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Composite nanostructured growth of (CdS)0.75 (PbS)0.25/Si solar cell and its characterization
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By using vacuum evaporation, thin films of the (CdS)0.75-(PbS)0.25 alloy have been deposited to form a nanocrystalline composite. Investigations were made into the morphology, electrical, optical and I-V characteristics of (CdS)0.75-(PbS)0.25 films asdeposited and after annealing at various temperatures. According to AFM measurements, the values of grain sizes rise as annealing temperatures rise, showing that the films' crystallinity has been increased through heat treatment. In addition, heat treatment results in an increase in surface roughness values, suggesting rougher films that could be employed in more applications. The prepared films have direct energy band gaps, and these band gaps increase with the increase in the degrees of annealing temperature. Additionally, Urbach energy values decrease with an increase in annealing temperature degrees, indicating a reduction in the tail defects and an enhancement in crystal structure through annealing. The produced films' conductivity raise when temperature in the range (RT-473)K increased, demonstrating that they are semiconducting films. At comparatively lower temperature degrees, the conduction is caused by carriers that are stimulated into localized states at the band edges. At relatively higher temperatures, the conductivity appears to be substantially temperature-dependent. As a result, the conduction mechanism results from carriers being excited into extended states beyond mobility edges. The photovoltaic measurement (I–V) properties, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, efficiency and fill factor of (CdS)0.75-(PbS)0.25 heterostructure cells have been examined under 100mW/cm2 . Interestingly, rising annealing had enhanced photovoltaic cell performances; the solar cell had shown its highest efficiency (0.42%) at 573K. From XRD the structures are polycrystalline with cubic and hexagonal structures indicating that there’s a mix of phases of PbS and CdS, the grain size and intensity raise with annealing temperatures.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
study Of Optical Properties Of Copper-Doped Cds Thin Films
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Thin films of CdS:Cu were deposited onto glass substrate temperature 400 °c. The optieal properties have been studied for Cds doped with (1,3, 8) wt% of Cu before and after Gamma irradiation. It was found that the irradiation caused an ( Frenkel defects) where the atom is displaced from its original site leaving vacancy and forming on interstitial atom. It was found the irradiation caused an absorption edge shifting towards long wavelength as a result of the increasing of Cu concentration.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Applied Research
Optical study of effect of thiourea on CdS thin films
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Abstract: This paper presents the results of the structural and optical analysis of CdS thin films prepared by Spray of Pyrolysis (SP) technique. The deposited CdS films were characterized using spectrophotometer and the effect of Sulfide on the structural properties of the films was investigated through the analysis of X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). The growth of crystal became stronger and more oriented as seen in the X-ray diffraction pattern. The studying of X-ray diffraction showed that; all the films have the hexagonal structure with lattice constants a=b=4.1358 and c=6.7156A°, the crystallite size of the CdS thin films increases and strain (ε) as well as the dislocation density (δ) decreases. Also, the optical properties of the

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Effect of CdCl2 and annealing treatments on structural properties of CdS/CdTe heterojunction
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CdS and CdTe thin films were thermally deposited onto glass substrate. The CdCl2 layer was deposited onto CdS surface. These followed by annealing for different duration times to modify the surface and interface of the junction. The diffraction patterns showed that the intensity of the peaks increased with the CdCl2/annealed treatment, and the grain sizes are increased after CdCl2/annealed treatment

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The dependence of resonant tunneling transmission coefficient on well width and barriers number of GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N nanostructured system
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A numerical computation for determination transmission coefficient and resonant tunneling energies of multibarriers heterostructure has been investigated. Also, we have considered GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice system to estimate the probability of resonance at specific energy values, which are less than the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient is determined by using the transfer matrix method and accordingly the resonant energies are obtained from the T(E) relation. The effects of both well width and number of barriers (N) are observed and discussed. The numbers of resonant tunneling peaks are generally increasing and they become sharper with the increasing of N. The resonant tunneling levels are sh

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The dependence of resonant tunneling transmission coefficient on well width and barriers number of GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N nanostructured system
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A numerical computation for determination transmission coefficient and resonant tunneling energies of multibarriers heterostructure has been investigated. Also, we have considered GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice system to estimate the probability of resonance at specific energy values, which are less than the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient is determined by using the transfer matrix method and accordingly the resonant energies are obtained from the T(E) relation. The effects of both well width and number of barriers (N) are observed and discussed. The numbers of resonant tunneling peaks are generally increasing and they become sharper with the increasing of N. The resonant tunneling levels are shifted inside the well by

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 13 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environmental Research
Synthesis of a Novel Composite Sorbent Coated with Siderite Nanoparticles and its Application for Remediation of Water Contaminated with Congo Red Dye
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Re-use of the byproduct wastes resulting from different municipal and industrial activities in the reclamation of contaminated water is real application for green projects and sustainability concepts. In this direction, the synthesis of composite sorbent from the mixing of waterworks and sewage sludge coated with new nanoparticles named “siderite” (WSSS) is the novelty of this study. These particles can be precipitated from the iron(II) nitrate using waterworks sludge as alkaline agent and source of carbonate. Characterization tests using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) mapping revealed that the coating process was c

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of The Effect of Aqueous Extracts of two Plants, Origanum Vulgare L. and Fenugreek Seeds with Anticancer Drug Cis-Platin on the Growth of Cancer Cell Lines
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This study involved the effect of the aqueous extracts of two plants, Origanum vulgare L.(1), Trigonella Foenum Graecum L. (Fenugreek) seeds(2) on the growth of cancer cell lines. Rhabdomyo sarcomas (RD) of human cell line and female intestine cells of Albino mice (L20B) in vitro System. These extracts were compared with the known anticancer drug Cis-platinum(Cis-Pt) as a positive control. The phytochemical tests were used for screening the active compounds in plants. The inhibition activity assay was used as a parameter of the cytotoxic effect of these extracts. Cancer cell lines were treated with four concentrations of Cis-platin, 31.25, 62.5, 125 and 250 ?g/ml for 72 hour exposure time. The same concentrations were used for the other ext

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ovonic Research
Manufacturing Br:CO3O4 /Si Heterojunction For Photodetector Applications
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This research including, CO3O4 was prepared by the chemical spry pyrolysis, deposited film acceptable to assess film properties and applications as photodetector devise, studying the optical and optoelectronics properties of Cobalt Oxide and effect of different doping ratios with Br (2, 5, 8)%. the optical energy gap for direct transition were evaluated and it decreases as the percentage Br increase, Hall measurements showed that all the films are p-type, the current–voltage characteristic of Br:CO3O4 /Si Heterojunction show change forward current at dark varies with applied voltage, high spectral response, specific detectivity and quantum efficiency of CO3O4 /Si detector with 8% of Br ,was deliberate, extreme value with 673nm.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Laser Doping of Si from MCLT Measurement
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The measurement of minority carrier lifetime (MCLT) ofp-n Si fabricated with aid of laser doping technique was reported. The measurement is achieved by using open circuit voltage decay (OCVD) technique. The experiment data confirms that the value of MCLT and proftle of Voc decay were very sensitive to the doping laser energy.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural, electrical and optical properties of CdS thin films and the effect of annealing on photoconductivity
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Cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin films with n-type semiconductor characteristics were prepared by flash evaporating method on glass substrates. Some films were annealed at 250 oC for 1hr in air. The thicknesses of the films was estimated to be 0.5µ by the spectrometer measurement. Structural, morphological, electrical, optical and photoconductivity properties of CdS films have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, AFM, the Hall effect, optical transmittance spectra and photoconductivity analysis, respectively. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern shows that CdS films are in the stable hexagonal crystalline structure. Using Debye Scherrerś formula, the average grain size for the samples was found to be 26 nm. The transmittance of the

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