يبحث هذا البحث في افعال المقاربة التي تعد من الافعال الناسخة في اللغة العربية التي تدخل على الجملة الاسمية فتبقي المبتدأ مرتفعا بها ويسمى اسمها وتنصب خبره وتقسم هذه الافعال الى اقسام ثلاثة افعال المقاربة وهي (كاد ,اوشك ,كرب هلهل ,قارب ) وافعال الرجاء وهي (عسى , اخلولق , حرى ) وافعال الشروع وهي (اخذ ,وهب ,بدأ ,انشا , شرع , اقبل ,قام ) وتشابه كاد في معناها وفائدتها جعل وشرع وعلى الرغم من عدم ذكر القران الكريم لأي اية فيها اقتران خبر كاد ب(أن) فإننا نجد المفسرون للقران الكريم قد اشاروا الى ذلك واوضحوه .فبالرغم من قلتها الى انها موجودة واحاديث الرسول (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم ) قد دلت على ذلك وموضوع دراستنا هو( كاد )التي تدل على مقاربة حصول الفعل ووقوعه , دون أن يكون الفعل قد وقع ,واقتران خبره ب(أن ) بين الاثبات والنفي أو بتعبير اخر بين القبول والرفض وتتوسط بين زمن الحال والاستقبال فمعنى كاد تحقيق الاقتران بين النية بالعمل واكماله والتقريب بينهما لذلك وجب على خبرها أن يكون فعلا مضارعا , وذلك لدلالة المضارع على الحال او ما يقاربه , وبناءا عليه تجرد هذا الفعل في الغالب من (أن ) لآنها تخلص الفعل للاستقبال وتباعده عن الحال.
This study aimed to analyze and measure the relationship between oil revenues and financial sustainability in Iraq, the study used the stylistic approach inductive and deductive approach. Accompanied by the use of quantitative and analytical style, which was based on two variables oil revenues and net general budget on annual data covered the period (1990-2013). Among the most important findings of the study contain the time-series variables study on the root of the unit and is not stable in the general level, and become stable after the use of mathematical processors to gain access to a stable by taking the first difference of natural Ogartm of the series. The way (Johnson) to a long-term relationship between oil revenues and ne
... Show MoreMarketing information system (KMIS) is an essential factor of developing business’ performance and getting sustainable success. The main goal of the research is to measure effect of MIS on customer orientation and product innovation. Also, another goal is to analyze the mediation role of product innovation in relationship MIS and customer orientation. This study sought to analyze the marketing information system and measure its effect on the customer orientation and product innovation. The data of the study were collected using questionnaire. The data were analyzed using statistical tools and SPSS programming. The results of the study showed that the KMIS can positively and significantly effect product innovation. Also, t
... Show MoreQuality is one of the important criteria to determine the success of product. So quality control is required for all stages of production to ensure a good final product with lowest possible losses. Control charts are the most important means used to monitor the quality and its accuracy is measured by quickly detecting unusual changes in the quality to maintain the product and reduce the costs and losses that may result from the defective items. There are different types of quality control charts and new types appeases involving the concept of fuzziness named multinomial fuzzy quality control chart (FM) , dividing the product to accepted and not may not be accurate therefore adding fuzziness concept to quality charts confirm and a
... Show MoreBoth of the species Typha domengensis and Phragmites communis among the most important plant endemic in flora of Iraq from monocotyledon. Due to the similarity of the two species with each other in many morphological characteristics such as the environment where they live and the form of leaves and type of leaf venation and type of stomata….ets, also both of species belong to monocots plant therefore this research work was conducted find anatomical differences that have the same as taxonomic value to help distinguishing between both species under study. Through this research, we found great importance to the anatomical characteristics which we reached by studying the roots, stems and leaves sections f
... Show Moreالمستخلص: يهدف البحث الى التعرف على بقاء اثر المعلومة عن طريق الاجابة عن السؤال: ما مدى بقاء اثر التعلم بين التعليم الالكتروني والتعليم االحضوري ؟ تم تطبيق البحث في العام الدراسي( 2020-2021 م) في العراق. تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي بالاسلوب المقارن في عقد مقارنة بين التعليم الالكتروني والتعليم الحضوري. وكان مجتمع البحث من طلبة المرحلة الرابعة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة – ابن الهيثم ,و العيتة من قسم الرياضيات الم
... Show Moreمعيار القصديَّة في النص هو من الدراسات الحديثة المتطورة من لسانيات الجملة الى لسانيات النص ، وتحليل الخطاب . والذي يعنى بالطرق والأدوات التي يستغلها المؤلف لتحقيق الغايات المقصديَّة
وهذا البحث ناقش مفهوم(القصديَّة) لغةً ،واصطلاحاً . فاللغة والكلام شكل من أشكال الوجود الإنساني و( الكلام) هو وسيلة التواصل بين الملقي القارئ ، والمتلقي السامع ؛ وللتوصل الى الدلالة القصديَّة الدقيقة للغة المنطوقة وا
... Show MoreAddressed the problem of the research is marked: (Performing processors for the time between Impressionism and superrealism) the concept of time and how to submit artwork. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. Then determine the research objectives of (detection processors performing to the concept of time in works of art in each of Impressionism and superrealism. And a comparison between them to reveal similarities and differences), followed by the establishment of boundaries Find three (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theore
... Show MoreThe research aims to find out the relationship between the medical and nursing staffing and its impact on the quality of provided health service in the Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, and to understand the nature of the relationship between doctors and nurses, it has been the adoption of cooperation and conflict Kmngaran independent knowledge of the relationship between doctors and nurses and the quality of health service as a variable certified by eating five dimensions (tangibility, reliability, safety, responsiveness, empathy). The research was adopted to collect data on the questionnaire prepared medical and nursing to the angel and adopted included Likert Quintet her, and distributed to doctors working in the Yarmouk hospital in
... Show More-
The subject of this research is the study of the formal alienation of contemporary English sculpture, by comparing the most important sculptors of the new contemporary generation. This research problem is to look for the important factors in the formation of the contemporary sculptural structure of the exotic, and what is the mechanism of formation and output of these forms. The research seeks to explore (Alienation in contemporary sculpture between the works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg) in a comparative study. The importance of the research is to identify the concept of alien forms in contemporary British sculpture, especially in the cases of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg that this research is considered a know