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Detecting Deepfakes with Deep Learning and Gabor Filters
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The proliferation of many editing programs based on artificial intelligence techniques has contributed to the emergence of deepfake technology. Deepfakes are committed to fabricating and falsifying facts by making a person do actions or say words that he never did or said. So that developing an algorithm for deepfakes detection is very important to discriminate real from fake media. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are among the most complex classifiers, but choosing the nature of the data fed to these networks is extremely important. For this reason, we capture fine texture details of input data frames using 16 Gabor filters indifferent directions and then feed them to a binary CNN classifier instead of using the red-green-blue color information. The purpose of this paper is to give the reader a deeper view of (1) enhancing the efficiency of distinguishing fake facial images from real facial images by developing a novel model based on deep learning and Gabor filters and (2) how deep learning (CNN) if combined with forensic tools (Gabor filters) contributed to the detection of deepfakes. Our experiment shows that the training accuracy reaches about 98.06% and 97.50% validation. Likened to the state-of-the-art methods, the proposed model has higher efficiency.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Big Data
A survey on deep learning tools dealing with data scarcity: definitions, challenges, solutions, tips, and applications
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Abstract<p>Data scarcity is a major challenge when training deep learning (DL) models. DL demands a large amount of data to achieve exceptional performance. Unfortunately, many applications have small or inadequate data to train DL frameworks. Usually, manual labeling is needed to provide labeled data, which typically involves human annotators with a vast background of knowledge. This annotation process is costly, time-consuming, and error-prone. Usually, every DL framework is fed by a significant amount of labeled data to automatically learn representations. Ultimately, a larger amount of data would generate a better DL model and its performance is also application dependent. This issue is the main barrier for</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Academia Open
Deep Learning and Fusion Techniques for High-Precision Image Matting:
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General Background: Deep image matting is a fundamental task in computer vision, enabling precise foreground extraction from complex backgrounds, with applications in augmented reality, computer graphics, and video processing. Specific Background: Despite advancements in deep learning-based methods, preserving fine details such as hair and transparency remains a challenge. Knowledge Gap: Existing approaches struggle with accuracy and efficiency, necessitating novel techniques to enhance matting precision. Aims: This study integrates deep learning with fusion techniques to improve alpha matte estimation, proposing a lightweight U-Net model incorporating color-space fusion and preprocessing. Results: Experiments using the AdobeComposition-1k

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Face-based Gender Classification Using Deep Learning Model
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Gender classification is a critical task in computer vision. This task holds substantial importance in various domains, including surveillance, marketing, and human-computer interaction. In this work, the face gender classification model proposed consists of three main phases: the first phase involves applying the Viola-Jones algorithm to detect facial images, which includes four steps: 1) Haar-like features, 2) Integral Image, 3) Adaboost Learning, and 4) Cascade Classifier. In the second phase, four pre-processing operations are employed, namely cropping, resizing, converting the image from(RGB) Color Space to (LAB) color space, and enhancing the images using (HE, CLAHE). The final phase involves utilizing Transfer lea

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Lecture Notes On Data Engineering And Communications Technologies
Utilizing Deep Learning Technique for Arabic Image Captioning
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Arabic Sentiment Analysis (ASA) Using Deep Learning Approach
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Sentiment analysis is one of the major fields in natural language processing whose main task is to extract sentiments, opinions, attitudes, and emotions from a subjective text. And for its importance in decision making and in people's trust with reviews on web sites, there are many academic researches to address sentiment analysis problems. Deep Learning (DL) is a powerful Machine Learning (ML) technique that has emerged with its ability of feature representation and differentiating data, leading to state-of-the-art prediction results. In recent years, DL has been widely used in sentiment analysis, however, there is scarce in its implementation in the Arabic language field. Most of the previous researches address other l

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
International Journal On “technical And Physical Problems Of Engineering”
Age Estimation Utilizing Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network
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Estimating an individual's age from a photograph of their face is critical in many applications, including intelligence and defense, border security and human-machine interaction, as well as soft biometric recognition. There has been recent progress in this discipline that focuses on the idea of deep learning. These solutions need the creation and training of deep neural networks for the sole purpose of resolving this issue. In addition, pre-trained deep neural networks are utilized in the research process for the purpose of facial recognition and fine-tuning for accurate outcomes. The purpose of this study was to offer a method for estimating human ages from the frontal view of the face in a manner that is as accurate as possible and takes

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
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Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Singing Voice Separation
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Monaural source separation is a challenging issue due to the fact that there is only a single channel available; however, there is an unlimited range of possible solutions. In this paper, a monaural source separation model based hybrid deep learning model, which consists of convolution neural network (CNN), dense neural network (DNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN), will be presented. A trial and error method will be used to optimize the number of layers in the proposed model. Moreover, the effects of the learning rate, optimization algorithms, and the number of epochs on the separation performance will be explored. Our model was evaluated using the MIR-1K dataset for singing voice separation. Moreover, the proposed approach achi

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 11 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Image Denoising Using Multiwavelet Transform with Different Filters and Rules
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<p class="0abstract">Image denoising is a technique for removing unwanted signals called the noise, which coupling with the original signal when transmitting them; to remove the noise from the original signal, many denoising methods are used. In this paper, the Multiwavelet Transform (MWT) is used to denoise the corrupted image by Choosing the HH coefficient for processing based on two different filters Tri-State Median filter and Switching Median filter. With each filter, various rules are used, such as Normal Shrink, Sure Shrink, Visu Shrink, and Bivariate Shrink. The proposed algorithm is applied Salt&amp; pepper noise with different levels for grayscale test images. The quality of the denoised image is evaluated by usi

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
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Detecting Damaged Buildings on Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery based on Transfer Learning
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In this article, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect damage and no damage images form satellite imagery using different classifiers. These classifiers are well-known models that are used with CNN to detect and classify images using a specific dataset. The dataset used belongs to the Huston hurricane that caused several damages in the nearby areas. In addition, a transfer learning property is used to store the knowledge (weights) and reuse it in the next task. Moreover, each applied classifier is used to detect the images from the dataset after it is split into training, testing and validation. Keras library is used to apply the CNN algorithm with each selected classifier to detect the images. Furthermore, the performa

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Constructing a Software Tool for Detecting Face Mask-wearing by Machine Learning
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       In the pandemic era of COVID19, software engineering and artificial intelligence tools played a major role in monitoring, managing, and predicting the spread of the virus. According to reports released by the World Health Organization, all attempts to prevent any form of infection are highly recommended among people. One side of avoiding infection is requiring people to wear face masks. The problem is that some people do not incline to wear a face mask, and guiding them manually by police is not easy especially in a large or public area to avoid this infection. The purpose of this paper is to construct a software tool called Face Mask Detection (FMD) to detect any face that does not wear a mask in a specific

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