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Overlapping Structure Detection in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using a Modified Version of Particle Swarm Optimization
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In today's world, the science of bioinformatics is developing rapidly, especially with regard to the analysis and study of biological networks. Scientists have used various nature-inspired algorithms to find protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. These networks help scientists guess the molecular function of unknown proteins and show how cells work regularly. It is very common in PPI networks for a protein to participate in multiple functions and belong to many complexes, and as a result, complexes may overlap in the PPI networks. However, developing an efficient and reliable method to address the problem of detecting overlapping protein complexes remains a challenge since it is considered a complex and hard optimization problem. One of the main difficulties in identifying overlapping protein complexes is the accuracy of the partitioning results. In order to accurately identify the overlapping structure of protein complexes, this paper has proposed an overlapping complex detection algorithm termed OCDPSO-Net, which is based on PSO-Net (a well-known modified version of the particle swarm optimization algorithm). The framework of the OCDPSO-Net method consists of three main steps, including an initialization strategy, a movement strategy for each particle, and enhancing search ability in order to expand the solution space. The proposed algorithm has employed the partition density concept for measuring the partitioning quality in PPI network complexes and tried to optimize the value of this quantity by applying the line graph concept of the original graph representing the protein interaction network. The OCDPSO-Net algorithm is applied to a Collins PPI network and the obtained results are compared with different state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of precision ( ), recall ( ), and F-measure ( ). Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm has good clustering performance and has outperformed most of the existing recent overlapping algorithms. .

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 09 2023
Journal Name
Artificial Intelligence Review
Community detection model for dynamic networks based on hidden Markov model and evolutionary algorithm
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Finding communities of connected individuals in complex networks is challenging, yet crucial for understanding different real-world societies and their interactions. Recently attention has turned to discover the dynamics of such communities. However, detecting accurate community structures that evolve over time adds additional challenges. Almost all the state-of-the-art algorithms are designed based on seemingly the same principle while treating the problem as a coupled optimization model to simultaneously identify community structures and their evolution over time. Unlike all these studies, the current work aims to individually consider this three measures, i.e. intra-community score, inter-community score, and evolution of community over

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomy of Memory Usage in Swarm Intelligence-Based Metaheuristics
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Metaheuristics under the swarm intelligence (SI) class have proven to be efficient and have become popular methods for solving different optimization problems. Based on the usage of memory, metaheuristics can be classified into algorithms with memory and without memory (memory-less). The absence of memory in some metaheuristics will lead to the loss of the information gained in previous iterations. The metaheuristics tend to divert from promising areas of solutions search spaces which will lead to non-optimal solutions. This paper aims to review memory usage and its effect on the performance of the main SI-based metaheuristics. Investigation has been performed on SI metaheuristics, memory usage and memory-less metaheuristics, memory char

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Gas lift optimization: A review
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Optimization of gas lift plays a substantial role in production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field projects. However, the application of the optimization techniques in gas lift project is so complex because many decision variables, objective functions and constraints are involved in the gas lift optimization problem. In addition, many computational ways; traditional and modern, have been employed to optimize gas lift processes. This research aims to present the developing of the optimization techniques applied in the gas lift. Accordingly, the research classifies the applied optimization techniques, and it presents the limitations and the range of applications of each one to get an acceptable level of accura

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Well placement optimization: A review
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Optimization of well placement plays a considerable role in the production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field developments. However, the application of the optimization techniques in well placement developments is so complicated because many decision variables, objective functions, and constraints are involved in the well placement optimization case. Furthermore, many computational techniques; conventional and non-conventional, have been utilized to optimize well placement operations. This study displays the advancement of the optimization methods applied in the well placement. Subsequently, the study assorted the applied optimization methods, and it demonstrates the restriction and the range of implementati

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spam Filtering Approach based on Weighted Version of Possibilistic c-Means
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A principal problem of any internet user is the increasing number of spam, which became a great problem today. Therefore, spam filtering has become a research fo-cus that attracts the attention of several security researchers and practitioners. Spam filtering can be viewed as a two-class classification problem. To this end, this paper proposes a spam filtering approach based on Possibilistic c-Means (PCM) algorithm and weighted distance coined as (WFCM) that can efficiently distinguish between spam and legitimate email messages. The objective of the formulated fuzzy problem is to construct two fuzzy clusters: spam and email clusters. The weight assignment is set by information gain algorithm. Experimental results on spam based benchmark

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The development of the unified version mixing maps between arbitrary sets
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    The concepts of nonlinear mixed summable families and maps for the spaces that only non-void sets are developed. Several characterizations of the corresponding concepts are achieved and the proof for a general Pietsch Domination-type theorem is established. Furthermore, this work has presented plenty of composition and inclusion results between different classes of mappings in the abstract settings. Finally, a generalized notation of mixing maps and their characteristics are extended to a more general setting.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Neural Networks as a Discriminant Purposes
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Discriminant between groups is one of the common procedures because of its ability to analyze many practical phenomena, and there are several methods can be used for this purpose, such as linear and quadratic discriminant functions. recently, neural networks is used as a tool to distinguish between groups.

In this paper the simulation is used to compare neural networks and classical method for classify observations to group that is belong to, in case of some variables that don’t follow the normal distribution. we use the proportion of number of misclassification observations to the all observations as a criterion of comparison.  



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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modified Elman Neural-PID Controller Design for DC-DC Buck Converter System Based on Dolphin Echolocation Optimization
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This paper describes a new proposed structure of the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller based on modified Elman neural network for the DC-DC buck converter system which is used in battery operation of the portable devices. The Dolphin Echolocation Optimization (DEO) algorithm is considered as a perfect on-line tuning technique therefore, it was used for tuning and obtaining the parameters of the modified Elman neural-PID controller to avoid the local minimum problem during learning the proposed controller. Simulation results show that the best weight parameters of the proposed controller, which are taken from the DEO, lead to find the best action and unsaturated state that will stabilize the Buck converter system performan

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Using modified earned value for cost control in construction projects
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference
Numerical Simulation of Gas Lift Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence for a Middle Eastern Oil Field
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Abstract<p>Artificial lift techniques are a highly effective solution to aid the deterioration of the production especially for mature oil fields, gas lift is one of the oldest and most applied artificial lift methods especially for large oil fields, the gas that is required for injection is quite scarce and expensive resource, optimally allocating the injection rate in each well is a high importance task and not easily applicable. Conventional methods faced some major problems in solving this problem in a network with large number of wells, multi-constrains, multi-objectives, and limited amount of gas. This paper focuses on utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a gas lift optimization algorit</p> ... Show More
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