In this study, a brand-new double transform known as the double INEM transform is introduced. Combined with the definition and essential features of the proposed double transform, new findings on partial derivatives, Heaviside function, are also presented. Additionally, we solve several symmetric applications to show how effective the provided transform is at resolving partial differential equation.
In this work, Elzaki transform (ET) introduced by Tarig Elzaki is applied to solve linear Volterra fractional integro-differential equations (LVFIDE). The fractional derivative is considered in the Riemman-Liouville sense. The procedure is based on the application of (ET) to (LVFIDE) and using properties of (ET) and its inverse. Finally, some examples are solved to show that this is computationally efficient and accurate.
In this paper, a new analytical method is introduced to find the general solution of linear partial differential equations. In this method, each Laplace transform (LT) and Sumudu transform (ST) is used independently along with canonical coordinates. The strength of this method is that it is easy to implement and does not require initial conditions.
In this paper, we use the repeated corrected Simpson's 3/8 quadrature method for obtaining the numerical solutions of Fredholm linear integral equations of the second kind. This method is more accurately than the repeated corrected Trapezoidal method and the repeated Simpson's 3/8 method. To illustrate the accuracy of this method, we give a numerical example
In this work, the fractional damped Burger's equation (FDBE) formula = 0,
This study focuses on studying an oscillation of a second-order delay differential equation. Start work, the equation is introduced here with adequate provisions. All the previous is braced by theorems and examplesthat interpret the applicability and the firmness of the acquired provisions
This paper is used for solving component Volterra nonlinear systems by means of the combined Sumudu transform with Adomian decomposition process. We equate the numerical results with the exact solutions to demonstrate the high accuracy of the solution results. The results show that the approach is very straightforward and effective.
In this paper, third order non-polynomial spline function is used to solve 2nd kind Volterra integral equations. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the applications of this method, and to compare the computed results with other known methods.
In this paper, we consider inequalities in which the function is an element of n-th partially order space. Local and Global uniqueness theorem of solutions of the n-the order Partial differential equation Obtained which are applications of Gronwall's inequalities.
In this paper, the linear system of Fredholm integral equations is solving using Open Newton-Cotes formula, which we use five different types of Open Newton-Cotes formula to solve this system. Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (closed Newton-Cotes formula) Finally, at the end of each method, algorithms and programs developed and written in MATLAB (version 7.0) and we give some numerical examples, illustrate suggested method