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Optimization of Drilling Well Design: A Review
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Drilling well design optimization reduces total Authorization for Expenditures (AFE) by decreasing well constructing time and expense. Well design is not a constant pattern during the life cycle of the field. It should be optimized by continuous improvements for all aspects of redesigning the well depending on the actual field conditions and problems. The core objective of this study is to deliver a general review of the well design optimization processes and the available studies and applications to employ the well design optimization to solve problems encountered with well design so that cost effectiveness and perfect drilling well performance are achievable. Well design optimization processes include unconventional design(slimhole) compared with fat design, in addition to optimizing casing setting depth selection and casing string loads. Finally, we demonstrate well trajectory design considerations and optimization. The optimization process that mentioned above is significantly reduce drilling cost and time since, slimhole design with smaller casing and hole size reduce mud volume cost, steel cost and pump fuel cost. Optimum casing seat selection can ovoid serious problem such as kick and losses that increase nonproductive time (NPT) if kick tolerance and downhole pressure profile is not considered. Anticipating optimum stress loads in casing design is most effective way to reduce casing strings cost avoiding additional cost for designing with useless worst conditions. Wellbore trajectory optimization with geomechnic consideration is major concern to reduce the problem encountered with high torque, drag, formation collapse that result stuck pipe and non-productive time (NPT).

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Geomechanics Analysis of Well Drilling Instability: A Review
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Wellbore instability is a significant problem faced during drilling operations and causes loss of circulation, caving, stuck pipe, and well kick or blowout. These problems take extra time to treat and increase the Nonproductive Time (NPT). This paper aims to review the factors that influence the stability of wellbores and know the methods that have been reached to reduce them. Based on a current survey, the factors that affect the stability of the wellbore are far-field stress, rock mechanical properties, natural fractures, pore pressure, wellbore trajectory, drilling fluid chemicals, mobile formations, naturally over-pressured shale collapse, mud weight, temperature, and time. Also, the most suitable ways to reduce well

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Well placement optimization: A review
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Optimization of well placement plays a considerable role in the production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field developments. However, the application of the optimization techniques in well placement developments is so complicated because many decision variables, objective functions, and constraints are involved in the well placement optimization case. Furthermore, many computational techniques; conventional and non-conventional, have been utilized to optimize well placement operations. This study displays the advancement of the optimization methods applied in the well placement. Subsequently, the study assorted the applied optimization methods, and it demonstrates the restriction and the range of implementati

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Survey of Infill Well Location Optimization Techniques
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The maximization of the net present value of the investment in oil field improvements is greatly aided by the optimization of well location, which plays a significant role in the production of oil. However, using of optimization methods in well placement developments is exceedingly difficult since the well placement optimization scenario involves a large number of choice variables, objective functions, and restrictions. In addition, a wide variety of computational approaches, both traditional and unconventional, have been applied in order to maximize the efficiency of well installation operations. This research demonstrates how optimization approaches used in well placement have progressed since the last time they were examined. Fol

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Drilling Optimization by Using Advanced Drilling Techniques in Buzurgan Oil Field
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Efficient and cost-effective drilling of directional wells necessitates the implementation of best drilling practices and advanced techniques to optimize drilling operations. Failure to adequately consider drilling risks can result in inefficient drilling operations and non-productive time (NPT). Although advanced drilling techniques may be expensive, they offer promising technical solutions for mitigating drilling risks. This paper aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced drilling techniques in mitigating risks and improving drilling operations when compared to conventional drilling techniques. Specifically, the advanced drilling techniques employed in Buzurgan Oil Field, including vertical drilling with mud motor, managed pres

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Gas lift optimization: A review
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Optimization of gas lift plays a substantial role in production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field projects. However, the application of the optimization techniques in gas lift project is so complex because many decision variables, objective functions and constraints are involved in the gas lift optimization problem. In addition, many computational ways; traditional and modern, have been employed to optimize gas lift processes. This research aims to present the developing of the optimization techniques applied in the gas lift. Accordingly, the research classifies the applied optimization techniques, and it presents the limitations and the range of applications of each one to get an acceptable level of accura

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Scopus (5)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kick tolerance control during well drilling in southern Iraqi deep wells
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The importance of kick tolerance in well operations has recently increased due to its implications in well design, in drilling and well control. To study a simple method for the application of kick tolerance concept in an effective way on the basis of field data, this research purpose is to improve knowledge about Kick Tolerance and represents a technical basis for the discussion on revision of standard procedure.

   The objective of this work is to review and to present a methodology of determination the kick tolerance parameters using the circulation kicks tolerance concepts.

   The proposed method allows to know, to evaluate and to analyze the kick tolerance problem in order to make the drilling exe

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kick tolerance control during well drilling in southern Iraqi deep wells
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The importance of kick tolerance in well operations has recently increased due to its implications in well design, in drilling and well control. To study a simple method for the application of kick tolerance concept in an effective way on the basis of field data, this research purpose is to improve knowledge about Kick Tolerance and represents a technical basis for the discussion on revision of standard procedure. The objective of this work is to review and to present a methodology of determination the kick tolerance parameters using the circulation kicks tolerance concepts. The proposed method allows to know, to evaluate and to analyze the kick tolerance problem in order to make the drilling execution safer and more economical by reducin

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Spe Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium And Exhibition
Optimization of Infill Drilling in Whicher Range Field in Australia
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Abstract<p>Now that most of the conventional reservoirs are being depleted at a rapid pace, the focus is on unconventional reservoirs like tight gas reservoirs. Due to the heterogeneous nature and low permeability of unconventional reservoirs, they require a huge number of wells to hit all the isolated hydrocarbon zones. Infill drilling is one of the most common and effective methods of increasing the recovery, by reducing the well spacing and increasing the sweep efficiency. However, the problem with drilling such a large number of wells is the determination of the optimum location for each well that ensures minimum interference between wells, and accelerates the recovery from the field. Detail</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimization Drilling Parameters of Aluminum Alloy Based on Taguchi Method
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This paper focuses on the optimization of drilling parameters by utilizing “Taguchi method” to obtain the minimum surface roughness. Nine drilling experiments were performed on Al 5050 alloy using high speed steel twist drills. Three drilling parameters (feed rates, cutting speeds, and cutting tools) were used as control factors, and L9 (33) “orthogonal array” was specified for the experimental trials. Signal to Noise (S/N) Ratio and “Analysis of Variance” (ANOVA) were utilized to set the optimum control factors which minimized the surface roughness. The results were tested with the aid of statistical software package MINITAB-17. After the experimental trails, the tool diameter was found as the most important facto

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Financing Cost Optimization in Construction Sector: A Review
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The main aim of this research is to introduce financing cost optimization and different financing alternatives. There are many studies about financing cost optimization. All previous studies considering the cost of financing have many shortcomings, some considered only one source of financing as a credit line without taking into account different financing alternatives. Having only one funding alternative powers, restricts contractors and leads to a very specific financing model. Although it is beneficial for the contractor to use a long-term loan to minimize interest charges and prevent a substantial withdrawal from his credit line, none of the existing financial-based planning models have considered long-term loans in

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