi Oil Field
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In drilling processes, the rheological properties pointed to the nature of the run-off and the composition of the drilling mud. Drilling mud performance can be assessed for solving the problems of the hole cleaning, fluid management, and hydraulics controls. The rheology factors are typically termed through the following parameters: Yield Point (Yp) and Plastic Viscosity (μp). The relation of (YP/ μp) is used for measuring of levelling for flow. High YP/ μp percentages are responsible for well cuttings transportation through laminar flow. The adequate values of (YP/ μp) are between 0 to 1 for the rheological models which used in drilling. This is what appeared in most of the models that were used in this study. The pressure loss is a gathering of numerous issues for example rheology of mud), flow regime and the well geometry. An artificial neural network (ANN) that used in this effort is an accurate or computational model stimulated by using JMP software. The aim of this study is to find out the effect of rheological models on the hydraulic system and to use the artificial neural network to simulate the parameters that were used as emotional parameters and then find an equation containing the parameters μp, Yp and P Yp/ μp to calculate the pressure losses in a hydraulic system. Data for 7 intermediate casing wells with 12.25" hole size and 95/8" intermediate casing size are taken from the southern Iraq field used for the above purpose. Then compare the result with common equations used to calculate pressure losses in a hydraulic system. Also, we calculate the optimum flow by the maximum impact force method and then offset in Equation obtained by (Joint Marketing Program) JMP software. Finally, the equation that was found to calculate pressure losses instead of using common hydraulic equations with long calculations gave very close results with less calculation.                                                                                 

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Petrophysical Analysis of an Iraqi Gas Field (Mansuriya Gas Field)
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Mansuriya Gas field is an elongated anticlinal structure aligned from NW to SE, about 25 km long and 5-6 km wide. Jeribe formation is considered the main reservoir where it contains condensate fluid and has a uniform thickness of about 60 m. The reservoir is significantly over-pressured, (TPOC, 2014).

This research is about well logs analysis, which involves the determination of Archie petrophysical parameters, water saturation, porosity, permeability and lithology. The interpretations and cross plots are done using Interactive Petrophysics (IP) V3.5 software.

The rock parameters (a, m and n) values are important in determining the water saturation where (m) can be calcul

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Predicting the Sporting Achievement in the Pole Vault for Men Using Artificial Neural Networks
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The physical sports sector in Iraq suffers from the problem of achieving sports achievements in individual and team games in various Asian and international competitions, for many reasons, including the lack of exploitation of modern, accurate and flexible technologies and means, especially in the field of information technology, especially the technology of artificial neural networks. The main goal of this study is to build an intelligent mathematical model to predict sport achievement in pole vaulting for men, the methodology of the research included the use of five variables as inputs to the neural network, which are Avarage of Speed (m/sec in Before distance 05 meters latest and Distance 05 meters latest, The maximum speed achieved in t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2013
Journal Name
Inventi Impact: Artificial Intelligence
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This paper presents a modified training method for Recurrent Neural Networks. This method depends on the Non linear Auto Regressive (NARX) model with Modified Wavelet Function as activation function (MSLOG) in the hidden layer. The modified model is known as Modified Recurrent Neural (MRN). It is used for identification Forward dynamics of four Degrees of Freedom (4-DOF) Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) manipulator robot. This model is also used in the design of Direct Inverse Control (DIC). This method is compared with Recurrent Neural Networks that used Sigmoid activation function (RS) in the hidden layer and Recurrent Neural Networks with Wavelet activation function (RW). Simulation results shows that the MRN model is bett

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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In this work, fluid catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil to produce gasoline over prepared faujasite type Y zeolite was investigated using experimental laboratory plant scale of fluidized bed reactor.
The catalytic activity of prepared faujasite type NaY, NaNH4Y and NaHY zeolites was investigated. The cracking process was carried out in the temperature range 440 to 500 oC, weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) range 10 to 25 h-1 ,and atmospheric pressure . The catalytic activities of the prepared faujasite type NaY , NaNH4Y and NaHY zeolites were determined in terms of vacuum gas oil (VGO) conversion, and gasoline yield . The conversion at 500oC and WHSV10 hr-1 by using faujasite type NaY, NaNH4Y and NaHY zeolite were 50.2%, 64.1% and 6

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Neural Networks as a Discriminant Purposes
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Discriminant between groups is one of the common procedures because of its ability to analyze many practical phenomena, and there are several methods can be used for this purpose, such as linear and quadratic discriminant functions. recently, neural networks is used as a tool to distinguish between groups.

In this paper the simulation is used to compare neural networks and classical method for classify observations to group that is belong to, in case of some variables that don’t follow the normal distribution. we use the proportion of number of misclassification observations to the all observations as a criterion of comparison.  



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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2024
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
An Artificial Neural Network Prediction Model of GFRP Residual Tensile Strength
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This study uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to examine the constitutive relationships of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) residual tensile strength at elevated temperatures. The objective is to develop an effective model and establish fire performance criteria for concrete structures in fire scenarios. Multilayer networks that employ reactive error distribution approaches can determine the residual tensile strength of GFRP using six input parameters, in contrast to previous mathematical models that utilized one or two inputs while disregarding the others. Multilayered networks employing reactive error distribution technology assign weights to each variable influencing the residual tensile strength of GFRP. Temperatur

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Analysis of Electro-Hydraulic Servo System for Speed Control of Hydraulic Motor
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In this study, the electro-hydraulic servo system for speed control of fixed displacement hydraulic motor using proportional valve and (PID) controller is investigated theoretically ,experimentally and simulation . The theoretical part includes the derivation of the nonlinear mathematical model equation of (valve – motor ) combination system and the derivation of the transfer function for the complete hydraulic system , the stability test of the system during the operation through the transfer function using MATLAB package
V7.1 have been done. An experimental part includes design and built hydraulic test rig and simple PID controller .The best PID gains have been calculated experimentally and simulation, speed control performance te

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Training Of Feed Forward Neural Networks
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In this paper we describe several different training algorithms for feed forward neural networks(FFNN). In all of these algorithms we use the gradient of the performance function, energy function, to determine how to adjust the weights such that the performance function is minimized, where the back propagation algorithm has been used to increase the speed of training. The above algorithms have a variety of different computation and thus different type of form of search direction and storage requirements, however non of the above algorithms has a global properties which suited to all problems.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Recognizing Different Foot Deformities Using FSR Sensors by Static Classification of Neural Networks
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Sensing insole systems are a promising technology for various applications in healthcare and sports. They can provide valuable information about the foot pressure distribution and gait patterns of different individuals. However, designing and implementing such systems poses several challenges, such as sensor selection, calibration, data processing, and interpretation. This paper proposes a sensing insole system that uses force-sensitive resistors (FSRs) to measure the pressure exerted by the foot on different regions of the insole. This system classifies four types of foot deformities: normal, flat, over-pronation, and excessive supination. The classification stage uses the differential values of pressure points as input for a feedforwar

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulation of Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Using Potential Field Model
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In this paper, 3D simulation of the global coronal magnetic field, which use observed line of sight component of the photosphere magnetic field from (MDI/SOHO) was carried out using potential field model. The obtained results, improved the theoretical models of the coronal magnetic field, which represent a suitable lower boundary conditions (Bx, By, Bz) at the base of the linear force-free and nonlinear force free models, provides a less computationally expensive method than other models. Generally, very high speed computer and special configuration is needed to solve such problem as well as the problem of viewing the streamline of the magnetic field. For high accuracy special mathematical treatment was adopted to solve the computation comp

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