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Detecting Deepfakes with Deep Learning and Gabor Filters
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The proliferation of many editing programs based on artificial intelligence techniques has contributed to the emergence of deepfake technology. Deepfakes are committed to fabricating and falsifying facts by making a person do actions or say words that he never did or said. So that developing an algorithm for deepfakes detection is very important to discriminate real from fake media. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are among the most complex classifiers, but choosing the nature of the data fed to these networks is extremely important. For this reason, we capture fine texture details of input data frames using 16 Gabor filters indifferent directions and then feed them to a binary CNN classifier instead of using the red-green-blue color information. The purpose of this paper is to give the reader a deeper view of (1) enhancing the efficiency of distinguishing fake facial images from real facial images by developing a novel model based on deep learning and Gabor filters and (2) how deep learning (CNN) if combined with forensic tools (Gabor filters) contributed to the detection of deepfakes. Our experiment shows that the training accuracy reaches about 98.06% and 97.50% validation. Likened to the state-of-the-art methods, the proposed model has higher efficiency.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2019
Journal Name
Artificial Intelligence Research
A three-stage learning algorithm for deep multilayer perceptron with effective weight initialisation based on sparse auto-encoder
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A three-stage learning algorithm for deep multilayer perceptron (DMLP) with effective weight initialisation based on sparse auto-encoder is proposed in this paper, which aims to overcome difficulties in training deep neural networks with limited training data in high-dimensional feature space. At the first stage, unsupervised learning is adopted using sparse auto-encoder to obtain the initial weights of the feature extraction layers of the DMLP. At the second stage, error back-propagation is used to train the DMLP by fixing the weights obtained at the first stage for its feature extraction layers. At the third stage, all the weights of the DMLP obtained at the second stage are refined by error back-propagation. Network structures an

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Pure Sciences
Synthesis of the integer FIR filters with short coefficient word length
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The integer simulation and development finite impulse response (FIR) filters taking into account the possibilities of their realization on digital integer platforms are considered. The problem statement and solution of multifunctional synthesis of digital FIR filters such a problem on the basis of the numerical methods of integer nonlinear mathematical programming are given. As an several examples, the problem solution of synthesis FIR-filters with short coefficient word length  has been given. The analysis of their characteristics is resulted. The paper discusses issues of modeling and synthesis of digital FIR filters with provision for the possibilities of their implementation on digital platforms with integer computation arithme

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Information And Optimization Sciences
Hybrid deep learning model for Arabic text classification based on mutual information
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 21 2022
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Deep Learning-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD): Applications for Medical Image Datasets
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Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has proved to be an effective and accurate method for diagnostic prediction over the years. This article focuses on the development of an automated CAD system with the intent to perform diagnosis as accurately as possible. Deep learning methods have been able to produce impressive results on medical image datasets. This study employs deep learning methods in conjunction with meta-heuristic algorithms and supervised machine-learning algorithms to perform an accurate diagnosis. Pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or auto-encoder are used for feature extraction, whereas feature selection is performed using an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. Ant colony optimization helps to search for the bes

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 16 2021
Journal Name
Cognitive Computation
Deep Transfer Learning for Improved Detection of Keratoconus using Corneal Topographic Maps
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Abstract <p>Clinical keratoconus (KCN) detection is a challenging and time-consuming task. In the diagnosis process, ophthalmologists must revise demographic and clinical ophthalmic examinations. The latter include slit-lamb, corneal topographic maps, and Pentacam indices (PI). We propose an Ensemble of Deep Transfer Learning (EDTL) based on corneal topographic maps. We consider four pretrained networks, SqueezeNet (SqN), AlexNet (AN), ShuffleNet (SfN), and MobileNet-v2 (MN), and fine-tune them on a dataset of KCN and normal cases, each including four topographic maps. We also consider a PI classifier. Then, our EDTL method combines the output probabilities of each of the five classifiers to obtain a decision b</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculations of Gabor Lens Having Two Glaser Field Distributions
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     The present computational work is focused on investigating some properties of Gabor lens. The Gabor lens under consideration consists of two fields, electrostatic and magnetic. The Glaser field model is assumed to represent each field along the optical axis. Under zero magnification condition the trajectory of charged particles along the axis of Gabor lens has been computed. The results have shown that a lens of short focal length and hence high refractive power can be achieved

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 21 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning (ijet)
Impact of Deep Learning Strategy in Mathematics Achievement and Practical Intelligence among High School Students
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— To identify the effect of deep learning strategy on mathematics achievement and practical intelligence among secondary school students during the 2022/2023 academic year. In the research, the experimental research method with two groups (experimental and control) with a post-test were adopted. The research community is represented by the female students of the fifth scientific grade from the first Karkh Education Directorate. (61) female students were intentionally chosen, and they were divided into two groups: an experimental group (30) students who were taught according to the proposed strategy, and a control group (31) students who were taught according to the usual method. For the purpose of collecting data for the experimen

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 10 2021
Journal Name
Design Engineering
Lossy Image Compression Using Hybrid Deep Learning Autoencoder Based On kmean Clusteri
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Image compression plays an important role in reducing the size and storage of data while increasing the speed of its transmission through the Internet significantly. Image compression is an important research topic for several decades and recently, with the great successes achieved by deep learning in many areas of image processing, especially image compression, and its use is increasing Gradually in the field of image compression. The deep learning neural network has also achieved great success in the field of processing and compressing various images of different sizes. In this paper, we present a structure for image compression based on the use of a Convolutional AutoEncoder (CAE) for deep learning, inspired by the diversity of human eye

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Survey on distributed denial of service attack detection using deep learning: A review
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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Web-based services have grown in both number and sophistication with the rise of advanced wireless technology and modern computing paradigms. Detecting these attacks in the sea of communication packets is very important. There were a lot of DDoS attacks that were directed at the network and transport layers at first. During the past few years, attackers have changed their strategies to try to get into the application layer. The application layer attacks could be more harmful and stealthier because the attack traffic and the normal traffic flows cannot be told apart. Distributed attacks are hard to fight because they can affect real computing resources as well as network bandwidth. DDoS attacks

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Human Face Recognition Using GABOR Filter And Different Self Organizing Maps Neural Networks
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This work implements the face recognition system based on two stages, the first stage is feature extraction stage and the second stage is the classification stage. The feature extraction stage consists of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) in a hierarchical format in conjunction with Gabor Filters and local image sampling. Different types of SOM’s were used and a comparison between the results from these SOM’s was given.

The next stage is the classification stage, and consists of self-organizing map neural network; the goal of this stage is to find the similar image to the input image. The proposal method algorithm implemented by using C++ packages, this work is successful classifier for a face database consist of 20

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