يبحث هذا البحث في افعال المقاربة التي تعد من الافعال الناسخة في اللغة العربية التي تدخل على الجملة الاسمية فتبقي المبتدأ مرتفعا بها ويسمى اسمها وتنصب خبره وتقسم هذه الافعال الى اقسام ثلاثة افعال المقاربة وهي (كاد ,اوشك ,كرب هلهل ,قارب ) وافعال الرجاء وهي (عسى , اخلولق , حرى ) وافعال الشروع وهي (اخذ ,وهب ,بدأ ,انشا , شرع , اقبل ,قام ) وتشابه كاد في معناها وفائدتها جعل وشرع وعلى الرغم من عدم ذكر القران الكريم لأي اية فيها اقتران خبر كاد ب(أن) فإننا نجد المفسرون للقران الكريم قد اشاروا الى ذلك واوضحوه .فبالرغم من قلتها الى انها موجودة واحاديث الرسول (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم ) قد دلت على ذلك وموضوع دراستنا هو( كاد )التي تدل على مقاربة حصول الفعل ووقوعه , دون أن يكون الفعل قد وقع ,واقتران خبره ب(أن ) بين الاثبات والنفي أو بتعبير اخر بين القبول والرفض وتتوسط بين زمن الحال والاستقبال فمعنى كاد تحقيق الاقتران بين النية بالعمل واكماله والتقريب بينهما لذلك وجب على خبرها أن يكون فعلا مضارعا , وذلك لدلالة المضارع على الحال او ما يقاربه , وبناءا عليه تجرد هذا الفعل في الغالب من (أن ) لآنها تخلص الفعل للاستقبال وتباعده عن الحال.
We must live in an era dominated by the call for equality between men and women, in which the voices of advocates of gender integration were heard. After women opened their doors to compete with their brother, Knowledge, and culture in the various forms of life, language as a science of the time and knowledge of the other had to match this reality and express the most accurate expression of this task
يهدف البحث الحالي الى استكشاف علاقات التفاعل والتاثير بين الاحتكام للمكانة والتوجه للفردية– الجماعية والدمج التنظيمي مستنداً على مزج اختلاف القيم الشخصية مع افكار نظرية الهوية الاجتماعية لبلورة نموذج البحث. وفي ضوء هذا تم صياغة عدد من الفرضيات التي توضح علاقات التفاعل ما بين ابعاد الاحتكام للمكانة والتوجه للفردية– الجماعية للتنبؤ بوجود الدمج التنظيمي. جمعت البيانات باستخدام استمارة الاستبيان ووزع
... Show MoreThe reciprocal relationship between the text and the mask in the printed product is one of the most important relationships that frame the level of communication between the appearance and the interior, although it is not cared for by some designers and publishing institutions. Therefore, the problem of research is determined by the following question (What is the dialectical relationship between the text and the mask in the literary books covers design?). The research aims to shed light on this problematic relationship at the level of reception and aesthetics at the same moment. The theoretical framework included two sections: the first (mask and text ... the concept and the mutual relationship), while the second section (trends in the
... Show Moreاهتمت المجتمعات العالمية في الآونة الأخير بفئة الأطفال ، ورعاية الطفولة وذلك لما لها من أهمية كبيرة في مستقبل المجتمع ، وتنميتة وتقدمه . لأنها يعتمد عليها في تقدم وتطور المجتمع فـي جميع المجالات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية . ومن هنا ارتبطت الطفولة بالحياة برباط عضوي فالأطفال براعم الحياة ومع هذه البراعم تستمر الحياة لذلك اهتمت دول العالم بوضع البرامج وعقد المؤتمرات من اجل النهوض
... Show MoreIt has aimed by this research at presenting new interpretations to diversification phenomenon and its possible effects on firm value. These interpretations are culminated by the disclosure of the distinct role of resource-based view in the study of relationship between diversification strategy and firm value. The study has conducted on a sample consisted of the largest American companies listed in Fortune 500 along with seven years period
(2005-2011). This first local attempt, which has based on panel dat--a analysis for interpreting an expected variance of firm value due to diversification strategy, may helps with a clear vision to solve the contradiction and confusion surrounded the true linkages between t
This study aims to clarify the role of Iraqi satellite channels in spreading negative values among university youth; and the tendency of this segment to simulate the descending behaviors and pseudo-peculiar concepts of our society, which are displayed through the screens of these channels, based on the relevant media literature such as scientific references and the results of previous studies and research.
The study followed the survey methodology to examine the public based on the questionnaire as a research tool, which was distributed to a sample of male and female students of Baghdad University enrolled in the university for the academic year 2011-2012.
In order to achieve the specific objectives of this research
... Show MoreSome of the issues that have become common in our society recently after the Americans entered our country and were rubbed by some security agencies: obtaining some information from children, and the serious consequences that may lead to the lives of innocent people, became common interrogation of some security agencies and rely on their words.
There are significant cases where their testimony needs to be heard, such as their presence in some places where incidents are not witnessed by others, such as schools or being witnesses to certain crimes.
I saw the study of this case in the light of Sharia and law
The control charts are one of the scientific technical statistics tools that will be used to control of production and always contained from three lines central line and upper, lower lines to control quality of production and represents set of numbers so finally the operating productivity under control or nor than depending on the actual observations. Some times to calculating the control charts are not accurate and not confirming, therefore the Fuzzy Control Charts are using instead of Process Control Charts so this method is more sensitive, accurate and economically for assisting decision maker to control the operation system as early time. In this project will be used set data fr
... Show Moreإن الاستخدام الفعال للأموال العامة يشكل احد الدعامات الأساسية من اجل حسن إدارة تلك الأموال و فعالية القرارات الصادرة عن السلطات المختصة ، و أن هذا الهدف لا يتحقق ما لم تكون الرقابة المالية ذات فعالية لكبح جماح حالات الفساد الإداري النظمي و تفشي ذلك في جهاز الدولة الإداري. لان ظاهرة الفساد الإداري تؤدي بجهاز الدولة الإداري إلى فقدان كيانه الموحد لصالح المنظومات الفاسدة رغم احتفاظه بكيانه الموحد شكليا، كما ت
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Oil is the most important natural resources in Iraq and represents the goal to others as well as Iraqi people. It is gift from God to all Iraqi people now and future. So we must maintain it and invest its revenue that achieve development in country and ensure the next generations' rights in it without external costs or negative externalities from extracted and invested it.
The most problems that we attempt to solve by this research are the exhausted, environmental degradation and theft from next generation that produced with oil contracts between Iraq and foreign companies. From here was th
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