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The Character is one of the elements of Storytelling, as it is the center of the plot, making it the basis on which the talk is about. The talk is the portrayal of the character while they’re acting; the novelist presents the character by interacting with the events, and the extent of the negative and positive appearing impact on the character. It should be noted that everyone has two personalities or more, each one appearing in a different position or situation. For instance, a man can be a father, a lover, an employee, a son or anyone else .. in another position, he might be a master, and in another a looser begging for the mercy of his humiliator, and sometimes he can show weakness to the one he loves, or show strength to his enemies, therefore the novelists' interest was to show the special side of the characters after focusing on them and highlighting some of their hidden traits. And in order to understand the characters, they must convince us with their presence and their impact on the events of the novel. After this, we should refer to Pharaoh’s character; a real character, not a fictional one, especially that he had greatly influenced the evolvement of events into sometimes predictable outcomes, because the reader has already a historical reference about him, and the novelist was able to have the reader’s attention after realizing he’s understanding the personality, and conducting his ideas relative to the time he’s living rather than the era where Pharaoh lived, thus, these ideas and issues may seem separate from the society in which Pharaoh lived.

The Theoretical research included two main axes to construct the character: first, the physical aspect. Second: its behaviour.

We conclude that Najeeb Mahfuz had widened his field of vision from all that is individual and subjective, to a social and a lifelike view that is based on the artist’s deep contemplation of life, and his eagerness to reach the essence of things, using to get there, a human model of a character that is an example of arrogance and might as mentioned in the Holy Quran.

And why the character of Pharaoh ? Because it is common between readers that Pharaoh is a mighty arrogant, so the novelist wanted this to be his starting point from Pharaoh’s individuality until he speaks with his voice through this character, saying that the great state is based on Pharaoh the great, and that the greatness of Pharaoh cannot exist without dedicating his love to his people to the extent of sacrificing himself for the sake of them and his homeland. And if we look at the Pharaonic novels of Najeeb Mahfuz ( Khufu's Wisdom

 ) written in 1939, we’ll find that he defined the traits of the king who feels glorious when his people remind him that he is one of the greatest kings. Then he wrote ( Rhadopis of Nubia ) in 1943, where he described a vain king whose destiny was being killed by his people; all because he didn’t consider the destiny of his predecessors, and followed his pleasures, so Mahfuz used to say: “ This is the punishment of the person who is unjust with his people and cares only about his own interests and well being. Then we find that Mahfuz wrote ( Thebes at War ) in 1944, where he gives a different picture of Pharaoh than the two mentioned above; in the first one Pharaoh defends his throne along his life with all of his power and wealth, whereas surrenders to his destiny and accepts death in the second one. But in the third one, Pharaoh started to build himself physically and mentally since childhood in order to be eligible for this great task.

This is how Mahfuz fulfilled the condition of the mask technique in which the novelist is more contemplating than the original character from which the writer derived his idea, thus the creative expresses his experience in life and his creative view of things bringing all of that to the reality in which the recipient lives.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The absurdity of Orientalist thought and its deviation in interpretation Quranic text View and critique

The absurdity of Orientalist thought and its deviation in interpretation
Quranic text
View and critique

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Medea Euripides between text and contemporary theatrical presentation

It is not available for us to go back in time and see plays old and it plays giants tragedy ancient Greek (Aeschylus, Sofokls, and yourbedes) through the eyes of a generation ago, and if we were able to go back to Ntegathm play it is certain that we will not taste or Nstassig for much of what we see from these offers will not afford the traditional religious rituals, which was accompanied also dance and music in the style of ancient Greek play was representing a large part of the theater see manifestations Can our eyes and ears we twentieth century audience to accept those appearances, and it was then?
Inevitably it will look like a museum bycollection not only. So we find ourselves in the light of the foregoing forced When you do rem

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
The Aesthetic Dimension in Popular Topics by Naguib Younes

The aesthetic dimension in popular subjects is one of the important topics in the history and culture of peoples, as it is the vessel from which their faith, traditions, original values, language, ideas, practices and way of life are derived, which expresses their culture and national identity, and it is the bridge of communication between generations throughout the ages.

It is one of the main pillars in the process of development and development, and popular subjects have special images related to real daily life, and they are the best source for man to narrate through him in his portrayal of daily life in general, and for the artist in particular, who is part of this daily life and its vocabulary, as he interacts with it so that

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Place Sexuality in the Arabic Text Theatre

     It is doubtless that the sexual place has some common indicators due to the masculine and feminine bodies which may be natural or deviated (homosexual). The female has an act of voice in the imaginary masculine place whereas the male has an act of image recognized in the parental mind in both the secular and sacred place. Those places create different limits and perceptions according to the auditory and visual readings in search of identity, text and body in the feminine dramatic text.

    The research includes four chapters; the first, the methodological framework, involves the problem which is centralized in the following enquiry: What is the relationship between the place and the term of

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness Of the Poetic Text Between the Presence and Absence in Abu Firas al_Hamdani Romyate

Abu Firas al- Hamdani is one of the most prominent abbasid poets Who characterized their poetry with high artistic quality especially in his Romyate which blended the quality of feelings of grief, sorrow, longing and nostalgia that makes sensitive self conflict that stems with time from one hand and with place on the other hand. Because we are dealing with a poet lived west spatial coercive which it has been hurt him within a time conflict swinging between despair and some times patience and hope other times between the present and his painful reality also between the past and the beautiful times.
This researcher is to stand on this Romyat by monitoring effectiveness of the poetic text based on conflict between the presenc

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effectiveness of Woman's Personality between the Public and Private Event the Novel Feminist Iraqi 2003 - 2013

After we completed this book search we must extraction most important the findings.
Event of war a majar impact on same as all human being but signed and its impact in the
psyche of iraqi woman unparalleled result of the suffering that were produced by these wars
that contributed to the destabilization of Her life at all levels a woman has lost her father,
husband and son an brother as well as extreme poverty caused by the economic blockade
brought in to existence wars that exacerbated the suffering was the woman to work and
economic in order to provide a living for her and her family and pre – empt the dreams and
ambitions so he excelled writer Iraqi in portraying the succession of wars that ate every thing

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Islamic Sciences
The translated text is a second launch of the text (Al-Kharja Al-Muwashah Al- Andalusian as an example

Literary translation is one of the most difficult types of translation ,because it conveys feelings that differ from one person to another, and since the language constitutes an obstacle to understanding the Andalusian excerpts, the translators resorted to translating it, and this was a second start to the text, different from its first start, is said from the tongue of the Al-washah , The muwashshah is a poetic art that appeared in Andalusia after the Arabs entered it ,characterized by special system It differs from the traditional Arabic poem, as it has a beginning represented in the beginning of the muwashshah and several equal parts ending with differentrhymes.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Problem of Paradox and its Manifestations: A Study in the Titles of Najm Wali's Novels

The irony pushes us to inquire about what is in the text of contradiction, irony, suspense, and other acts of paradox, as well as a departure from what is logical, or familiar, that attracts the attention of the addressee, and this is what drives us to introspect the text and interrogate it in order to get to know the intended product of the text or its real or metaphorical intent. On the other hand, the irony is more in the literary text than in the scientific texts. Therefore, critics add the word literature to it in their definition.

 As it is represented by the paradox, we will seek to study the paradox of the title and the problematic that it may pose as the beginning of the text, and i

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Verbal Antonyms: A research in the relationship in meaning Between the words in Arabic language

Verbal Antonyms: A research in the relationship in meaning Between the words in Arabic language

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The economic dimensions of the railway link between Iraq and Kuwait and the role of national alternatives (Faw port and the dry canal as a model(

   Decision-makers in each country work to define a list of internal and external interests, goals and threats to their countries according to the nature of their awareness of these interests, goals and threats. 

  Hence, Iraq is not an exception to this rule, and the process of evaluating its interests and the objectives of its foreign policy is subject to the pattern of awareness of decision-makers and the influencing forces in defining its basic interests, which often witness some kind of difference in defining them, evaluating their importance and determining the size of the threats they face. And among these interests and threats that have witnessed a difference in the assessment of their

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