اِنطلقت فِكرة إعداد هذه الدِّراسة بعد الاِطِّلاع على محاضر مجلس الأُمَّة التركي الكبير، ومعرِفة التشريعات التي تناولت مفاصل الحياة الاِجتماعيَّة في تُـركيا، وبيَّنت هذه التشريعات التي نظَّمت مُستوى العلاقة بين المواطن والدولة، وأسهمت في وضع حلول مُـشكِلاتٍ اِجتماعيَّة عديدة منها؛ ما له صِلة بإجراءات الدولة في رفع المظلوميَّة عن المواطنين الأتراك والمقيمون فيها، مع تشخص بعض الظواهر الاِجتماعيَّة السِّـلبيَّة كالرشوة والفساد وعدم الإفصاح عن المِلْكِـيَّة، فضلاً عن ذلك؛ قوانين نظَّمت اِستحقاقات أعضاء البرلمان التركي، وخرجت الدِّراسة بعددٍ من الاِستنتاجات والمُـقترحات والتوصيات.
Tafsir, ‘interpretation’ is one of the most important sciences the Muslims need. Because Allah, Almighty, revealed the Qur’an to be a way of life for the Muslims in which the healing of what is in the chest, including their goodness and their peasant. Allah says:
“O people, an admonition has indeed come to you from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts; and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.”
In order to achieve the goal for which God revealed the Quran must be understood and managed verses:” This is a Book that We have revealed to you abounding in good, that they may ponder over its verses, and that those who have understanding may be mindful.”
The Prophet (PBUH) and his companions understood t
The study of the Baghdad personalities is an important issue because the owners of these personalities usually belong to the elite, which play a distinct role in the development of any society in all political, economic, social and cultural fields. These include the study of the personal personality of Father Anastas Marie Carmeli to highlight many aspects of personality And his clear fingerprints on the movement of society in the field of culture and thought
That Karamli's efforts in the field of language, literature and history made him one of the most prominent pioneers of Renaissance late in the history of modern Iraq
The study of the Baghdad personalities is an important issue because the owners of these personalities usually belong to the elite, which play a distinct role in the development of any society in all political, economic, social and cultural fields. These include the study of the personal personality of Father Anastas Marie Carmeli to highlight many aspects of personality And his clear fingerprints on the movement of society in the field of culture and thought
That Karamli's efforts in the field of language, literature and history made him one of the most prominent pioneers of Renaissance late in the history of modern Iraq
لقد حمَّلت مفردة الإرهاب بكمٍ هائلٍ من المفاهيم والدلالات المُتباينة والمُتناقضة . لذا حاول البحث التأكيد على أهمية وضع تعريفٍ مُحدد لظاهرة الارهاب،ومن ثم توضيح ماهي الاسباب الحقيقية وراء تنامي الارهاب في العراق بعد 2003 ،وما هي المتغيرات الاجتماعية والسياسية التي اسهمت في تصاعد وتيرة العمليات الارهابية في العراق،لاسيما وإن المجتمع العراقي مجتمع متعدد الشرائح الاجتماعية،وبشكلٍ قد يُمَّ
... Show MoreThe media plays an important role in a number of functions performed by them. Press is one of those media which had and still have a clear role in addressing the various issues, topics, and events. Journalism is no longer as expressed by owners of the liberal theory – it seeks to raise the instincts – but it began to excite the minds of readers to meet their needs. At the same time, it does not neglect the search for the truth and work to deliver it to readers. Some have identified a set of tasks carried out by the press including the interest in public affairs, the needs of the community, work to provide happiness, what is beneficial and useful and combat the negative phenomenon and to address the deviations facing society. The comi
... Show MoreAbstract:
Al-Hamraa palace considers one of the most important urban traces
that the Arab left behind in Andalus .Muhammed bin Al—Ahmer put its fist
stones then it was finished later by his thrown hirer .The poems of (ibn-
Zumrek)were graved on the palaces doors ,halls, and lion cages with all the
proud and dignity those poems contain.
This search identifies this palace first, then studies the contents of the
poems on Walls ,then the Urban features, and description of the palace sites
,buildings materials ,pillars ,decorations, and the geometrical
Vocabularies in the poems such as spaces , direction ,distance ,and
Then the search describes the technical engineering of words
coordination, the
يهدف هذا البحث الى تحديد اثر الاختلاف في ادراكات العاملين للعدالة التنظيمية في المنظمات قيد البحث. وقد تم اعتماد الادراك كمتغير تفسيري، اما العدالة التنظيمية فمثلت المتغير الاستجابي بانواعها الثلاث (العدالة التوزيعية، العدالة الاجرائية، والعدالة التفاعلية)، ولتحقيق اهداف البحث فقد تم اختيار دائرة صحة بغداد/ الكرخ مجتمع للدراسة. وجرى تصميم استبانة ووفق مقياس خماسيي الدراجات وجرى تحليل البيانات باستخ
... Show Moreليست الادارة المحلية أو نظام الحكم المحلي ابتكاراُ حديثاً للانسان، بل أنه لازم البشرية منذ أقدم العصور وحتى الآن، إذ الملاجظ أن القرى الصغيرة نشأت قبل أن تنشئ الدولة أو قيل أن يتبلور مفهوم الدولة في الوقت الحاضر وكانت القرى والمدن تجتمع بين حين وأخر- اجتماع أفرادها- لادارة شؤونهم وحل مشاكلهم، وكان هذا خير دليل لتطبيق مفهوم الديمقراطية المباشرة بين أفراد المجتمع الواحد، ولذلك فإن الحك
... Show MoreSome research reports that cognitive grammar (CG) theory has good contributions to teaching English as a foreign language. In this research, the researchers seek to apply this theory and its principles when teaching the simple present tense to Iraqi students who face difficulties in differentiating between the multiple usages of this tense. To achieve this objective, the researchers have conducted an experimental study on a group of 60 Iraqi students in the University of Baghdad, College of Education for Women. Langacker’s (2003) theory has been adopted in the analysis of the cognitive relations to understand the common and different connections of these usages of the simple present. The study has concluded that the cognitive grammar t
... Show MoreThe purpose of this study is discuss the effect of Corporate Governance in the Tax Planning, has been made in a sample of Iraqi Industrial contribution Companies listed in Iraqi Stock Exchange Market (ISE) , for the period from 2008 to 2012.The study used the" Experimental Research Approach" . Also used the (Modified Jones Model, 1995) in order to measure the corporate governance, to measure the extent of the practice of corporate governance in the samples companies. While it use to measure tax planning, the model that used by studies and researches of tax that adopted in discussions of tax reform, by analyzing the financial statements of companies to reach a measurement for the two variables of the study. T
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