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The Character is one of the elements of Storytelling, as it is the center of the plot, making it the basis on which the talk is about. The talk is the portrayal of the character while they’re acting; the novelist presents the character by interacting with the events, and the extent of the negative and positive appearing impact on the character. It should be noted that everyone has two personalities or more, each one appearing in a different position or situation. For instance, a man can be a father, a lover, an employee, a son or anyone else .. in another position, he might be a master, and in another a looser begging for the mercy of his humiliator, and sometimes he can show weakness to the one he loves, or show strength to his enemies, therefore the novelists' interest was to show the special side of the characters after focusing on them and highlighting some of their hidden traits. And in order to understand the characters, they must convince us with their presence and their impact on the events of the novel. After this, we should refer to Pharaoh’s character; a real character, not a fictional one, especially that he had greatly influenced the evolvement of events into sometimes predictable outcomes, because the reader has already a historical reference about him, and the novelist was able to have the reader’s attention after realizing he’s understanding the personality, and conducting his ideas relative to the time he’s living rather than the era where Pharaoh lived, thus, these ideas and issues may seem separate from the society in which Pharaoh lived.

The Theoretical research included two main axes to construct the character: first, the physical aspect. Second: its behaviour.

We conclude that Najeeb Mahfuz had widened his field of vision from all that is individual and subjective, to a social and a lifelike view that is based on the artist’s deep contemplation of life, and his eagerness to reach the essence of things, using to get there, a human model of a character that is an example of arrogance and might as mentioned in the Holy Quran.

And why the character of Pharaoh ? Because it is common between readers that Pharaoh is a mighty arrogant, so the novelist wanted this to be his starting point from Pharaoh’s individuality until he speaks with his voice through this character, saying that the great state is based on Pharaoh the great, and that the greatness of Pharaoh cannot exist without dedicating his love to his people to the extent of sacrificing himself for the sake of them and his homeland. And if we look at the Pharaonic novels of Najeeb Mahfuz ( Khufu's Wisdom

 ) written in 1939, we’ll find that he defined the traits of the king who feels glorious when his people remind him that he is one of the greatest kings. Then he wrote ( Rhadopis of Nubia ) in 1943, where he described a vain king whose destiny was being killed by his people; all because he didn’t consider the destiny of his predecessors, and followed his pleasures, so Mahfuz used to say: “ This is the punishment of the person who is unjust with his people and cares only about his own interests and well being. Then we find that Mahfuz wrote ( Thebes at War ) in 1944, where he gives a different picture of Pharaoh than the two mentioned above; in the first one Pharaoh defends his throne along his life with all of his power and wealth, whereas surrenders to his destiny and accepts death in the second one. But in the third one, Pharaoh started to build himself physically and mentally since childhood in order to be eligible for this great task.

This is how Mahfuz fulfilled the condition of the mask technique in which the novelist is more contemplating than the original character from which the writer derived his idea, thus the creative expresses his experience in life and his creative view of things bringing all of that to the reality in which the recipient lives.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Miraculous character in Fadhil Al-Azzawi's Novels
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this research adopts the study of experimentational fiction in the characters for the writer Fadhil Al-Azzawi ,which appear in the miraculous characters that the writer creates in his enumerative paragraphs , and these characters are featured by there reveling on traditions which is prevalent in the formation of these characters, The research also included theoretical beginning foe experimental fiction and miraculous characters, followed by analysis and examination of these characters in the writer`s texts, finishing by an epilogue for the results of the research , giving the references and resources we depended on writing this research .

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
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This study seeks to clarify the phenomena of polyphony, as Oswald Ducrot indicated that polyphony is an extension of linguistics, and worked to link it to vocalisation which contains vocable ends, which led Ducrot to a similar example between (speaker and vocable). He indicated that the speaker was responsible for the pronunciation In the speech, and its phenomena: dialectical denial, irony, and referral references, which came to highlight the pragmatics texts and then explain the phenomena of semantic blocks and examples in Naguib Mahfouz's novels and stories.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Existential Dilemma as a Philosophical Problem in The Beggar by Naguib Mahfouz
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     The Beggar (1965) is a story of isolation and depression which is written by the Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz who is considered the father of Arabic Literature in the modern era. Specifically, he refers in his great novel called The Beggar that the man unable to achieve psychological revival after Nasser’s revolution, the man sacrificed his own job and his family for a desire that increases his feelings of alienation and depression which leads him to an emotional outcry against the indifferent. The main aim of the study highlights the concept of existential dilemma as a philosophical problem and personality crisis by the protagonist of The Beggar novel, Omer Al-Hamzawi who had acc

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Gravity ‎Optimization Algorithm for Extractive Arabic Text Summarization
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An automatic text summarization system mimics how humans summarize by picking the most ‎significant sentences in a source text. However, the complexities of the Arabic language have become ‎challenging to obtain information quickly and effectively. The main disadvantage of the ‎traditional approaches is that they are strictly constrained (especially for the Arabic language) by the ‎accuracy of sentence feature ‎functions, weighting schemes, ‎and similarity calculations. On the other hand, the meta-heuristic search approaches have a feature tha

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Phonological and Suggestive Rhythm in the Context of the Quranic Text: The Phonological and Suggestive Rhythm in the Context of the Quranic Text
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The perpetuity of the Quranic discourse required being suitable for all ages.
Accordingly, the method of the Glorious Quran a pre request for the conscious
investigation and realization in order to detect the core of the texts, as the Quranic
discourse is considered a general address for the humanity as a whole. For this
reason, the progress of the concerned studies neceiated that it should cope with the
current development in the age requirements and its cultural changes within ages.
The texts of the Glorious Quran lightened the human reason as being the
Creator’s miracle for it is characterized by certain merits that makes it different from

poetry and prose. It is a unique texture in its rheto

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The vocal inspiration of expressing the complaints in the Qur'anic script
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Thanks and gratefulness be to Allah , the most merciful , and prayers be on his messenger and our prophet mohammed and his descendants.The voices have great influence on the diversity of methods of complaints and implication in the Qur'anic expression through
their inspiration , forms and notes. They also have influence on performing semantic and psychological condition of the emitter . that is because of the connection between the complaints and human behavior and emotions , since it is considered as the outlet by which the human expresses his repressed desired and instincts . he resorted to it " when he is helpless physically and mentally i.e. he cannot reach his goals or satisfy his needs." Complaints come from deprivation , social

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The fate of Pharaoh's magicians in the Quran : objective study
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Out of the search for the truth, the reader of the Holy Qur’an should know the fate of the sorcerers whom Pharaoh threatened when they announced it as pure monotheism in front of seeing the stick as it turned into a clear serpent, when they said: We believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron, and the clear promise came to cut and crucify the trunks of palm trees, and they said what they said if Being supplicants to God (May God cause us to die as Muslims), did Pharaoh actually carry out what he promised them?? So we studied that subject from this angle. Because what looms on the horizon of the Holy Qur’an is that there is no one who seeks refuge with God Almighty in times of adversity except that God Almighty has

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic contast between bilateral and trilateral roots in Semitics languages (Arabic and Syriac as a model)
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The present study investigates the relation between the biliteral and triliteral roots which is the introduction to comprehend the nature of the Semitic roots during its early stage of development being unconfirmed to a single pattern. The present research is not meant to decide on the question of the biliteral roots in the Semitic languages, rather it is meant to confirm the predominance of the triliteral roots on these languages which refers, partially, to analogy adopted by the majority of linguists. This tendency is frequently seen in the languages which incline to over generalize the triliteral phenomenon, i. e., to transfer the biliteral roots to the triliteral room, that is, to subject it to the predominant pattern regarding the r

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Dramatic Construction in Quranic Text Surah Taha – A model: جبار خماط حسن
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There are many varied studies that dealt with the dramatic construction, especially books and studies that addressed drama in its construction and the method of writing it, that no textbook or a general cultural content is void of tackling the dramatic text in its construction and how the dramatic action develops in it. Therefore, a question occurs to the mind about the feasibility of dealing with the dramatic construction in this time, where many contemporary studies of dramatology and its relation and the contemporary critical directions are accumulating. This question many have two realistic aspects, yet the novelty and originality that this research shows lie in addressing a refined linguistic text in its style and connotations, such

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
The Use of Light Text in Arab TV Shows (The Voice TV Program) -A Model
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The research tackles an important subject, namely, the light text and how it works well in the Arab television programs. The methodological framework of the research     presents the research problem stated in the following question: How can the text be used and what is its impact in the Arab TV programs? The importance of this research is that it deals with the subject of light text and its impact on Arab television programs.

This study is useful to the workers and scholars in the field of lighting as well as the goal of the research in (studying of the employment of light text in Arab television programs).

The limits of research were manifested in the study of the light text and how to make use of it

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