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الشؤون الاجتماعية والتنظيمية في تركيا: دراسة تخصصية في تشريعات مجلس الأمة التركي الكبير (1984 - 2009)

اِنطلقت فِكرة إعداد هذه الدِّراسة بعد الاِطِّلاع على محاضر مجلس الأُمَّة التركي الكبير، ومعرِفة التشريعات التي تناولت مفاصل الحياة الاِجتماعيَّة في تُـركيا، وبيَّنت هذه التشريعات التي نظَّمت مُستوى العلاقة بين المواطن والدولة، وأسهمت في وضع حلول مُـشكِلاتٍ اِجتماعيَّة عديدة منها؛ ما له صِلة بإجراءات الدولة في رفع المظلوميَّة عن المواطنين الأتراك والمقيمون فيها، مع تشخص بعض الظواهر الاِجتماعيَّة السِّـلبيَّة كالرشوة والفساد وعدم الإفصاح عن المِلْكِـيَّة، فضلاً عن ذلك؛ قوانين نظَّمت اِستحقاقات أعضاء البرلمان التركي، وخرجت الدِّراسة بعددٍ من الاِستنتاجات والمُـقترحات والتوصيات.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
البهائيون في بغداد (دراسة تاريخية)

The Baha'is are a group that belongs to the Baha'iya, the Baha'iya according to the encyclopedia of Religion Sciences is a modern religious sect appeared in existence in the middle of the ninetieth century. The number of their believers is around six million people of different parts of the world. its main center lies in Haifa city in Palestine

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
البهائيون في بغداد (دراسة تاريخية)

The Baha'is are a group that belongs to the Baha'iya, the Baha'iya according to the encyclopedia of Religion Sciences is a modern religious sect appeared in existence in the middle of the ninetieth century. The number of their believers is around six million people of different parts of the world. its main center lies in Haifa city in Palestine.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Education in the Koran: (Objective study)

The name of God the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophets and messengers Prophet Muhammad and his family
And his companions who followed his approach to the Day of Judgment. After that, Islam has paid great attention to the aspects of education
The promise of a way to degrade and correct behavior, and to reach the individual to the highest levels through his intellectual upbringing
Mentally, mentally, mentally and intellectually, education at all times and places is the best way to communicate to a human being
The degree of happiness in religion and the other, as it develops all aspects of his personality, and supports the love of goodness for himself
For people, edu

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 13 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
سيا Contextual study of faces and isotopes

This is a contextual study in face and isotope science, and I have made it in one of the terms faces and isotopes, which is the word (bad). Quranic also, and that is at every aspect they mentioned.
The nature of the research required that it be divided into three sections:
The first topic: I singled it out to show the types of contextual connotations.
- The second topic: I singled it out to define the word bad and its meaning.
- The third topic: I devoted it to the study of the word bad and explaining the significance of the Quranic context on the additional meaning and the original meaning.
Conclusion: It mentioned the most important results, which are:
1- The significance of the Quranic context is one of the most impo

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مظاهر من الحياة الاجتماعية للمجتمع الإسلامي من خلال كتاب العقد الفريد لابن عبد ربه الأندلسي(ت:328ه/939م)

   this research has discussed some social phenomena in lslamic society through the book of the unique contract of lbn abed rabbi al-andalusi. ln the beginning , he gave an account of his life.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The most important and important rule in the Quranic perspective "An applied study"


    All of us are indispensable for this rule (the most important and important) individuals, whether we were groups of leaders or followers of peoples or countries because the rule provides adequate guarantees for the correct positions and drawing the plan for successful decision-makers matching with the balances of Sharia without incompatibility between religious or worldly interests or legal positions and therefore in the framework of the most important appointment And distinguish it from the important from the interests or the appointment of the most important and distinguish from the important from the evils and through this rule we learn about the scientific and practical solutions t

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Building Electoral Posters An Analytical Study of the Electoral Campaign's Posters of the Iraqi Representative Council in 2014

The electoral poster is the most important means and methods of the electoral campaign because of its advantages and capabilities if it is organized properly. It is an intensive propaganda message with psychological figures and semiotic connotations belonging to sub-culture. Its construction depends on a group of elements (logo, photo symbols, color and picture) and their consistency is varying from one to another. Posters must be committed the determinants of attraction, excitement, simplicity and clarity. They are working according to the following base: (fixed audience X moved recipients) and walking towards (moving X moving) due to the technical development of optical screens. These developments require double the force of the impact

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The role of the media in promoting tolerant religious values: intellectual study

Research summary

Informing means informing and informing, which is conveying information to someone and confirming his narration with it. Accordingly, information is its main content..and it has multiple means, including visual, audio and read, and it has become the dominant role in the process of socialization, and much of what we hear, read, or watch in the media is not devoid of a goal, and expresses that scientifically as “charged with values” ( Value Loaded)..Values that are: the set of beliefs that the individual holds towards things, meanings, and various aspects of activity, which direct his desires and attitudes towards them, and determine for him acceptable and unacceptable behavior, right and wrong, and all of this

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women

Bumpiness in the atmosphere is the vertical movement of air, whether
upward or downward movement and the bumpiness is accompanied by areas
of unrest in the air and wind. And contribute to each of the coups thermal
fronts, wind, wind and thunderstorms. Moreover, bumpiness is net of the
reasons that lead to circumstances is appropriate to cut the wind, and this
contributes to the formation of bumpiness in the atmosphere. The study found
that the noon of the times, which is expected to occur where clear-air
bumpiness during flights because of the warmth of the earth's surface. The
study found increased incidence of air hole during the summer, especially
July, due to increased incidence of coup surface, while the s

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
Study in contemporary folk jewelry designs in Iraq

I came back and made my jewelery from the first research or studies known to man, and the oldest era and confirmed the problem of searching for the links of sweets and admiration of the magnificence of the effectiveness of the search for the importance of preserving the heritage of the Iraqi civilization in its original creative aspects. Metal in Iraq, Head Costume, Neck Costume, Party Costume (Hands and Legs). The main results of the research were;

1-Contemporary folk jewelry in Iraq was characterized by design units for use.

Dependence in the feed industry in the form of laboratory mold.

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