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Nile red based dye D–π–A as a promising material for solar cell applications
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A recently reported Nile red (NR) dye conjugated with benzothiadiazole species paves the way for the development of novel organic-based sensitizers used in solar cells whose structures are susceptible to modifications. Thus, six novel NR structures were derived from two previously developed structures in laboratories. In this study, density functional theory (DFT) calculations and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) were used to determine the optoelectronic properties of the NR-derived moieties such as absorption spectra. Various linkers were investigated in an attempt to understand the impact of π-linkers on the optoelectronic properties. According to the findings, the presence of furan species led to the planarity of the molecule and a reduction in the band gap between the LUMO and the HOMO. Each one of the aforementioned molecules exhibited great delocalization of π-electrons. Based on the TD-DFT calculations, two furans had the highest value for the red-shift. There is an excellent correlation observed between the computed optoelectronic properties and calculated HOMO-LUMO gaps. In conclusion, the current work aimed at clarifying the impact of π-linkers on the photophysical properties of the NR-derived moieties. Also, the current study provided useful insights into the development of novel species used in optoelectronic devices.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Materials Chemistry And Physics
BC2N nanotube as a promising anode for rechargeable calcium ion batteries
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Because of cost-effective production and abundant resources of calcium, Ca-ion batteries (CIBs) are an appropriate option to alternate Li-ion batteries (LIBs). A new category of anode materials for CIBs has emerged since the successful synthesis of carbon nanotubes, which are B and N doped derivatives of it. For high-performance CIBs, BC2N nanotube (BC2NNT) has been studied as promising anode materials. In order to comprehend electrochemical attributes, cycling stability, and adsorption behavior of BC2NNT, first-principles computations have been executed. Based on nuclear magnetic resonance computations, two types of hexagonal rings (B2C2N2 (I) and BC4N (II)) were specified that are non-aromatic. Ca has adsorption on B2C2N2 and BC4N with ad

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determining of Efficiency For The N749 Dye contact with TiO2 In Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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In this research, we investigate and evaluate the efficiency of a hetero junction N749-  device based on a simple donor-acceptor model for electron transfer. Electron transfer from a photo-excited N749 sensitized into a wide-band gap  is the basic charge separation in dye-sensitized solar cells, or "DSSCs". Due to the understanding of the current of the DSSCs functioning mechanism, the energy levels of the hetero junction N749-  device surrounded by DCM solvent as polar media must be continuum levels. The current-voltage (J-V) characteristics of the N749- device are calculated in two concentrations at room temperature (T=300 k) and 100   irradiation. The fill factor and efficiency of the device are found to be 0.134 and 6.990 for con

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 08 2022
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Synthesis and characterization of Cu2S:Al thin films for solar cell applications
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In this work Nano crystalline (Cu2S) thin films pure and doped 3% Al with a thickness of 400±20 nm was precipitated by thermic steaming technicality on glass substrate beneath a vacuum of ~ 2 × 10− 6 mbar at R.T to survey the influence of doping and annealing after doping at 573 K for one hour on its structural, electrical and visual properties. Structural properties of these movies are attainment using X-ray variation (XRD) which showed Cu2S phase with polycrystalline in nature and forming hexagonal temple ,with the distinguish trend along the (220) grade, varying crystallites size from (42.1-62.06) nm after doping and annealing. AFM investigations of these films show that increase average grain size from 105.05 nm to 146.54 nm

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Polymer electrolytes based PAN for dye-sensitized solar cells
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Solar cells has been assembly with electrolytes including I−/I−3 redox duality employ polyacrylonitrile (PAN), ethylene carbonate (EC), propylene carbonate (PC), with double iodide salts of tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI) and Lithium iodide (LiI) and iodine (I2) were thoughtful for enhancing the efficiency of the solar cells. The rendering of the solar cells has been examining by alteration the weight ratio of the salts in the electrolyte. The solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. TBAI/40% wt. LiI (+I2)) display elevated efficiency of 5.189% under 1000 W/m2 light intensity. While the solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. LiI/40% wt. TBAI (+I2)) display a lower efficiency of 3.189%. The conductivity raises with the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Natural Products as A Promising Therapy for SARS COV-2; An Overview
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Recently emerging pandemic SARS CoV-2 conquered our world since December 2019. Continuous efforts have been done to find out effective immunization and precise treatment stetratigies A way from therapeutic options that were tried in SARS CoV-2, an increased attention is directed to predict natural products and mainly phytochemicals as collaborative measures for this crisis. In this review, most of the mentioned compounds specially flavonoids (biacalin, hesperidin, quercetin, luteolin,, and phenolic (resveratrol, curcumin, and theaflavin) exert their effect through interfering with the action of one or more of this proteins (spike protein, papain like protease, 3 chymotrypsin like cysteine protease, and RNA dependent RNA 

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
International Review Of Physics (e-journal) (irephy)
Red shift band enhancement of the nanostructure ZnO100-xAlx thin films as a function of Al concentration for optoelectronic applications
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science And Technology (jmest)
Fabrication And Characterization Of P-Cuo/N-Si Heterojunction For Solar Cell Applications
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This studies p- CuO / n - Si hete-rojunction was deposited by high vacuum thermal evaporation of Copper subjected to thermal oxidation at 300 oC on silicon. Surface morphology properties of The optical properties concerning the transmission spectra were studies for prepared thin films. this structure have been studied. XRD anaylsis discover that the peak at (𝟏𝟏𝟏-) and (111) plane are take over for the crystal quality of the CuO films. The band gap of CuO films is found to be 1.54 eV. The average grain size of is measured from AFM analysis is around 14.70 nm. The responsivity photodetector after deposited CuO appear increasing in response

Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
CuInS2 Ternary Compound as Absorption Layer for Solar Cell Fabrication
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Copper indium disulphide, CuInS2, is a promising absorber material for thin film photovoltaic which has recently attracted considerable attention due to its suitability to reach high efficiency solar cells by using low cost techniques. In this work CuInS2 thin films have been deposited by chemical spray pyrolysis onto glass substrates at ambient atmosphere, using different [Cu]/[In] ratio in the aqueous solutions at substrate temperature 3000C
and different annealing temperatures . Structural and optical properties of CIS films were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, and optical spectroscopy. Sprayed CIS films are polycrystalline with a chalcopyrite structure with a preferential orientation along the 112 direction and no remains of oxides

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Military Medical Science Letters
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Cancer disease has a complicated pathophysiology and is one of the major causes of death and morbidity. Classical cancer therapies include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. A typical treatment is chemotherapy, which delivers cytotoxic medications to patients to suppress the uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells. Conventional oral medication has a number of drawbacks, including a lack of selectivity, cytotoxicity, and multi-drug resistance, all of which offer significant obstacles to effective cancer treatment. Multidrug resistance (MDR) remains a major challenge for effective cancer chemotherapeutic interventions. The advent of nanotechnology approach has developed the field of tumor diagnosis and treatment. Cancer nanote

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Synthesis, Characterizations, and Recent Applications of the Silica-based Mobil Composition of Mesoporous Material: A Review
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Silica-based mesoporous materials are a class of porous materials with unique characteristics such as ordered pore structure, large surface area, and large pore volume. This review covers the different types of porous material (zeolite and mesoporous) and the physical properties of mesoporous materials that make them valuable in industry. Mesoporous materials can be divided into two groups: silica-based mesoporous materials and non-silica-based mesoporous materials. The most well-known family of silica-based mesoporous materials is the Mesoporous Molecular Sieves family, which attracts attention because of its beneficial properties. The family includes three members that are differentiated based on their pore arrangement. In this review,

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