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Investigating Geomechanical Considerations on Suitable Layer Selection for Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells Placement in Tight Reservoirs
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The instant global trend towards developing tight reservoir is great; however, development can be very challenging due to stress and geomechanical properties effect in horizontal well placement and hydraulic fracturing design. Many parameters are known to be important to determine the suitable layer for locating horizontal well such as petrophysical and geomechanical properties. In the present study, permeability sensitivity to stress is also considered in the best layer selection for well placement. The permeability sensitivity to the stress of the layers was investigated using measurements of 27 core sample at different confining stress values. 1-D mechanical earth model (MEM) was built and converted to a 3-D full-field geomechanical model to reach perfect layer choice. The analysis of results has diagnosed the maximum horizontal stress direction of NE-SW as determined using both Fullbore Formation Micro Imager FMI and sonic scanner anisotropy analysis. The effect of porosity and permeability compaction as a result of stress changes while reservoir depletion is including on the reservoir simulation model. The choice of best layer and optimum design criteria for hydraulic fracturing is done in the current study using a compaction simulation model with the results of available measurements of geomechanical properties. The results of the simulation model show that the formation sensitivity to stress is an important factor for detecting a suitable layer for horizontal wells placement. The results of MEM indicate that horizontal stress difference (Δσ) and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) are the most important factors among geomechanical parameters affected the layer selection. From simulation results, it was found that 225 to 275 m fracture half-length gives a higher increment in oil production. The optimum number of fracture stages is noticed to be 8 to 10 stages after which the increment in production will reduce.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Investigating the Critical Success Factors for Water Supply Projects: Case of Iraq
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Abstract<p>Water supply projects (WSP) requires high plan information, specialized capabilities, capable human resources, and high administrative capacity. However, in the developing countries, particularly in Iraq, these projects experience a lack of a large number of these necessities, which shows the need to identify the critical success factors (CSFs). Accordingly, the objectives of this research are to investigate the CSFs for WSP and their significance among the construction (public and private) and education sectors. To achieve this, first we have carried out a comprehensive literature review of the CSFs for WSP. Second, we administrated a questionnaire survey to 260 construction experts </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Selecting Optimum Dimensions for a Three-Phase Horizontal Smart Separator for Khor Mor Gas-Condensate Processing Plant
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      The Khor Mor gas-condensate processing plant in Iraq is currently facing operational challenges due to foaming issues in the sweetening tower caused by high-soluble hydrocarbon liquids entering the tower. The root cause of the problem could be liquid carry-over as the separation vessels within the plant fail to remove liquid droplets from the gas phase. This study employs Aspen HYSYS v.11 software to investigate the performance of the industrial three-phase horizontal separator, Bravo #2, located upstream of the Khor Mor sweetening tower, under both current and future operational conditions. The simulation results, regarding the size distribution of liquid droplets in the gas product and the efficiency gas/liquid separation, r

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Determination of best possible correlation for gas compressibility factor to accurately predict the initial gas reserves in gas-hydrocarbon reservoirs
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Gas compressibility factor or z-factor plays an important role in many engineering applications related to oil and gas exploration and production, such as gas production, gas metering, pipeline design, estimation of gas initially in place (GIIP), and ultimate recovery (UR) of gas from a reservoir. There are many z-factor correlations which are either derived from Equation of State or empirically based on certain observation through regression analysis. However, the results of the z-factor obtained from different correlations have high level of variance for the same gas sample under the same pressure and temperature. It is quite challenging to determine the most accurate correlation which provides accurate estimate for a range of pressures,

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Dissolving Precipitated Asphaltenes Inside Oil Reservoirs Using Local Solvents
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There are several oil reservoirs that had severe from a sudden or gradual decline in their production due to asphaltene precipitation inside these reservoirs. Asphaltene deposition inside oil reservoirs causes damage for permeability and skin factor, wettability alteration of a reservoir, greater drawdown pressure. These adverse changing lead to flow rate reduction, so the economic profit will drop. The aim of this study is using local solvents: reformate, heavy-naphtha and binary of them for dissolving precipitated asphaltene inside the oil reservoir. Three samples of the sand pack had been prepared and mixed with a certain amount of asphaltene. Permeability of these samples calculated before and after mixed with asphaltenes. Then, the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bacterial contamination of AL-Habania and AL-Tharthar reservoirs
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Bacterial contamination of AL-Habania and AL-Tharthar reservoirs were studied during the period from February 2001 to January 2002, samples were collected from four stations in AL-Habania reservoir (AL-Warrar, AL-Theban regulator, middle of the reservoir and the fourth was towards AL-Razzaza reservoir) and from two stations at AL-Tharthar reservoir (Ein AL-Hilwa and the middle of the reservoir). Coliform bacteria, faecal Coliforms, Streptococci, faecal Streptococci and total count of bacteria were used as parameters of bacterial contamination in waters of both reservoirs through calculating the most probable number. Highest count of Coliform bacteria (15000 cell/100ml) was recorded at Ein AL-Hilwa and lowest count at AL-Theban regulator

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
ON-Line MRI Image Selection and Tumor Classification using Artificial Neural Network
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When soft tissue planning is important, usually, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique of selection. In this work, we show a modern method for automated diagnosis depending on a magnetic resonance images classification of the MRI. The presented technique has two main stages; features extraction and classification. We obtained the features corresponding to MRI images implementing Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), inverse and forward, and textural properties, like rotation invariant texture features based on Gabor filtering, and evaluate the meaning of every

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Material Selection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Wings Using Ashby Indices Integrated with Grey Relation Analysis Approach Based on Weighted Entropy for Ranking
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The designer must find the optimum match between the object's technical and economic needs and the performance and production requirements of the various material options when choosing material for an engineering application. This study proposes an integrated (hybrid) strategy for selecting the optimal material for an engineering design depending on design requirements. The primary objective is to determine the best candidate material for the drone wings based on Ashby's performance indices and then rank the result using a grey relational technique with the entropy weight method. Aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, composites, and wood have been suggested as suitable materials for manufacturing drone wings. The requirement

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications (ijnaa)
Applying a suitable approximate-simulation technique of an epidemic model with random parameters
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Because the Coronavirus epidemic spread in Iraq, the COVID-19 epidemic of people quarantined due to infection is our application in this work. The numerical simulation methods used in this research are more suitable than other analytical and numerical methods because they solve random systems. Since the Covid-19 epidemic system has random variables coefficients, these methods are used. Suitable numerical simulation methods have been applied to solve the COVID-19 epidemic model in Iraq. The analytical results of the Variation iteration method (VIM) are executed to compare the results. One numerical method which is the Finite difference method (FD) has been used to solve the Coronavirus model and for comparison purposes. The numerical simulat

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Investigating the Effects of Carbon Dioxide Laser Fluence on Oral Soft Tissue
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This study investigates the surgical and thermal effects on oral soft tissues produced by CO2 laser emitting at 10.6 micrometers with three different fluences 490.79, 1226.99 and 1840.4 J/cm2. These effects are specifically; incision depth, incision width and the tissue damage width and depth. The results showed that increasing the fluence and /or the number of beam passes increase the average depths of ablation. Moreover, increasing the fluence and the number of beam passes increase the adjacent tissue damage in width and depth. Surgeons using CO2 laser should avoid multiple pulses of the laser beam over the same area, to avoid unintentional tissue damage.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 27 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Investigation
Investigating the Effect of Mixed Hydrotropy Approach on Solubility Enhancement of Felodipine
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