In this study, a brand-new double transform known as the double INEM transform is introduced. Combined with the definition and essential features of the proposed double transform, new findings on partial derivatives, Heaviside function, are also presented. Additionally, we solve several symmetric applications to show how effective the provided transform is at resolving partial differential equation.
In this paper, we study the growth of solutions of the second order linear complex differential equations insuring that any nontrivial solutions are of infinite order. It is assumed that the coefficients satisfy the extremal condition for Yang’s inequality and the extremal condition for Denjoy’s conjecture. The other condition is that one of the coefficients itself is a solution of the differential equation .
In this study, He's parallel numerical algorithm by neural network is applied to type of integration of fractional equations is Abel’s integral equations of the 1st and 2nd kinds. Using a Levenberge – Marquaradt training algorithm as a tool to train the network. To show the efficiency of the method, some type of Abel’s integral equations is solved as numerical examples. Numerical results show that the new method is very efficient problems with high accuracy.
In this paper the modified trapezoidal rule is presented for solving Volterra linear Integral Equations (V.I.E) of the second kind and we noticed that this procedure is effective in solving the equations. Two examples are given with their comparison tables to answer the validity of the procedure.
In this paper Volterra Runge-Kutta methods which include: method of order two and four will be applied to general nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind. Moreover we study the convergent of the algorithms of Volterra Runge-Kutta methods. Finally, programs for each method are written in MATLAB language and a comparison between the two types has been made depending on the least square errors.
The aim of this article is to solve the Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations of fractional order numerically by using the shifted Jacobi polynomial collocation method. The Jacobi polynomial and collocation method properties are presented. This technique is used to convert the problem into the solution of linear algebraic equations. The fractional derivatives are considered in the Caputo sense. Numerical examples are given to show the accuracy and reliability of the proposed technique.
In this paper, we consider a new approach to solve type of partial differential equation by using coupled Laplace transformation with decomposition method to find the exact solution for non–linear non–homogenous equation with initial conditions. The reliability for suggested approach illustrated by solving model equations such as second order linear and nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. The application results show the efficiency and ability for suggested approach.
The aim of this article is to study the solution of Elliptic Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, by using the symmetry of Lie Algebra of orders two and three, as a contribution in partial differential equations and their solutions.
The main purpose of the work is to apply a new method, so-called LTAM, which couples the Tamimi and Ansari iterative method (TAM) with the Laplace transform (LT). This method involves solving a problem of non-fatal disease spread in a society that is assumed to have a fixed size during the epidemic period. We apply the method to give an approximate analytic solution to the nonlinear system of the intended model. Moreover, the absolute error resulting from the numerical solutions and the ten iterations of LTAM approximations of the epidemic model, along with the maximum error remainder, were calculated by using MATHEMATICA® 11.3 program to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.
Many numerical approaches have been suggested to solve nonlinear problems. In this paper, we suggest a new two-step iterative method for solving nonlinear equations. This iterative method has cubic convergence. Several numerical examples to illustrate the efficiency of this method by Comparison with other similar methods is given.