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Nile red based dye D–π–A as a promising material for solar cell applications
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A recently reported Nile red (NR) dye conjugated with benzothiadiazole species paves the way for the development of novel organic-based sensitizers used in solar cells whose structures are susceptible to modifications. Thus, six novel NR structures were derived from two previously developed structures in laboratories. In this study, density functional theory (DFT) calculations and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) were used to determine the optoelectronic properties of the NR-derived moieties such as absorption spectra. Various linkers were investigated in an attempt to understand the impact of π-linkers on the optoelectronic properties. According to the findings, the presence of furan species led to the planarity of the molecule and a reduction in the band gap between the LUMO and the HOMO. Each one of the aforementioned molecules exhibited great delocalization of π-electrons. Based on the TD-DFT calculations, two furans had the highest value for the red-shift. There is an excellent correlation observed between the computed optoelectronic properties and calculated HOMO-LUMO gaps. In conclusion, the current work aimed at clarifying the impact of π-linkers on the photophysical properties of the NR-derived moieties. Also, the current study provided useful insights into the development of novel species used in optoelectronic devices.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Self-Repairing Technique Based on Microcapsules for Cementitious Composites- A Review
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Self-repairing technology based on micro-capsules is an efficient solution for repairing cracked cementitious composites. Self-repairing based on microcapsules begins with the occurrence of cracks and develops by releasing self-repairing factors in the cracks located in concrete. Based on previous comprehensive studies, this paper provides an overview of various repairing factors and investigative methodologies. There has recently been a lack of consensus on the most efficient criteria for assessing self-repairing based on microcapsules and the smart solutions for improving capsule survival ratios during mixing. The most commonly utilized self-repairing efficiency assessment indicators are mechanical resistance and durab

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
AlexNet-Based Feature Extraction for Cassava Classification: A Machine Learning Approach
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Cassava, a significant crop in Africa, Asia, and South America, is a staple food for millions. However, classifying cassava species using conventional color, texture, and shape features is inefficient, as cassava leaves exhibit similarities across different types, including toxic and non-toxic varieties. This research aims to overcome the limitations of traditional classification methods by employing deep learning techniques with pre-trained AlexNet as the feature extractor to accurately classify four types of cassava: Gajah, Manggu, Kapok, and Beracun. The dataset was collected from local farms in Lamongan Indonesia. To collect images with agricultural research experts, the dataset consists of 1,400 images, and each type of cassava has

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Siriraj Medical Journal
The Potential of Vitamin-D-Binding Protein as a Urinary Biomarker to Distinguish Steroid-Resistant from Steroid-Sensitive Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome in Iraqi Children
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Objective: To determine the ability of uVDBP to discern SRNS from steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) in Iraqi children. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled children with SRNS (n=31) and SSNS (n=32) from the pediatric nephrology clinic of Babylon Hospital for Maternity and Pediatrics over three months. Patients' characteristics in terms of demographics, clinical data, and urinary investigations were collected. Quantitative analysis of uVDBP levels was undertaken via a commercially available ELISA kit. Results: The median uVDBP values were significantly higher (p-value<0.001) in the SRNS group (median=10.26, IQR=5.91 μg/mL) than in the SSNS group (median=0.953, IQR=4.12 μg/mL). A negative correlati

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Fabrication and Characterization CdO: In/Si Photovoltaic Solar Cell Prepard By Thermal Evaporation
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 05 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Optimization physical properties of CdTe /Si solar cell devices fabricated by vacuum evaporation
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We investigated at the optical properties, structural makeup, and morphology of thin films of cadmium telluride (CdTe) with a thickness of 150 nm produced by thermal evaporation over glass. The X-ray diffraction study showed that the films had a crystalline composition, a cubic structure, and a preference for grain formation along the (111) crystallographic direction. The outcomes of the inquiry were used to determine these traits. With the use of thin films of CdTe that were doped with Ag at a concentration of 0.5%, the crystallization orientations of pure CdTe (23.58, 39.02, and 46.22) and CdTe:Ag were both determined by X-ray diffraction. orientations (23.72, 39.21, 46.40) For samples that were pure and those that were doped with

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis
Asthma as a risk factor for The progression of COVID-19
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Background: Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases in the world, standing for the most frequent cause for hospitalization and emergency cases. Respiratory viruses are the most triggering cause. Aim: To assess the role of viral infections, especially COVID-19, in the pathogenesis of asthma initiation and exacerbations. Method: Electronic search was done for the manuscripts focusing on asthma as a risk factor for complications after COVID-19 infection. The outcomes were titles, materials, methods and classified studies related or not related to the review study. Three hundred publications were identified and only ten studies were selected for analysis. Seven studies were review, one retrospective, one longitudin

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Data-Driven Approach for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: Eygpt
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Corpus linguistics is a methodology in studying language through corpus-based research. It differs from a traditional approach in studying a language (prescriptive approach) in its insistence on the systematic study of authentic examples of language in use (descriptive approach).A “corpus” is a large body of machine-readable structurally collected naturally occurring linguistic data, either written texts or a transcription of recorded speech, which can be used as a starting-point of linguistic description or as a means of verifying hypotheses about a language.  In the past decade, interest has grown tremendously in the use of language corpora for language education. The ways in which corpora have been employed in language pedago

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Cephalothin as a Carrier of 6-Mercaptopurine for Targeting Cancer Tissues
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A lower extracellular pH is one of the few well-documented physiological differences between tumour and normal tissues. On the other hand, elevated glutathione (GSH) level has been detected in many tumours compared with healthy surrounding tissues. The compound II: 3-(9H-purin-6-yl-thio) carbonothionyl methyl-8-oxo-7-(2-thiophen-2-yl) acetamido-5-thia-1-azabicyclo-4-octo-ene-carboxylic acid was a cephalothin derivative contain 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP). Compound II react with general base catalysis in slightly acidic pH or with sulfhydryl nucleophiles to release the chemotherapeutic drug 6-MP. The generation of compound II was accomplished following multistep reaction procedures. The structure of compound II and its intermediate was confir

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Postprandial Hyperglycemia as a Significant Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease
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Background: The highest concentrations of
blood glucose during the day are usually found
postprandialy. Postprandial hyperglycemia (PPH)
is likely to promote or aggravate fasting
hyperglycemia. Evidence in recent years suggests
that PPH may play an important role in functional
& structural disturbances in different body organs
particularly the cardiovascular system.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of (PPH) as a
risk factor for coronary Heart disease in Type 2
diabetic patients.
Methods: Sixty-three type2 diabetic patients
were included in this study. All have controlled
fasting blood glucose, with HbA1c correlation.
They were all followed for five months period
(from May to October 2008)

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
GIS as A Tool for Expansive Soil Detection at Sulaymaniyah City
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Geotechnical engineering like any other engineering field has to develop and cope with new technologies. This article intends to investigate the spatial relationships between soil’s liquid limit (LL), plasticity index (PI) and Liquidity index (LI) for particular zones of Sulaymaniyah City. The main objective is to study the ability to produce digital soil maps for the study area and determine regions of high expansive soil. Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation tool within the GIS (Geographic Information System) program was used to produce the maps. Data from 592 boreholes for LL and PI and 245 boreholes for LI were used for this study. Layers were allocated into three depth ranges (1 to 2, 2 to 4 and 4 to 6)

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