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سيا Contextual study of faces and isotopes
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This is a contextual study in face and isotope science, and I have made it in one of the terms faces and isotopes, which is the word (bad). Quranic also, and that is at every aspect they mentioned.
The nature of the research required that it be divided into three sections:
The first topic: I singled it out to show the types of contextual connotations.
- The second topic: I singled it out to define the word bad and its meaning.
- The third topic: I devoted it to the study of the word bad and explaining the significance of the Quranic context on the additional meaning and the original meaning.
Conclusion: It mentioned the most important results, which are:
1- The significance of the Quranic context is one of the most important ways of interpreting the Qur’an, as it stems from the Qur’an itself.
2- The term “bad” is a comprehensive and comprehensive word for many meanings that have an impact on the human psyche.
3 - The fact that the words in the faces are intended according to the meanings that they bear in the origin of the term.
4- Additional meanings change according to context and clues.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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The art of sculpting human faces (Portrait)
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It has mixed views on the concept or the role (Portrait) carving human faces across historical periods. The counting and historical document recording profiles for individual, promised impression represents promised impression represents the importance and greatness of personal without attention logs features and individual features, and in all cases the (portrait) was working for celebrated personality, glorifying and out of respect for his role heroic or reputation or social status.
But if we intend carving human faces one varieties of art in sculpture became necessary for us to proceed from the statement which affirms "The requirement of art to be liberated from their recovery forms as they are in the outside world" and here we beg

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 14 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الوجوه والنظائر في كتاب (غريب القرآن) للسجستاني دراسة دلالية
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الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين أبي القاسم محمد    (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) وعلى آله الأطهار الميامين ، وصحبه الأبرار المنتجبين إلى يوم الدين 0

وبعد : فإن أجلّ ما بأيدي أبناء هذه الأمة القرآن كتاب ربّها ، الناطق بمصالح دينها ودنياها ، الذي جعله الله تعالى هدىً ورحمةً للعالمين ، وأنزله على خير خلقه من عباده محمّد الصادق الأمين ، وحث المسلمين على أتباعه ، وأمرهم على ل

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Structural and contextual dimensions For the connection of static T feminization An analytical study
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After looking at the books of the first two grammarians, may God have mercy on them and reward them for what they have provided us with the rules of service to the Book of God and service to Arabic, we must highlight some of the things that the grammarians wanted to clarify, which did not come out of what they proved, but we are working on the statement of the issuance of the passport Provisions from the syntactic industry, and whether it is intended to prove a rule is not very added to the statement of speech, and we know that language, any language was the function of understanding; therefore they said: (speech is a useful word that indicates the benefit improves silence on them), and this concept between Grammatical controls and conte

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Nuclear Structure of Some Cobalt Isotopes
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The nuclear structure of some cobalt (Co) isotopes with mass number A=56-60 has been studied depending on the effect of some physical properties such as the electromagnetic properties effects, such as, elastic longitudinal form factors, electric quadrupole moments, and magnetic dipole moments. The fp model space is used to present calculations using GXFP1 interaction by adopting the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator. For all isotopes under consideration, the 40Ca nucleus is regarded as an inert core in fp model-space, while valence nucleons are moving through 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. The effects of core-polarization are obtained by the first orde

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Qur'anic contextual integration of the end of heaven: (a study in scientific interpretation)
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

This is a study dedicated to explaining the conditions of the end of heaven, stage by stage; And to draw the final picture of it, through the facts of the Qur’an, and to make the contextual integration of the verses of the end of heaven, and their arrangement in an intentional arrangement, a path that guides us to knowing the integrated picture of it on the Day of Resurrection, according to scientific interpretation.

The importance and usefulness of the research lies in:

Extracting the order of the stages of the end of heaven, from its first state to its last, which came in separate verses of the Qur’an, each one of which was placed in a surah that was consistent w

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Nuclear Structure of Some Even-Even Ca Isotopes Using the Microscopic Theory
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The root-mean square-radius of proton, neutron, matter and charge radii, energy level, inelastic longitudinal form factors, reduced transition probability from the ground state to first-excited 2+ state of even-even isotopes, quadrupole moments, quadrupole deformation parameter, and the occupation numbers for some calcium isotopes for A=42,44,46,48,50 are computed using fp-model space and FPBM interaction. 40Ca nucleus is regarded as the inert core for all isotopes under this model space with valence nucleons are moving throughout the fp-shell model space involving 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. Model space is used to present calculations using FPBM intera

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Contextual Indication of admonition in the Holy Quran
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Context has occupied a distinguished place as far as the understanding of the texts and deducting the rules from them or analyzing them. The context was considered as one of the important presumptions as far arriving at the desired meanings is concerned. The word is worthless and the meaning is not known unless we know the context in which it came. The context in its two types the lingual and non-lingual types. It is the best for knowing the intended meaning of the Quranic verses to know the real meaning.  

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Quadrupole Moment and Form Factors of Some Ca Isotopes: Quadrupole Moment
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Nuclear shell model is adopted to calculate the electric quadrupole moments for some Calcium isotopes 20Ca (N = 21, 23, 25, and 27) in the fp shell. The wave function is generated using a two body effective interaction fpd6 and fp space model. The one body density matrix elements (OBDM) are calculated for these isotopes using the NuShellX@MSU code. The effect of the core-polarizations was taken through the theory microscopic by taking the set of the effective charges. The results for the quadrupole moments by using Bohr-Mottelson (B-M) effective charges are the best. The behavior of the form factors of some Calcium isotopes was studied by using Bohr-Mottelson (B-M) effective charges.

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Scopus (9)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Structural and contextual dimensions of the coming   Intervals Between that diluted and her experience
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In the name of of Allah the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers. The envoy is a mercy to the worlds Muhammad Sadiq Al - Amin, and to the pure and good companions of the Tayyibites.
The formula of the morphological formulas, which have diverged from other meanings, whether lexicon or contextual and what this formula contains many meanings (effective source) and (effective in the sense of effective) and (effective sense reactor) and (effective sense) and ( (F) in the sense of a similar character) and ((the name of the) (collect). This was dealt with in the formula in Surat al-Nisaa a gramophone study. As mentioned in the study of the morphological subj

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-mansoor College
An Improvement to Face Detection Algorithm for Non-Frontal Faces
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